Activity: Writing Topic Sentences

Writing Topic Sentences Activity

For each of the following lists of three supporting main ideas for a hypothetical paragraph, please write an effective topic sentence. Be sure to keep in mind the "Four things you should know about topic sentences" that you read earlier.


Topic sentence: The service at the restaurant where my friend and I had dinner was terrible.

  • after being seated, we had to wait a half hour for a server
  • when we finally got our food, our orders were wrong
  • I had to get up and find someone to refill my water


  1. Topic sentence:
    • my history teacher always has a really positive attitude
    • my history teacher offers a lot of outside help and resources
    • my history teacher gives us second chances on the work we do for her class

  2. Topic sentence:
    • the plumbing in my apartment is constantly getting backed up
    • the apartment has some serious heating problems
    • the floors and walls in my apartment all kind of slope inward

  3. Topic sentence:
    • I had terrible tobacco cravings when I quit smoking
    • I was really moody and unpleasant to be around when I quit smoking
    • I had a lot of trouble focusing when I quit smoking

  4.  Topic sentence:
    • There are all kinds of great resources at the library
    • I can always find a quiet space to work at the library
    • There is a huge computer lab where I can access the internet and print assignments at the library

  5.  Topic sentence:
    • The local zoo has some really cool and unique animals
    • The zoo has some great rides and learning exhibits for children
    • The zoo has really helpful and knowledgeable employees

Source: Erin Severs
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