Complexity Assessment of Assembly Supply Chains from the Sustainability Viewpoint

Testing and Comparison of ASC Complexity Indicators

Testing of C#2

C#2 is proposing the following statement:
If j is constant and i is increasing (i = k), then the structural complexity of ASC(i−1,j,k) ˂ ASC(i,j,k).

Let us test ASC1(3,4,3) and ASC2(4,4,4), shown in Figure 4. While in Figure 4a, ASC1 consists of three machines and operations (i = k = 3), and the number of parts equals four (j = 4), in Figure 4b, ASC2 contains four machines and operations (i = k = 4), and the number of parts equals four (j = 4).

Applying Equation (4), according to complexity indicator Ivd, we obtained the following results for Ivd1 and Ivd2:

Ivd1 = 3 × log23 + 3 × log23 + 2 × log22 = 11.51 bits
Ivd2 = 3 × log23 + 3 × log23 + 3 × log23 + 3 × log23 = 19.02 bits

Applying Equation (5), according to complexity indicator PCI, we obtained the following results for PCI1 and PCI2:

PCI1 = −(0.5 × log20.5 + 0.5 × log20.5 + 0.5 × log20.5 + 0.5 × log20.5) = 4 bits
PCI2 = −(0.5 × log20.5 + 0.5 × log20.5 + 0.25 × log20.25 + 0.25 × log20.25 + 0.5 × log20.5 + 0.25 × log20.25 + 0.25 × log20.25 + 0.5 × log20.5 + 0.5 × log20.5 + 0.5 × log20.5) = 5 bits

Applying Equation (9), according to complexity indicator SDC, we obtained the following results for SDC1 and SDC2:

SDC1 = 4 × ln4 + 2 × ln2 + 2 × ln2 = 8.32 nats
SDC2 = 4 × ln4 + 2 × ln2 + 2 × ln2 + 2 × ln2 = 9.7 nats

Applying Equation (10), according to complexity indicator MFC, we obtained the following results for MFC1 and MFC2:

MFC1 = 0 × 3 + 1 × 7 + 1 × 6 = 13
MFC2 = 0 × 3 + 1 × 8 + 1 × 9 = 17

According to these complexity indicators, it was proved that ASC1(3,4,3) < ASC2(4,4,4), then ASC(i−1,j,k) ˂ ASC(i,j,k).