Asymmetric Key Algorithms

In most Certificate Authority systems, there are different levels of certificates, and each level requires different forms of identification. Certificates with higher class levels generally require more information when requested including the information that was requested for the previous level.

The information requested by a Registration Authority is shown below.

Class Certification Information Requirements

Level of Certification Requirements/Forms of Identification Purpose
Class 1
  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Physical Address
  • Email
Class 2
  • Class 1 requirements
  • Driver License
  • Passport
  • Company information
  • Used when proof of identity required
Class 3
  • Class 2 requirements
  • Face to face meeting in RA office
  • Used for servers that assign software and independent identity verification
Class 4
  • Class 3 requirements
  • Requires company specific information that will be determined by the transaction
  • Online Business between companies
Class 5
  • Class 4 requirements
  • Requirements determined by requesting agency
  • Private organizations or governmental security