Neural Networks: Types and Applications

CNN architectures

Over the last 10 years, several CNN architectures have been presented. Model architecture is a critical factor in improving the performance of different applications. Various modifications have been achieved in CNN architecture from 1989 until today. Such modifications include structural reformulation, regularization, parameter optimizations, etc. Conversely, it should be noted that the key upgrade in CNN performance occurred largely due to the processing-unit reorganization, as well as the development of novel blocks. In particular, the most novel developments in CNN architectures were performed on the use of network depth. In this section, we review the most popular CNN architectures, beginning from the AlexNet model in 2012 and ending at the High-Resolution (HR) model in 2020. Studying these architectures features (such as input size, depth, and robustness) is the key to help researchers to choose the suitable architecture for the their target task. Table 2 presents the brief overview of CNN architectures.

Table 2 Brief overview of CNN architectures


Main finding



Error rate

Input size



Utilizes Dropout and ReLU




227 \times 227 \times 3



New layer, called 'mlpconv', utilizes GAP



10.41, 35.68, 0.45

32 \times 32 \times 3



Visualization idea of middle layers




224 \times 224 \times 3



Increased depth, small filter size

16, 19



224 \times 224 \times 3



Increased depth,block concept, different filter size, concatenation concept




224 \times 224 \times 3



Utilizes small filtersize, better feature representation




229 \times 229 \times 3



Presented the multipath concept

19, 32



32 \times 32 \times 3



Divided transform and integration concepts




229 \times 229 \times 3



Robust against overfitting due to symmetry mapping-based skip links




224 \times 224 \times 3



Introduced the concept of residual links




229 \times 229 \times 3



Introduced the concept of Drop-Path as regularization




32 \times 32 \times 3





Decreased the depth and increased the width




32 \times 32 \times 3





A depthwise convolutionfollowed by a pointwise convolution




229 \times 229 \times 3


Residual attention neural network

Presented the attention technique



3.90, 20.4

40 \times 40\times 3


Squeeze-and-excitation networks

Modeled interdependencies between channels




229 \times 229 \times 3


224 \times 224 \times 3

320 \times 320 \times 3


Blocks of layers; layers connected to each other


CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100,ImageNet

3.46, 17.18, 5.54

224 \times 224 \times 3


Competitive squeeze and excitation network

Both residual and identity mappings utilized to rescale the channel




32 \times 32 \times 3





Inverted residual structure



224 \times 224 \times 3



Pays attention to special relationships between features




28 \times 28 \times 1



High-resolution representations



224 \times 224 \times 3



The history of deep CNNs began with the appearance of LeNet (Fig. 14). At that time, the CNNs were restricted to handwritten digit recognition tasks, which cannot be scaled to all image classes. In deep CNN architecture, AlexNet is highly respected, as it achieved innovative results in the fields of image recognition and classification. Krizhevesky et al. first proposed AlexNet and consequently improved the CNN learning ability by increasing its depth and implementing several parameter optimization strategies. Figure 15 illustrates the basic design of the AlexNet architecture.

Fig. 14 The architecture of LeNet

Fig. 14 The architecture of LeNet

Fig. 15 The architecture of AlexNet

Fig. 15 The architecture of AlexNet

The learning ability of the deep CNN was limited at this time due to hardware restrictions. To overcome these hardware limitations, two GPUs (NVIDIA GTX 580) were used in parallel to train AlexNet. Moreover, in order to enhance the applicability of the CNN to different image categories, the number of feature extraction stages was increased from five in LeNet to seven in AlexNet. Regardless of the fact that depth enhances generalization for several image resolutions, it was in fact overfitting that represented the main drawback related to the depth. Krizhevesky et al. used Hinton's idea to address this problem. To ensure that the features learned by the algorithm were extra robust, Krizhevesky et al.'s algorithm randomly passes over several transformational units throughout the training stage. Moreover, by reducing the vanishing gradient problem, ReLU could be utilized as a non-saturating activation function to enhance the rate of convergence. Local response normalization and overlapping subsampling were also performed to enhance the generalization by decreasing the overfitting. To improve on the performance of previous networks, other modifications were made by using large-size filters (5 x 5 and 11 x 11) in the earlier layers. AlexNet has considerable significance in the recent CNN generations, as well as beginning an innovative research era in CNN applications.


This network model, which has some slight differences from the preceding models, introduced two innovative concepts. The first was employing multiple layers of perception convolution. These convolutions are executed using a 1×1 filter, which supports the addition of extra nonlinearity in the networks. Moreover, this supports enlarging the network depth, which may later be regularized using dropout. For DL models, this idea is frequently employed in the bottleneck layer. As a substitution for a FC layer, the GAP is also employed, which represents the second novel concept and enables a significant reduction in the number of model parameters. In addition, GAP considerably updates the network architecture. Generating a final low-dimensional feature vector with no reduction in the feature maps dimension is possible when GAP is used on a large feature map. Figure 16 shows the structure of the network.

