Time-Cost-Quality Tradeoff Modeling based on Resource Allocation

Formulating PTCQTP Model

Calculating Overall Cost

The overall cost of a construction project is added up with each construction activity's cost and its administration cost \mathrm{AC}_{(i)}. Thereby the overall cost \mathrm{C} is calculated as follows:

C=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}\left(\mathrm{LC}_{(i)}+\mathrm{MC}_{(i)}+\mathrm{EC}_{(i)}+\mathrm{AC}_{(i)}\right),                (12)

where C= the overall cost of a construction project; \mathrm{LC}_{(i)}, \mathrm{MC}_{(i)}, \mathrm{EC}_{(i)}, \mathrm{AC}_{(i)}= the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and administration in construction activity (i) respectfully; n= number of all construction activities.