Neural Networks: Types and Applications

Challenges (limitations) of deep learning and alternate solutions

When employing DL, several difficulties are often taken into consideration. Those more challenging are listed next and several possible alternatives are accordingly provided.

Training data

DL is extremely data-hungry considering it also involves representation learning. DL demands an extensively large amount of data to achieve a well-behaved performance model, i.e. as the data increases, an extra well-behaved performance model can be achieved (Fig. 27). In most cases, the available data are sufficient to obtain a good performance model. However, sometimes there is a shortage of data for using DL directly. To properly address this issue, three suggested methods are available. The first involves the employment of the transfer-learning concept after data is collected from similar tasks. Note that while the transferred data will not directly augment the actual data, it will help in terms of both enhancing the original input representation of data and its mapping function. In this way, the model performance is boosted. Another technique involves employing a well-trained model from a similar task and fine-tuning the ending of two layers or even one layer based on the limited original data.  In the second method, data augmentation is performed. This task is very helpful for use in augmenting the image data, since the image translation, mirroring, and rotation commonly do not change the image label. Conversely, it is important to take care when applying this technique in some cases such as with bioinformatics data. For instance, when mirroring an enzyme sequence, the output data may not represent the actual enzyme sequence. In the third method, the simulated data can be considered for increasing the volume of the training set. It is occasionally possible to create simulators based on the physical process if the issue is well understood. Therefore, the result will involve the simulation of as much data as needed.

Fig. 27 The performance of DL regarding the amount of data

Fig. 27 The performance of DL regarding the amount of data

Transfer learning

Recent research has revealed a widespread use of deep CNNs, which offer ground-breaking support for answering many classification problems. Generally speaking, deep CNN models require a sizable volume of data to obtain good performance. The common challenge associated with using such models concerns the lack of training data. Indeed, gathering a large volume of data is an exhausting job, and no successful solution is available at this time. The undersized dataset problem is therefore currently solved using the TL technique, which is highly efficient in addressing the lack of training data issue. The mechanism of TL involves training the CNN model with large volumes of data. In the next step, the model is fine-tuned for training on a small request dataset.

The student-teacher relationship is a suitable approach to clarifying TL. Gathering detailed knowledge of the subject is the first step. Next, the teacher provides a "course" by conveying the information within a "lecture series" over time. Put simply, the teacher transfers the information to the student. In more detail, the expert (teacher) transfers the knowledge (information) to the learner (student). Similarly, the DL network is trained using a vast volume of data, and also learns the bias and the weights during the training process. These weights are then transferred to different networks for retraining or testing a similar novel model. Thus, the novel model is enabled to pre-train weights rather than requiring training from scratch. Figure 28 illustrates the conceptual diagram of the TL technique.

  1. Pre-trained models: Many CNN models, e.g. AlexNet, GoogleNet, and ResNet, have been trained on large datasets such as ImageNet for image recognition purposes. These models can then be employed to recognize a different task without the need to train from scratch. Furthermore, the weights remain the same apart from a few learned features. In cases where data samples are lacking, these models are very useful. There are many reasons for employing a pre-trained model. First, training large models on sizeable datasets requires high-priced computational power. Second, training large models can be time-consuming, taking up to multiple weeks. Finally, a pre-trained model can assist with network generalization and speed up the convergence.
  2. A research problem using pre-trained models: Training a DL approach requires a massive number of images. Thus, obtaining good performance is a challenge under these circumstances. Achieving excellent outcomes in image classification or recognition applications, with performance occasionally superior to that of a human, becomes possible through the use of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) including several layers if a huge amount of data is available. However, avoiding overfitting problems in such applications requires sizable datasets and properly generalizing DCNN models. When training a DCNN model, the dataset size has no lower limit. However, the accuracy of the model becomes insufficient in the case of the utilized model has fewer layers, or if a small dataset is used for training due to over- or under-fitting problems. Due to they have no ability to utilize the hierarchical features of sizable datasets, models with fewer layers have poor accuracy. It is difficult to acquire sufficient training data for DL models. For example, in medical imaging and environmental science, gathering labelled datasets is very costly. Moreover, the majority of the crowdsourcing workers are unable to make accurate notes on medical or biological images due to their lack of medical or biological knowledge. Thus, ML researchers often rely on field experts to label such images; however, this process is costly and time consuming. Therefore, producing the large volume of labels required to develop flourishing deep networks turns out to be unfeasible. Recently, TL has been widely employed to address the later issue. Nevertheless, although TL enhances the accuracy of several tasks in the fields of pattern recognition and computer vision, there is an essential issue related to the source data type used by the TL as compared to the target dataset. For instance, enhancing the medical image classification performance of CNN models is achieved by training the models using the ImageNet dataset, which contains natural images. However, such natural images are completely dissimilar from the raw medical images, meaning that the model performance is not enhanced. It has further been proven that TL from different domains does not significantly affect performance on medical imaging tasks, as lightweight models trained from scratch perform nearly as well as standard ImageNet-transferred models. Therefore, there exists scenarios in which using pre-trained models do not become an affordable solution. In 2020, some researchers have utilized same-domain TL and achieved excellent results. Same-domain TL is an approach of using images that look similar to the target dataset for training. For example, using X-ray images of different chest diseases to train the model, then fine-tuning and training it on chest X-ray images for COVID-19 diagnosis. 