Fig. 16 The architecture of network-in-network

Fig. 16 The architecture of network-in-network


Before 2013, the CNN learning mechanism was basically constructed on a trial-and-error basis, which precluded an understanding of the precise purpose following the enhancement. This issue restricted the deep CNN performance on convoluted images. In response, Zeiler and Fergus introduced DeconvNet (a multilayer de-convolutional neural network) in 2013. This method later became known as ZefNet, which was developed in order to quantitively visualize the network. Monitoring the CNN performance via understanding the neuron activation was the purpose of the network activity visualization. However, Erhan et al. utilized this exact concept to optimize deep belief network (DBN) performance by visualizing the features of the hidden layers. Moreover, in addition to this issue, Le et al. assessed the deep unsupervised auto-encoder (AE) performance by visualizing the created classes of the image using the output neurons. By reversing the operation order of the convolutional and pooling layers, DenconvNet operates like a forward-pass CNN. Reverse mapping of this kind launches the convolutional layer output backward to create visually observable image shapes that accordingly give the neural interpretation of the internal feature representation learned at each layer. Monitoring the learning schematic through the training stage was the key concept underlying ZefNet. In addition, it utilized the outcomes to recognize an ability issue coupled with the model. This concept was experimentally proven on AlexNet by applying DeconvNet. This indicated that only certain neurons were working, while the others were out of action in the first two layers of the network. Furthermore, it indicated that the features extracted via the second layer contained aliasing objects. Thus, Zeiler and Fergus changed the CNN topology due to the existence of these outcomes. In addition, they executed parameter optimization, and also exploited the CNN learning by decreasing the stride and the filter sizes in order to retain all features of the initial two convolutional layers. An improvement in performance was accordingly achieved due to this rearrangement in CNN topology. This rearrangement proposed that the visualization of the features could be employed to identify design weaknesses and conduct appropriate parameter alteration. Figure 17 shows the structure of the network.

Fig. 17 The architecture of ZefNet

Fig. 17 The architecture of ZefNet

Visual geometry group (VGG)

After CNN was determined to be effective in the field of image recognition, an easy and efficient design principle for CNN was proposed by Simonyan and Zisserman. This innovative design was called Visual Geometry Group (VGG). A multilayer model, it featured nineteen more layers than ZefNet and AlexNet to simulate the relations of the network representational capacity in depth. Conversely, in the 2013-ILSVRC competition, ZefNet was the frontier network, which proposed that filters with small sizes could enhance the CNN performance. With reference to these results, VGG inserted a layer of the heap of 3 x 3 filters rather than the 5 x 5 and 11 × 11 filters in ZefNet. This showed experimentally that the parallel assignment of these small-size filters could produce the same influence as the large-size filters. In other words, these small-size filters made the receptive field similarly efficient to the large-size filters (7 x 7 and 5 x 5). By decreasing the number of parameters, an extra advantage of reducing computational complication was achieved by using small-size filters. These outcomes established a novel research trend for working with small-size filters in CNN. In addition, by inserting 1 x 1 convolutions in the middle of the convolutional layers, VGG regulates the network complexity. It learns a linear grouping of the subsequent feature maps. With respect to network tuning, a max pooling layer is inserted following the convolutional layer, while padding is implemented to maintain the spatial resolution. In general, VGG obtained significant results for localization problems and image classification. While it did not achieve first place in the 2014-ILSVRC competition, it acquired a reputation due to its enlarged depth, homogenous topology, and simplicity. However, VGG's computational cost was excessive due to its utilization of around 140 million parameters, which represented its main shortcoming. Figure 18 shows the structure of the network.

