Activity: Identifying Subjects and Verbs

Identifying Subjects and Verbs Activity

Identify the subjects and verbs in the following sentences. Place a single underline under subjects and then highlight verbs. (For the examples below, I am also putting prepositions in italics and crossing out prepositional phrases).

I think it is easiest to start by finding verbs. Look for any of those verbs of being (is, was, were, are, am, be) and place a double underline under them. Then look for all the action verbs making sure you rule out any verbs that end in "ing" or have the word "to" in front of them, and place a double underline under them.  

After you have found your verbs, look for any prepositions (the words from the green box a few pages back) and cross off any nouns that are part of prepositional phrases. Lastly, look at each of your double underlined verbs and determine who or what noun is doing that verb. These actors or "doers" are going to be your subjects. Place a single underline under all subjects.


Yolanda searched for the fifty-dollar bill in her dresser.

The realistic yellow tulips on the gravestone are weather-resistant and will last for a very long time.

My family and I went on a nice walk through the park yesterday.


  1. After Keith came to work late for an entire week, management decided to fire him.
  2. Dr. Baqri, my veterinarian, went to Indiana University where she specialized in joint problems common to domestic dogs and cats.
  3. Right now, I have no idea what career field I want to pursue.
  4. Chen stayed in the library and completed the research for his history paper.
  5. Jennifer gave a presentation on the scientific properties of quartz and led a small group activity for her classmates.
  6. Sprouts grow really easily, and they make a healthy protein-packed snack.  
  7. Angela Davis was one of the most prominent leaders of the Black Panthers where she worked for civil rights, women’s rights, and prison reform.
  8. The procedure of drawing blood requires a number of specific steps.
  9. Many non-functioning satellites and pieces of debris orbit our planet.
  10. Green leafy vegetables contain vitamin A and are a good source of fiber.
  11. I grabbed the last carton of skim milk on the grocery shelf, but when I checked the date, it was not fresh.
  12. Members of our local volunteer fire department undergo regular training to keep their knowledge and skills up to date.
  13. Professor Rodriguez gives really interesting assignments in my psychology class where he has us work together in groups.
  14. My workplace held a really important meeting and expected all employees to attend.
  15. Alex jumped for joy when he got the lead role in the upcoming college play.

Source: Erin Severs
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