Measuring Forecast Accuracy in a Pharmacy


Demand forecast of a retail pharmacy with high stock level and customer orders like most retail outlets such supermarkets and restaurant with comprehensive historical data can be determined using other statistical forecasting method(s) rather than relying on the use of naïve forecasting or qualitative forecasting methods owing to lack of proper sales records and the understanding of the importance of scientific forecasting methods. It also evaluated the performance of the forecasting methods (moving average method, exponential smoothing and least square method) in terms of accuracy of sales forecasts using MAD, MSE and MAPE. The findings reveal that using Exponential Smoothing Method generates lowest forecast error, hence more accurate forecasts than other methods. However, the results may not necessarily be the same if a higher or lower smoothing constant (α) is assumed. Also, the usefulness of the statistical forecasting techniques depends on the availability and quality of the historical data which is a function of number and competency of workers, relevant equipment, inventory system (automated) and leadership commitment. It is pertinent to know that there is no method which could be considered as the best one among the others, although Exponential Smoothing Method is the best method that forecasts our data with the least error.

Although, this study is not without some limitations; first, the study used the most common forecasting methods ignoring the complex and sophistication methods. Second, the smoothing constant (α) of 30% (.30) may not be applicable in all retail pharmacy stores especially with different size or operate in another location. Different companies or industries may require another method(s) of forecasting. Also, data were obtained from pharmacy on the assumption that the sale figures were properly records. These limitations notwithstanding have no effect on the reliability and validity of the demand forecast and its accuracy. Therefore, it is recommended that retain pharmacy should maintain sound sales and inventory records; it becomes easier if the system can be computerized but it could be expensive to operate. Also, the operators should determine demand forecast by scientific (quantitative) forecasting techniques that use hard data instead of qualitative forecasting techniques that rely on soft information such as personal experience, intuition, values and opinions.