Fig. 18 The architecture of VGG

Fig. 18 The architecture of VGG


In the 2014-ILSVRC competition, GoogleNet (also called Inception-V1) emerged as the winner. Achieving high-level accuracy with decreased computational cost is the core aim of the GoogleNet architecture. It proposed a novel inception block (module) concept in the CNN context, since it combines multiple-scale convolutional transformations by employing merge, transform, and split functions for feature extraction. Figure 19 illustrates the inception block architecture. This architecture incorporates filters of different sizes (5 x 5, 3 x 3 and 1 x 1) to capture channel information together with spatial information at diverse ranges of spatial resolution. The common convolutional layer of GoogLeNet is substituted by small blocks using the same concept of network-in-network (NIN) architecture, which replaced each layer with a micro-neural network. The GoogLeNet concepts of merge, transform, and split were utilized, supported by attending to an issue correlated with different learning types of variants existing in a similar class of several images. The motivation of GoogLeNet was to improve the efficiency of CNN parameters, as well as to enhance the learning capacity. In addition, it regulates the computation by inserting a 1 x 1 convolutional filter, as a bottleneck layer, ahead of using large-size kernels. GoogleNet employed sparse connections to overcome the redundant information problem. It decreased cost by neglecting the irrelevant channels. It should be noted here that only some of the input channels are connected to some of the output channels. By employing a GAP layer as the end layer, rather than utilizing a FC layer, the density of connections was decreased. The number of parameters was also significantly decreased from 40 to 5 million parameters due to these parameter tunings. The additional regularity factors used included the employment of RmsProp as optimizer and batch normalization. Furthermore, GoogleNet proposed the idea of auxiliary learners to speed up the rate of convergence. Conversely, the main shortcoming of GoogleNet was its heterogeneous topology; this shortcoming requires adaptation from one module to another. Other shortcomings of GoogleNet include the representation jam, which substantially decreased the feature space in the following layer, and in turn occasionally leads to valuable information loss.

Fig. 19 The basic structure of Google Block

Fig. 19 The basic structure of Google Block

Highway network

Increasing the network depth enhances its performance, mainly for complicated tasks. By contrast, the network training becomes difficult. The presence of several layers in deeper networks may result in small gradient values of the back-propagation of error at lower layers. In 2015, Srivastava et al. suggested a novel CNN architecture, called Highway Network, to overcome this issue. This approach is based on the cross-connectivity concept. The unhindered information flow in Highway Network is empowered by instructing two gating units inside the layer. The gate mechanism concept was motivated by LSTM-based RNN. The information aggregation was conducted by merging the information of the ith-k layers with the next ith layer to generate a regularization impact, which makes the gradient-based training of the deeper network very simple. This empowers the training of networks with more than 100 layers, such as a deeper network of 900 layers with the SGD algorithm. A Highway Network with a depth of fifty layers presented an improved rate of convergence, which is better than thin and deep architectures at the same time. By contrast, empirically demonstrated that plain Net performance declines when more than ten hidden layers are inserted. It should be noted that even a Highway Network 900 layers in depth converges much more rapidly than the plain network.


He et al. developed ResNet (Residual Network), which was the winner of ILSVRC 2015. Their objective was to design an ultra-deep network free of the vanishing gradient issue, as compared to the previous networks. Several types of ResNet were developed based on the number of layers (starting with 34 layers and going up to 1202 layers). The most common type was ResNet50, which comprised 49 convolutional layers plus a single FC layer. The overall number of network weights was 25.5 M, while the overall number of MACs was 3.9 M. The novel idea of ResNet is its use of the bypass pathway concept, as shown in Fig. 20, which was employed in Highway Nets to address the problem of training a deeper network in 2015. This is illustrated in Fig. 20, which contains the fundamental ResNet block diagram. This is a conventional feedforward network plus a residual connection. The residual layer output can be identified as the (l-1) outputs, which are delivered from the preceding layer (x_1). After executing different operations [such as convolution using variable-size filters, or batch normalization, before applying an activation function like ReLU on (x_1 - 1)], the output is F(x_1 - 1). The ending residual output is x_1, which can be mathematically represented as in Eq. 18.

x_{l}= F(x_{l} - 1)+x_{l} - 1 (18)

There are numerous basic residual blocks included in the residual network. Based on the type of the residual network architecture, operations in the residual block are also changed.

Fig. 20 The block diagram for ResNet

Fig. 20 The block diagram for ResNet

In comparison to the highway network, ResNet presented shortcut connections inside layers to enable cross-layer connectivity, which are parameter-free and data-independent. Note that the layers characterize non-residual functions when a gated shortcut is closed in the highway network. By contrast, the individuality shortcuts are never closed, while the residual information is permanently passed in ResNet. Furthermore, ResNet has the potential to prevent the problems of gradient diminishing, as the shortcut connections (residual links) accelerate the deep network convergence. ResNet was the winner of the 2015-ILSVRC championship with 152 layers of depth; this represents 8 times the depth of VGG and 20 times the depth of AlexNet. In comparison with VGG, it has lower computational complexity, even with enlarged depth.

