Expressions and Arithmetic Operators

9. The Sign of the Result


99/100 = 0
It is tempting to think that the answer must be 1, but it is not. 100 goes into 99 zero times, so that is the result.

The Sign of the Result

The normal rules of arithmetic determine the sign of the result of division:

+num/+div == +result
-num/+div == -result
+num/-div == -result
-num/-div == +result

Here are some examples:

17/5 == 3
-17/5 == -3
17/-5 == -3
-17/ -5 == 3

Of course, you are eager to practice this right away! Mentally (or with scratch paper) decide on the value of each expression. Then click on the button to see the correct value.

12  3
-12  3
-10  5
10  -6
129  100
-19  -10
17  2
-19  2

Question 9:

What is the value of the expression 3/4 ?