Fig. 28 The conceptual diagram of the TL technique

Fig. 28 The conceptual diagram of the TL technique

Data augmentation techniques

If the goal is to increase the amount of available data and avoid the overfitting issue, data augmentation techniques are one possible solution. These techniques are data-space solutions for any limited-data problem. Data augmentation incorporates a collection of methods that improve the attributes and size of training datasets. Thus, DL networks can perform better when these techniques are employed. Next, we list some data augmentation alternate solutions.

  1. Flipping: Flipping the vertical axis is a less common practice than flipping the horizontal one. Flipping has been verified as valuable on datasets like ImageNet and CIFAR-10. Moreover, it is highly simple to implement. In addition, it is not a label-conserving transformation on datasets that involve text recognition (such as SVHN and MNIST).
  2. Color space: Encoding digital image data is commonly used as a dimension tensor (height \times width \times color channels). Accomplishing augmentations in the color space of the channels is an alternative technique, which is extremely workable for implementation. A very easy color augmentation involves separating a channel of a particular color, such as Red, Green, or Blue. A simple way to rapidly convert an image using a single-color channel is achieved by separating that matrix and inserting additional double zeros from the remaining two color channels. Furthermore, increasing or decreasing the image brightness is achieved by using straightforward matrix operations to easily manipulate the RGB values. By deriving a color histogram that describes the image, additional improved color augmentations can be obtained. Lighting alterations are also made possible by adjusting the intensity values in histograms similar to those employed in photo-editing applications.
  3. Cropping: Cropping a dominant patch of every single image is a technique employed with combined dimensions of height and width as a specific processing step for image data. Furthermore, random cropping may be employed to produce an impact similar to translations. The difference between translations and random cropping is that translations conserve the spatial dimensions of this image, while random cropping reduces the input size. According to the selected reduction threshold for cropping, the label-preserving transformation may not be addressed.
  4. Rotation: When rotating an image left or right from within 0 to 360 degrees around the axis, rotation augmentations are obtained. The rotation degree parameter greatly determines the suitability of the rotation augmentations. In digit recognition tasks, small rotations (from 0 to 20 degrees) are very helpful. By contrast, the data label cannot be preserved post-transformation when the rotation degree increases.
  5. Translation: To avoid positional bias within the image data, a very useful transformation is to shift the image up, down, left, or right. For instance, it is common that the whole dataset images are centered; moreover, the tested dataset should be entirely made up of centered images to test the model. Note that when translating the initial images in a particular direction, the residual space should be filled with Gaussian or random noise, or a constant value such as 255 s or 0 s. The spatial dimensions of the image post-augmentation are preserved using this padding.
  6. Noise injection This approach involves injecting a matrix of arbitrary values. Such a matrix is commonly obtained from a Gaussian distribution. Moreno-Barea et al. employed nine datasets to test the noise injection. These datasets were taken from the UCI repository. Injecting noise within images enables the CNN to learn additional robust features.

    However, highly well-behaved solutions for positional biases available within the training data are achieved by means of geometric transformations. To separate the distribution of the testing data from the training data, several prospective sources of bias exist. For instance, when all faces should be completely centered within the frames (as in facial recognition datasets), the problem of positional biases emerges. Thus, geometric translations are the best solution. Geometric translations are helpful due to their simplicity of implementation, as well as their effective capability to disable the positional biases. Several libraries of image processing are available, which enables beginning with simple operations such as rotation or horizontal flipping. Additional training time, higher computational costs, and additional memory are some shortcomings of geometric transformations. Furthermore, a number of geometric transformations (such as arbitrary cropping or translation) should be manually observed to ensure that they do not change the image label. Finally, the biases that separate the test data from the training data are more complicated than transitional and positional changes. Hence, it is not trivial answering to when and where geometric transformations are suitable to be applied.