Inception: ResNet and Inception-V3/4

Szegedy et al. proposed Inception-ResNet and Inception-V3/4 as upgraded types of Inception-V1/2. The concept behind Inception-V3 was to minimize the computational cost with no effect on the deeper network generalization. Thus, Szegedy et al. used asymmetric small-size filters (1 x 5 and 1 x 7) rather than large-size filters (7 x 7 and 5 x5); moreover, they utilized a bottleneck of 1 x 1 convolution prior to the large-size filters. These changes make the operation of the traditional convolution very similar to cross-channel correlation. Previously, Lin et al. utilized the 1 × 1 filter potential in NIN architecture. Subsequently, utilized the same idea in an intelligent manner. By using 1 x 1 convolutional operation in Inception-V3, the input data are mapped into three or four isolated spaces, which are smaller than the initial input spaces. Next, all of these correlations are mapped in these smaller spaces through common or 5 x 5 o 3 x 3 convolutions. By contrast, in Inception-ResNet, Szegedy et al. bring together the inception block and the residual learning power by replacing the filter concatenation with the residual connection. Szegedy et al. empirically demonstrated that Inception-ResNet (Inception-4 with residual connections) can achieve a similar generalization power to Inception-V4 with enlarged width and depth and without residual connections. Thus, it is clearly illustrated that using residual connections in training will significantly accelerate the Inception network training. Figure 21 shows The basic block diagram for Inception Residual unit.

Fig. 21 The basic block diagram for Inception Residual unit

Fig. 21 The basic block diagram for Inception Residual unit


To solve the problem of the vanishing gradient, DenseNet was presented, following the same direction as ResNet and the Highway network. One of the drawbacks of ResNet is that it clearly conserves information by means of preservative individuality transformations, as several layers contribute extremely little or no information. In addition, ResNet has a large number of weights, since each layer has an isolated group of weights. DenseNet employed cross-layer connectivity in an improved approach to address this problem. It connected each layer to all layers in the network using a feed-forward approach. Therefore, the feature maps of each previous layer were employed to input into all of the following layers. In traditional CNNs, there are l connections between the previous layer and the current layer, while in DenseNet, there are \frac{l(l+1)}{2} direct connections. DenseNet demonstrates the influence of cross-layer depth wise-convolutions. Thus, the network gains the ability to discriminate clearly between the added and the preserved information, since DenseNet concatenates the features of the preceding layers rather than adding them. However, due to its narrow layer structure, DenseNet becomes parametrically high-priced in addition to the increased number of feature maps. The direct admission of all layers to the gradients via the loss function enhances the information flow all across the network. In addition, this includes a regularizing impact, which minimizes overfitting on tasks alongside minor training sets. Figure 22 shows the architecture of DenseNet Network.

Fig. 22 The architecture of DenseNet Network

Fig. 22 The architecture of DenseNet Network


ResNext is an enhanced version of the Inception Network. It is also known as the Aggregated Residual Transform Network. Cardinality, which is a new term, utilized the split, transform, and merge topology in an easy and effective way. It denotes the size of the transformation set as an extra dimension. However, the Inception network manages network resources more efficiently, as well as enhancing the learning ability of the conventional CNN. In the transformation branch, different spatial embeddings (employing e.g. 5 x 5, 3 x 3  and 1 x 1) are used. Thus, customizing each layer is required separately. By contrast, ResNext derives its characteristic features from ResNet, VGG, and Inception. It employed the VGG deep homogenous topology with the basic architecture of GoogleNet by setting  3 x 3 filters as spatial resolution inside the blocks of split, transform, and merge. Figure 23 shows the ResNext building blocks. ResNext utilized multi-transformations inside the blocks of split, transform, and merge, as well as outlining such transformations in cardinality terms. The performance is significantly improved by increasing the cardinality, as Xie et al. showed. The complexity of ResNext was regulated by employing 1 x 1 filters (low embeddings) ahead of a 3 x 3 convolution. By contrast, skipping connections are used for optimized training.

Fig. 23 The basic block diagram for the ResNext building blocks

Fig. 23 The basic block diagram for the ResNext building blocks


The feature reuse problem is the core shortcoming related to deep residual networks, since certain feature blocks or transformations contribute a very small amount to learning. Zagoruyko and Komodakis accordingly proposed WideResNet to address this problem. These authors advised that the depth has a supplemental influence, while the residual units convey the core learning ability of deep residual networks. WideResNet utilized the residual block power via making the ResNet wider instead of deeper. It enlarged the width by presenting an extra factor, k, which handles the network width. In other words, it indicated that layer widening is a highly successful method of performance enhancement compared to deepening the residual network. While enhanced representational capacity is achieved by deep residual networks, these networks also have certain drawbacks, such as the exploding and vanishing gradient problems, feature reuse problem (inactivation of several feature maps), and the time-intensive nature of the training. He et al. tackled the feature reuse problem by including a dropout in each residual block to regularize the network in an efficient manner. In a similar manner, utilizing dropouts, Huang et al. presented the stochastic depth concept to solve the slow learning and gradient vanishing problems. Earlier research was focused on increasing the depth; thus, any small enhancement in performance required the addition of several new layers. When comparing the number of parameters, WideResNet has twice that of ResNet, as an experimental study showed. By contrast, WideResNet presents an improved method for training relative to deep networks. Note that most architectures prior to residual networks (including the highly effective VGG and Inception) were wider than ResNet. Thus, wider residual networks were established once this was determined. However, inserting a dropout between the convolutional layers (as opposed to within the residual block) made the learning more effective in WideResNet.

