How Regression Is Applied in Contemporary Computing

Estimation methods

A large number of procedures have been developed for parameter estimation and inference in linear regression. These methods differ in computational simplicity of algorithms, presence of a closed-form solution, robustness with respect to heavy-tailed distributions, and theoretical assumptions needed to validate desirable statistical properties such as consistency and asymptotic efficiency.

Some of the more common estimation techniques for linear regression are summarized below.

Least-squares estimation and related techniques

Least-squares estimation and related techniques

Francis Galton's 1886 illustration of the correlation between the heights of adults and their parents. The observation that adult children's heights tended to deviate less from the mean height than their parents suggested the concept of "regression toward the mean", giving regression its name. The "locus of horizontal tangential points" passing through the leftmost and rightmost points on the ellipse (which is a level curve of the bivariate normal distribution estimated from the data) is the OLS estimate of the regression of parents' heights on children's heights, while the "locus of vertical tangential points" is the OLS estimate of the regression of children's heights on parent's heights. The major axis of the ellipse is the TLS estimate.

Assuming that the independent variable is  {\vec {x_{i}}}=\left[x_{1}^{i},x_{2}^{i},\ldots ,x_{m}^{i}\right] and the model's parameters are {\vec {\beta }}=\left[\beta _{0},\beta _{1},\ldots ,\beta _{m}\right], then the model's prediction would be

y_{i}\approx \beta _{0}+\sum _{j=1}^{m}\beta _{j}\times x_{j}^{i}.

If {\vec {x_{i}}} is extended to {\vec {x_{i}}}=\left[1,x_{1}^{i},x_{2}^{i},\ldots ,x_{m}^{i}\right] then y_{i} would become a dot product of the parameter and the independent variable, i.e.

y_{i}\approx \sum _{j=0}^{m}\beta _{j}\times x_{j}^{i}={\vec {\beta }}\cdot {\vec {x_{i}}}.

In the least-squares setting, the optimum parameter is defined as such that minimizes the sum of mean squared loss:

{\vec {\hat {\beta }}}={\underset {\vec {\beta }}{\mbox{arg min}}}\,L\left(D,{\vec {\beta }}\right)={\underset {\vec {\beta }}{\mbox{arg min}}}\sum _{i=1}^{n}\left({\vec {\beta }}\cdot {\vec {x_{i}}}-y_{i}\right)^{2}

Now putting the independent and dependent variables in matrices X and Y respectively, the loss function can be rewritten as:

{\begin{aligned}L\left(D,{\vec {\beta }}\right)&=\|X{\vec {\beta }}-Y\|^{2}\\&=\left(X{\vec {\beta }}-Y\right)^{\textsf {T}}\left(X{\vec {\beta }}-Y\right)\\&=Y^{\textsf {T}}Y-Y^{\textsf {T}}X{\vec {\beta }}-{\vec {\beta }}^{\textsf {T}}X^{\textsf {T}}Y+{\vec {\beta }}^{\textsf {T}}X^{\textsf {T}}X{\vec {\beta }}\end{aligned}}

As the loss is convex the optimum solution lies at gradient zero. The gradient of the loss function is (using Denominator layout convention):

{\begin{aligned}{\frac {\partial L\left(D,{\vec {\beta }}\right)}{\partial {\vec {\beta }}}}&={\frac {\partial \left(Y^{\textsf {T}}Y-Y^{\textsf {T}}X{\vec {\beta }}-{\vec {\beta }}^{\textsf {T}}X^{\textsf {T}}Y+{\vec {\beta }}^{\textsf {T}}X^{\textsf {T}}X{\vec {\beta }}\right)}{\partial {\vec {\beta }}}}\\&=-2X^{\textsf {T}}Y+2X^{\textsf {T}}X{\vec {\beta }}\end{aligned}}

Setting the gradient to zero produces the optimum parameter

{\begin{aligned}-2X^{\textsf {T}}Y+2X^{\textsf {T}}X{\vec {\beta }}&=0\\\Rightarrow X^{\textsf {T}}X{\vec {\beta }}&=X^{\textsf {T}}Y\\\Rightarrow {\vec {\hat {\beta }}}&=\left(X^{\textsf {T}}X\right)^{-1}X^{\textsf {T}}Y\end{aligned}}

Note: To prove that the {\hat {\beta }} obtained is indeed the local minimum, one needs to differentiate once more to obtain the Hessian matrix and show that it is positive definite. This is provided by the Gauss–Markov theorem.

