Identifying and Assessing the Risks in the Supply Chain

9. Conclusion

Ranking risks in cases such as supply chains are faced uncertainty and the risks of exposure, including the necessary measures to manage and respond to risks. This requires the identification of risk-inducing factors and in this research in has been considered terms of designing a model of comprehensive supply chain risk failure in three levels (3 sets total, 7 and 34 sub-categories, and 300 subcategories).this model have been used to examine the steel supply chain in Esfahan Steel Complex and using new techniques based on group decision to gather Opinions of the experts and their input has been used to mean the assembly. In order to define the parameters of risk assessment first, the scope of the risk on the investment objectives of time, cost, quality, and range of activities in different parts chain with different weights (Primary risk index calculation) have been developed. In order to more accurately assess and rank risks, secondary indicators (complementary) effects of socio-economic and environmental impacts, proximity of risk, exposure to risk, the confidence estimation, risk reduction, risk detection, and management the amount of the risk is considered. Finally ranking was done by linear assignment. Methods and approaches presented in this paper give the credible results than traditional methods. Some of the reasons for this goal include:

  1. in the Classical methods, a limited number of indicators (2 or 3 indicators) was used, and other important criteria have been overlooked. The results obtained from classical realistic and are not valid.
  2. In classical methods, there is the possibility of systematic error.
  3. According to the properties of linear assignment method of multiple criteria (such as the possibility of taking along a number of criteria, considering the different weights to the indicators, the exchange between indices, flexibility, and optimization of results), risks assessment is done better and are ranked in realistic mode.