Activity: Writing Introductions

Writing Introductions Practice Activity

Answer Key

Essay #1

Main Ideas:

alone in the car with plenty of space

more relaxed pace

less expensive

Thesis Statement:
I prefer to drive long distances over other modes of transportation because I am alone in my car with plenty of space, I can take a more relaxed pace, and it is less expensive.

Introduction for #1:
*Answers will vary, but one approach might be to open on an opposite point talking about the features of other modes of travel

There are many different ways one might travel. Some people might like traveling by plane because it can cut travel time down by a lot. 500 miles on a plane might only be a two or maybe three-hour trip while any other mode of transportation would take ten to fifteen hours. Other people really like to travel by bus or train because it is relaxing and can result in some nice time for reading a book, watching a movie, or taking a nap. However, I prefer to drive long distances over these other modes of travel because I am alone in my car with plenty of space, I can take a more relaxed pace, and it is less expensive.  

Essay #2

Main Ideas:


mean and rude customers

unpleasant work conditions

Thesis Statement:
I really dislike working as a First Third Bank call center representative because the job is boring, the customers are mean and rude, and the work conditions are unpleasant.

Introduction for #2:
 *Answers will vary, but one approach might be to open on an opposite point talking about the positive expectations of the job (leading into how the reality was not positive).

When I was first hired for the call center representative job at First Third Bank, I was excited.  I had been looking for a job for over a month and had not been having any luck. Alsop, before this job, I had always worked as a cashier or a teller or some kind of position that required me to be on my feet managing a cash drawer. I had been interested in desk and call-center work for a while because I wanted to give my feet and back a break. I also really felt like I hit it off with the manager who interviewed me and had a good feeling about the general work environment. However, I have ended up really disliking being a First Third Bank call center representative because the job is boring, the customers are mean and rude, and the work conditions are unpleasant.

Essay #3

Main Ideas:



getting lost

Thesis Statement:
My experience going to a haunted house with my friends last week was really scary because of my anticipation, the scary characters in the house, and because I got lost. 

Introduction for #3:
*Answers will vary, but one approach might be to open on an opposite point talking about how much I enjoyed Halloween activities in the past.

I have always loved Halloween. As a kid I would start planning out my costume months in advance and I won or was runner-up for "best costume" in the school almost every year. I also loved the fun activities we would do at school, the party my aunt threw every year with bobbing for apples, and of course trick or treating in the evening and getting a lot of candy. I even went to a haunted house that was for kids when I was 8 and it was a lot of fun with a witch who had green paint on her face and a mummy in a fake coffin filled with candy for the taking. However, my experience going to an adult haunted house with my friends last week was really scary because of my anticipation, the scary characters in the house, and because I got lost.