Activity: Five-Paragraph Essay Writing

Five-Paragraph Essay Writing Activity

Sample Answer

*Answers will vary. This example is looking at the first introduction about driving from the introduction practice activity

There are many different ways one might travel. Some people might like traveling by plane because it can cut travel time down by a lot. 500 miles on a plane might only be a two or maybe three-hour trip while any other mode of transportation would take ten to fifteen hours. Other people really like to travel by bus or train because it is relaxing and can result in some nice time for reading a book, watching a movie, or taking a nap. However, I prefer to drive long distances over these other modes of travel because I am alone in my car with plenty of space, I can take a more relaxed pace, and it is less expensive.

First of all, I prefer to drive because I am alone in my car with plenty of space, and I don't have to deal with the large number of people crammed into a plane, bus, or train. As a result, I have plenty of space to bring or take home as much as a I like. For example, I drove to visit my parents last year, and they sent me home with a cast-iron fireplace set that included a poker, a broom, a large tea kettle, and a log grabber that all together weighed about forty pounds. If I hadn't drive, I would not have been able to take home any of this. In addition, planes, buses, and trains are always incredibly crowded, and inevitably, I will end up with someone kicking my seat or stretched over into my space. Also, all the germs from so many people in a small space often results in me getting sick after air, bus, or train travel. The last time I traveled by train, I came home with the flu and ended up giving it to my whole family. This doesn't happen when I am alone in my car.

Second of all, driving can be at a much more relaxed pace. For one thing, I don't ever have to worry about missing a departure time and can leave when I want to in the morning. One time when I was going to take a plane, I got caught in traffic on the way to the airport for a 7am flight and ended up missing my flight, something that would never happen if I am driving. I also don't have to deal with wait times at stops or layovers when I drive. I had to wait for over twelve hours once when a bus ended up running late and I ended up missing the connection. This would have never happened had I been driving. Lastly, I can stop for the bathroom or a meal when I want to. Planes, trains, and buses all have bathrooms on them, but they are usually really gross, so when I use those forms of transportation, I will often try to hold it or just not drink much, so I won't have to use them. When I drive, I can stop wherever I like and while public restrooms aren't the cleanest places, at least they are not moving (something which makes plane, bus, and train bathrooms particularly icky). I also can stop to get whatever kind of food I like (and whenever I am hungry) as opposed to being limited to what is available on the plane or train or what I can fit in my limited baggage.

Most importantly, I prefer to drive long distances because it is less expensive. The trip to my parents is approximately five hundred miles: a plane ticket is around $300, a train ticket is around $180, and a bus ticket is around $110. However, if I drive, the cost is only around $70 in gas which is far more affordable for me. In addition, with more space, I can bring more food and drink which means less money I might spend on refreshments. Particularly because this is a trip I make at least twice a year and am on a limited budget, cost is a very important factor.

While there are different benefits that come with all forms of travel, driving is my preferred way of traveling long distances. Between being alone with plenty of space, taking a more relaxed pace, and saving me money, I feel it is a better form of transportation that makes getting where I am going much less stressful.