Imbalanced data

Commonly, biological data tend to be imbalanced, as negative samples are much more numerous than positive ones. For example, compared to COVID-19-positive X-ray images, the volume of normal X-ray images is very large. It should be noted that undesirable results may be produced when training a DL model using imbalanced data. The following techniques are used to solve this issue. First, it is necessary to employ the correct criteria for evaluating the loss, as well as the prediction result. In considering the imbalanced data, the model should perform well on small classes as well as larger ones. Thus, the model should employ area under curve (AUC) as the resultant loss as well as the criteria. Second, it should employ the weighted cross-entropy loss, which ensures the model will perform well with small classes if it still prefers to employ the cross-entropy loss. Simultaneously, during model training, it is possible either to down-sample the large classes or up-sample the small classes. Finally, to make the data balanced, it is possible to construct models for every hierarchical level, as a biological system frequently has hierarchical label space. However, the effect of the imbalanced data on the performance of the DL model has been comprehensively investigated. In addition, to lessen the problem, the most frequently used techniques were also compared. Nevertheless, note that these techniques are not specified for biological problems.

Interpretability of data

Occasionally, DL techniques are analyzed to act as a black box. In fact, they are interpretable. The need for a method of interpreting DL, which is used to obtain the valuable motifs and patterns recognized by the network, is common in many fields, such as bioinformatics. In the task of disease diagnosis, it is not only required to know the disease diagnosis or prediction results of a trained DL model, but also how to enhance the surety of the prediction outcomes, as the model makes its decisions based on these verifications. To achieve this, it is possible to give a score of importance for every portion of the particular example. Within this solution, back-propagation-based techniques or perturbation-based approaches are used. In the perturbation-based approaches, a portion of the input is changed and the effect of this change on the model output is observed. This concept has high computational complexity, but it is simple to understand. In different scenarios, various meanings can represent the model interpretability.

Uncertainty scaling

Commonly, the final prediction label is not the only label required when employing DL techniques to achieve the prediction; the score of confidence for every inquiry from the model is also desired. The score of confidence is defined as how confident the model is in its prediction. Since the score of confidence prevents belief in unreliable and misleading predictions, it is a significant attribute, regardless of the application scenario. In biology, the confidence score reduces the resources and time expended in proving the outcomes of the misleading prediction. Generally speaking, in healthcare or similar applications, the uncertainty scaling is frequently very significant; it helps in evaluating automated clinical decisions and the reliability of machine learning-based disease-diagnosis. Because overconfident prediction can be the output of different DL models, the score of probability (achieved from the softmax output of the direct-DL) is often not in the correct scale. Note that the softmax output requires post-scaling to achieve a reliable probability score. For outputting the probability score in the correct scale, several techniques have been introduced, including Bayesian Binning into Quantiles (BBQ), isotonic regression, histogram binning, and the legendary Platt scaling. More specifically, for DL techniques, temperature scaling was recently introduced, which achieves superior performance compared to the other techniques.

Catastrophic forgetting

This is defined as incorporating new information into a plain DL model, made possible by interfering with the learned information. For instance, consider a case where there are 1000 types of flowers and a model is trained to classify these flowers, after which a new type of flower is introduced; if the model is fine-tuned only with this new class, its performance will become unsuccessful with the older classes. The logical data are continually collected and renewed, which is in fact a highly typical scenario in many fields, e.g. Biology. To address this issue, there is a direct solution that involves employing old and new data to train an entirely new model from scratch. This solution is time-consuming and computationally intensive; furthermore, it leads to an unstable state for the learned representation of the initial data. At this time, three different types of ML techniques, which have not catastrophic forgetting, are made available to solve the human brain problem founded on the neurophysiological theories. Techniques of the first type are founded on regularizations such as EWC Techniques of the second type employ rehearsal training techniques and dynamic neural network architecture like iCaRL. Finally, techniques of the third type are founded on dual-memory learning systems.

Model compression

To obtain well-trained models that can still be employed productively, DL models have intensive memory and computational requirements due to their huge complexity and large numbers of parameters. One of the fields that is characterized as data-intensive is the field of healthcare and environmental science. These needs reduce the deployment of DL in limited computational-power machines, mainly in the healthcare field. The numerous methods of assessing human health and the data heterogeneity have become far more complicated and vastly larger in size; thus, the issue requires additional computation. Furthermore, novel hardware-based parallel processing solutions such as FPGAs and GPUs have been developed to solve the computation issues associated with DL. Recently, numerous techniques for compressing the DL models, designed to decrease the computational issues of the models from the starting point, have also been introduced. These techniques can be classified into four classes. In the first class, the redundant parameters (which have no significant impact on model performance) are reduced. This class, which includes the famous deep compression method, is called parameter pruning. In the second class, the larger model uses its distilled knowledge to train a more compact model; thus, it is called knowledge distillation. In the third class, compact convolution filters are used to reduce the number of parameters. In the final class, the information parameters are estimated for preservation using low-rank factorization. For model compression, these classes represent the most representative techniques. It has been provided a more comprehensive discussion about the topic.


