Activity: Completing a Paragraph

Completing a Paragraph Activity

Rewrite this paragraph filling in the blanks with support that shows how the three main ideas (problems with the apartment) are frustrating. Please make sure you use complete thoughts and sentences and that you include the sentences that are already written in your completed paragraph. Also, feel free to change the wording if your supporting ideas don’t quite fit with the language currently here. 

My apartment has a lot of problems. For one thing, the walls and floors I share with the other people who live in this building are incredibly thin. This is annoying because ________________________________.  Just the other day ___________________________.  A second major problem is the plumbing. For example,________________________________.  Also, ______________________. The worst problem is the heating. It always _____________.  In addition, ____________________. With all these issues, I hope to find a new apartment and move soon. 

If it helps, think of the main ideas as questions and what you will fill in the blank as answers.

What are two problems that this author might have with thin walls? 
What are two problems that this author might have with the plumbing?
What are two problems that this author might have with the heating?

As you are thinking about support to fill in the blanks, also be considering specific examples you might use (for example, maybe about how the neighbors are night owls who listen to loud music at all hours).

Source: Erin Severs
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