Using to Call a Function


Note: This function is almost identical to apply(), except that the function arguments are passed to call() individually as a list, while for apply() they are combined in one object, typically an array - for example,, "eat", "bananas") vs. func.apply(this, ["eat", "bananas"]).

Normally, when calling a function, the value of this inside the function is the object that the function was accessed on. With call(), you can assign an arbitrary value as this when calling an existing function, without first attaching the function to the object as a property. This allows you to use methods of one object as generic utility functions.

Warning: Do not use call() to chain constructors (for example, to implement inheritance). This invokes the constructor function as a plain function, which means is undefined, and classes throw an error because they can't be called without new. Use Reflect.construct() or extends instead.