DL models have excessively high possibilities of resulting in data overfitting at the training stage due to the vast number of parameters involved, which are correlated in a complex manner. Such situations reduce the model's ability to achieve good performance on the tested data. This problem is not only limited to a specific field, but involves different tasks. Therefore, when proposing DL techniques, this problem should be fully considered and accurately handled. In DL, the implied bias of the training process enables the model to overcome crucial overfitting problems, as recent studies suggest. Even so, it is still necessary to develop techniques that handle the overfitting problem. An investigation of the available DL algorithms that ease the overfitting problem can categorize them into three classes. The first class acts on both the model architecture and model parameters and includes the most familiar approaches, such as weight decay, batch normalization, and dropout. In DL, the default technique is weight decay, which is used extensively in almost all ML algorithms as a universal regularizer. The second class works on model inputs such as data corruption and data augmentation. One reason for the overfitting problem is the lack of training data, which makes the learned distribution not mirror the real distribution. Data augmentation enlarges the training data. By contrast, marginalized data corruption improves the solution exclusive to augmenting the data. The final class works on the model output. A recently proposed technique penalizes the over-confident outputs for regularizing the model. This technique has demonstrated the ability to regularize RNNs and CNNs.

Vanishing gradient problem

In general, when using backpropagation and gradient-based learning techniques along with ANNs, largely in the training stage, a problem called the vanishing gradient problem arises. More specifically, in each training iteration, every weight of the neural network is updated based on the current weight and is proportionally relative to the partial derivative of the error function. However, this weight updating may not occur in some cases due to a vanishingly small gradient, which in the worst case means that no extra training is possible and the neural network will stop completely. Conversely, similarly to other activation functions, the sigmoid function shrinks a large input space to a tiny input space. Thus, the derivative of the sigmoid function will be small due to large variation at the input that produces a small variation at the output. In a shallow network, only some layers use these activations, which is not a significant issue. While using more layers will lead the gradient to become very small in the training stage, in this case, the network works efficiently. The back-propagation technique is used to determine the gradients of the neural networks. Initially, this technique determines the network derivatives of each layer in the reverse direction, starting from the last layer and progressing back to the first layer. The next step involves multiplying the derivatives of each layer down the network in a similar manner to the first step. For instance, multiplying N small derivatives together when there are N hidden layers employs an activation function such as the sigmoid function. Hence, the gradient declines exponentially while propagating back to the first layer. More specifically, the biases and weights of the first layers cannot be updated efficiently during the training stage because the gradient is small. Moreover, this condition decreases the overall network accuracy, as these first layers are frequently critical to recognizing the essential elements of the input data. However, such a problem can be avoided through employing activation functions. These functions lack the squishing property, i.e., the ability to squish the input space to within a small space. By mapping X to max, the ReLU is the most popular selection, as it does not yield a small derivative that is employed in the field. Another solution involves employing the batch normalization layer. As mentioned earlier, the problem occurs once a large input space is squashed into a small space, leading to vanishing the derivative. Employing batch normalization degrades this issue by simply normalizing the input, i.e., the expression |x| does not accomplish the exterior boundaries of the sigmoid function. The normalization process makes the largest part of it come down in the green area, which ensures that the derivative is large enough for further actions. Furthermore, faster hardware can tackle the previous issue, e.g. that provided by GPUs. This makes standard back-propagation possible for many deeper layers of the network compared to the time required to recognize the vanishing gradient problem.

Exploding gradient problem

Opposite to the vanishing problem is the one related to gradient. Specifically, large error gradients are accumulated during back-propagation. The latter will lead to extremely significant updates to the weights of the network, meaning that the system becomes unsteady. Thus, the model will lose its ability to learn effectively. Grosso modo, moving backward in the network during back-propagation, the gradient grows exponentially by repetitively multiplying gradients. The weight values could thus become incredibly large and may overflow to become a not-a-number (NaN) value. Some potential solutions include:

  1. Using different weight regularization techniques.
  2. Redesigning the architecture of the network model.


In 2020, a team of computer scientists at Google has identified a new challenge called underspecification. ML models including DL models often show surprisingly poor behavior when they are tested in real-world applications such as computer vision, medical imaging, natural language processing, and medical genomics. The reason behind the weak performance is due to underspecification. It has been shown that small modifications can force a model towards a completely different solution as well as lead to different predictions in deployment domains. There are different techniques of addressing underspecification issue. One of them is to design "stress tests" to examine how good a model works on real-world data and to find out the possible issues. Nevertheless, this demands a reliable understanding of the process the model can work inaccurately. The team stated that "Designing stress tests that are well-matched to applied requirements, and that provide good "coverage" of potential failure modes is a major challenge". Underspecification puts major constraints on the credibility of ML predictions and may require some reconsidering over certain applications. Since ML is linked to human by serving several applications such as medical imaging and self-driving cars, it will require proper attention to this issue.