Common Errors to Avoid When Writing a Topic Sentence

Common Errors to Avoid When Writing a Topic Sentence

  • Announcements
    • These kind of topic sentences tend to not raise a question. You can often identify this error by looking for words that refer to writing within the topic sentence – words such as: "essay," "paper," "about," and "writing" can be clues that you are making an announcement instead of writing a proper topic sentence.

      For example:
      I am going to write about my college experience.
      This essay will be on the topic of starting college.

  • Statements that are too broad
    • These kind of topic sentences are previewing something that is too big and broad to fit into a paragraph. It is always important to keep the length of an assignment in mind when choosing a topic and message.

      For example:
      Education has been important in my life.
      Many people enjoy college.

  • Statements that are too narrow
    • These kind of topic sentences are generally just a statement of fact – they do not raise a question and leave the paragraph author nowhere to go.

      For example:
      I just completed my first week of college.
      I am taking five courses this semester.

  •  Statements that contain more than one message or opinion
    • These kind of topic sentences are trying to say more than what can adequately be supported in a paragraph.

      For example:
      Starting college has been both exciting and stressful.
      I had really awesome experiences in my senior year math class, but there were some things I didn't like.

Source: Erin Severs
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