Engaging Stakeholders Early

2. Early Stakeholder Involvement and the Project Definition Process in Relational Contracting

2.2.5. Evaluation and Selection of Suppliers and Designers

In traditional project delivery methods, the proponent selection process is usually based on the written submissions only. In RPDM projects, the evaluation of the tender is just the first step. Once the submissions have been received and evaluated, the selection panel decides on a few proponents to invite to the next round, which is usually carried out by interviews or workshops. It is also possible for both to be arranged, with only the best proponents proceeding to the workshops.

The main purpose of the selection interviews is to offer the selection panel an opportunity to meet the proponents, and hence, the panel gets a better understanding about them. At the same time, the panel has a chance to assess the proponents against the criteria more accurately, and thus, the ambience of the interviews should encourage an open discussion. If the customer has also decided to have the workshops, the panel usually selects the two highest ranked proponents to attend them.

The basic idea behind the selection workshop is the same as with the interviews: to bring the customer and proponents together. However, the workshops are conducted on the assumption that the participants will eventually deliver the project and form an integrated project team. Basically, the project has already started during this workshop, and therefore, the workshop's main objective is, in effect, to identify the proponent team with the greatest potential.