Linear least squares methods include mainly:

  • Ordinary least squares
  • Weighted least squares
  • Generalized least squares
  • Linear Template Fit

Maximum-likelihood estimation and related techniques

  • Maximum likelihood estimation can be performed when the distribution of the error terms is known to belong to a certain parametric family ƒθ of probability distributions. When fθ is a normal distribution with zero mean and variance θ, the resulting estimate is identical to the OLS estimate. GLS estimates are maximum likelihood estimates when ε follows a multivariate normal distribution with a known covariance matrix.
  • Ridge regression and other forms of penalized estimation, such as Lasso regression, deliberately introduce bias into the estimation of β in order to reduce the variability of the estimate. The resulting estimates generally have lower mean squared error than the OLS estimates, particularly when multicollinearity is present or when overfitting is a problem. They are generally used when the goal is to predict the value of the response variable y for values of the predictors x that have not yet been observed. These methods are not as commonly used when the goal is inference, since it is difficult to account for the bias.
  • Least absolute deviation (LAD) regression is a robust estimation technique in that it is less sensitive to the presence of outliers than OLS (but is less efficient than OLS when no outliers are present). It is equivalent to maximum likelihood estimation under a Laplace distribution model for ε.
  • Adaptive estimation. If we assume that error terms are independent of the regressors, \varepsilon _{i}\perp \mathbf {x} _{i}, then the optimal estimator is the 2-step MLE, where the first step is used to non-parametrically estimate the distribution of the error term.

Other estimation techniques

Comparison of the Theil–Sen estimator (black) and simple linear regression (blue) for a set of points with outliers

Comparison of the Theil–Sen estimator (black) and simple linear regression (blue) for a set of points with outliers

  • Bayesian linear regression applies the framework of Bayesian statistics to linear regression. In particular, the regression coefficients β are assumed to be random variables with a specified prior distribution. The prior distribution can bias the solutions for the regression coefficients, in a way similar to (but more general than) ridge regression or lasso regression. In addition, the Bayesian estimation process produces not a single point estimate for the "best" values of the regression coefficients but an entire posterior distribution, completely describing the uncertainty surrounding the quantity. This can be used to estimate the "best" coefficients using the mean, mode, median, any quantile, or any other function of the posterior distribution.
  • Quantile regression focuses on the conditional quantiles of y given X rather than the conditional mean of y given X. Linear quantile regression models a particular conditional quantile, for example the conditional median, as a linear function βTx of the predictors.
  • Mixed models are widely used to analyze linear regression relationships involving dependent data when the dependencies have a known structure. Common applications of mixed models include analysis of data involving repeated measurements, such as longitudinal data, or data obtained from cluster sampling. They are generally fit as parametric models, using maximum likelihood or Bayesian estimation. In the case where the errors are modeled as normal random variables, there is a close connection between mixed models and generalized least squares. Fixed effects estimation is an alternative approach to analyzing this type of data.
  • Principal component regression (PCR) is used when the number of predictor variables is large, or when strong correlations exist among the predictor variables. This two-stage procedure first reduces the predictor variables using principal component analysis, and then uses the reduced variables in an OLS regression fit. While it often works well in practice, there is no general theoretical reason that the most informative linear function of the predictor variables should lie among the dominant principal components of the multivariate distribution of the predictor variables. The partial least squares regression is the extension of the PCR method which does not suffer from the mentioned deficiency.
  • Least-angle regression is an estimation procedure for linear regression models that was developed to handle high-dimensional covariate vectors, potentially with more covariates than observations.
  • The Theil–Sen estimator is a simple robust estimation technique that chooses the slope of the fit line to be the median of the slopes of the lines through pairs of sample points. It has similar statistical efficiency properties to simple linear regression but is much less sensitive to outliers.
  • Other robust estimation techniques, including the α-trimmed mean approach, and L-, M-, S-, and R-estimators have been introduced.