Time-Series Modeling and Decomposition


Models for Trading-Day Variations

A frequently applied deterministic model for trading-day variations was developed by Young,

y_{t}=D_{t}+u_{t}, t=1,, \ldots, n,                                                       (22.a)

D_{t}=\sum_{j=1}^{7} \alpha_{j} N_{j t}                                                                        (22.b)

where u_{t} \sim W N\left(0, \sigma_{u}^{2}\right), \Sigma_{j=1}^{7} \alpha_{j}=0, \alpha_{j}, j=1, \ldots, 7 denote the effects of the seven days of the week, Monday to Sunday, and N_{j t} is the number of times day j is present in month t. Hence, the length of the month is N_{t}=\sum_{j=1}^{7} N_{j t}, and the cumulative monthly effect is given by (22.b). Adding and subtracting \bar{\alpha}=\left(\sum_{j=1}^{7} \alpha_{j}\right) / 7 to Eq. (22.b) yields

D_{t}=\bar{\alpha} N_{t}+\sum_{j=1}^{7}\left(\alpha_{j}-\bar{\alpha}\right) N_{j t}.                                               (23)

Hence, the cumulative effect is given by the length of the month plus the net effect due to the days of the week. Since \Sigma_{j=1}^{7}\left(\alpha_{j}-\bar{\alpha}\right)=0, model (23) takes into account the effect of the days present five times in the month. Model (23) can then be written as

D_{t}=\bar{\alpha} N_{t}+\Sigma_{j=1}^{6}\left(\alpha_{j}-\bar{\alpha}\right)\left(N_{j t}-N_{7 t}\right),                                 (24)

with the effect of Sunday being \alpha_{7}=-\sum_{j=1}^{6} \alpha_{j}.

Deterministic models for trading-day variations assume that the daily activity coefficients are constant over the whole range of the series. Stochastic model for trading-day variations have been rarely proposed. Dagum et al. developed a model where the daily coefficients change over time according to a stochastic difference equation.