Activity: Rewriting Statements

Rewriting Statements Activity

Answer Key

Read the following statements which would require outside sources and research to support; rewrite them, so they could be supported by first-hand experience as personal writing.

  1. The Prius is a great car.
    Rewrite: My Prius is a great car

  2. There are many reasons to pursue the field of nursing.
    Rewrite: There are many reasons I am pursuing the field of nursing.

  3. Year-round school would be a really good idea.
    Rewrite: Year-round school would be a really good idea for my family.

  4. Television gets in the way of family togetherness.
    Rewrite: Television gets in the way of togetherness for my family.

  5. The bus system in my home town is terrible.
    Rewrite: My experiences using the bus system in my home town have been terrible.