Activity: Find and Correct Fragments

Find the Fragments Sentence Activity

Answer Key

  1. The people at the sandwich shop save money by watering down the coffee and using the cheapest grade of deli meat. Few people go there anymore.
  2.  While we waited in line to get tickets to the concert, the police showed up to arrest someone near the front of the line. Apparently, there was a warrant, and the person was wanted for a bank robbery over a month ago!
  3. Mark had exciting plans for the summer. After a month of travel, he was going to work as a camp counselor with two of his best friends.
  4. Between taking care of her elderly mother, working thirty hours a week, and taking a full-time load of classes, Maria has a very intense schedule.
  5. Getting married is a huge step in anyone's life because it involves a whole series of changes. For example, finances can be a major issue. One partner may want to spend money all the time while the other wants to save.
  6.  I felt like a fool on our first date at a fancy restaurant for many reasons. The first was that I had a hard time pronouncing the names of some of the dishes such as "quinoa" and "banh mi".
  7. When the window shade snapped up with a loud bang, my cat, Buddy, jumped two feet into the air!
  8. Having been friends since they were five, Todd and Amir did everything together. Moving away to attend different colleges after graduation was going to take some getting used to for both of them.
  9. Running untouched into the end zone, the halfback raised his arms in triumph. Then he slammed the football to the ground and did a little victory dance.
  10. The candle on the table at the restaurant was starting to blacken and scorch the back of my menu. Trying to be casual, I quickly poured some water from my drink on the candle to put it out.