Total Quality Management (TQM) for Sustainable Customer Loyalty


Gap in Literature

Studies such as Seth et al. and have carried out research on service quality and management in developed countries, however, there are limited studies that focus on manufacturing especially in Nigeria's context. Studies in Nigeria such as Munizu and Fapohunda focus on TQM and or Customer Satisfaction but there are few studies on TQM and Customer Loyalty. Conceptual models have ignored customer loyalty which is the final purpose why firms engage in the relationship with their customers. Most of the models focus on customer satisfaction which is one of the most important factors that contribute to the formation of customer loyalty.

Managerial Implications

1. Managers should ensure they define quality policy and develop specific measurable goals to meet customers' expectations and to improve organisational performance.

2. Managers should invest in resources particularly in time, in order to implement TQM process. The implementation of TQM process would lead to the production of quality products thereby leading to customer satisfaction and loyalty.