Pyramidal Net

The depth of the feature map increases in the succeeding layer due to the deep stacking of multi-convolutional layers, as shown in previous deep CNN architectures such as ResNet, VGG, and AlexNet. By contrast, the spatial dimension reduces, since a sub-sampling follows each convolutional layer. Thus, augmented feature representation is recompensed by decreasing the size of the feature map. The extreme expansion in the depth of the feature map, alongside the spatial information loss, interferes with the learning ability in the deep CNNs. ResNet obtained notable outcomes for the issue of image classification. Conversely, deleting a convolutional block - in which both the number of channel and spatial dimensions vary (channel depth enlarges, while spatial dimension reduces) - commonly results in decreased classifier performance. Accordingly, the stochastic ResNet enhanced the performance by decreasing the information loss accompanying the residual unit drop. Han et al. proposed Pyramidal Net to address the ResNet learning interference problem. To address the depth enlargement and extreme reduction in spatial width via ResNet, Pyramidal Net slowly enlarges the residual unit width to cover the most feasible places rather than saving the same spatial dimension inside all residual blocks up to the appearance of the down-sampling. It was referred to as Pyramidal Net due to the slow enlargement in the feature map depth based on the up-down method. Factor l, which was determined by Eq. 19, regulates the depth of the feature map.

\begin{aligned} d_{l}=\begin{Bmatrix} 16&if \,\, l =1\\ \left\lfloor d_{l-1}+\frac{\lambda }{n} \right\rfloor&if \,\,2 \le l \le n+1 \end{Bmatrix} \end{aligned} (19)

Here, the dimension of the lth residual unit is indicated by d_l; moreover, n indicates the overall number of residual units, the step factor is indicated by \lambda, and the depth increase is regulated by the factor \frac{\lambda }{n}, which uniformly distributes the weight increase across the dimension of the feature map. Zero-padded identity mapping is used to insert the residual connections among the layers. In comparison to the projection-based shortcut connections, zero-padded identity mapping requires fewer parameters, which in turn leads to enhanced generalization. Multiplication- and addition-based widening are two different approaches used in Pyramidal Nets for network widening. More specifically, the first approach (multiplication) enlarges geometrically, while the second one (addition) enlarges linearly. The main problem associated with the width enlargement is the growth in time and space required related to the quadratic time.


Extreme inception architecture is the main characteristic of Xception. The main idea behind Xception is its depthwise separable convolution. The Xception model adjusted the original inception block by making it wider and exchanging a single dimension (3 x 3) followed by a 1 x1 convolution to reduce computational complexity. Figure 24 shows the Xception block architecture. The Xception network becomes extra computationally effective through the use of the decoupling channel and spatial correspondence. Moreover, it first performs mapping of the convolved output to the embedding short dimension by applying 1 x 1 convolutions. It then performs k spatial transformations. Note that k here represents the width-defining cardinality, which is obtained via the transformations number in Xception. However, the computations were made simpler in Xception by distinctly convolving each channel around the spatial axes. These axes are subsequently used as the convolutions (pointwise convolution) for performing cross-channel correspondence. The 1 x 1 convolution is utilized in Xception to regularize the depth of the channel. The traditional convolutional operation in Xception utilizes a number of transformation segments equivalent to the number of channels; Inception, moreover, utilizes three transformation segments, while traditional CNN architecture utilizes only a single transformation segment. Conversely, the suggested Xception transformation approach achieves extra learning efficiency and better performance but does not minimize the number of parameters.

Fig. 24 The basic block diagram for the Xception block architecture

Fig. 24 The basic block diagram for the Xception block architecture

Residual attention neural network

To improve the network feature representation, Wang et al. proposed the Residual Attention Network (RAN). Enabling the network to learn aware features of the object is the main purpose of incorporating attention into the CNN. The RAN consists of stacked residual blocks in addition to the attention module; hence, it is a feed-forward CNN. However, the attention module is divided into two branches, namely the mask branch and trunk branch. These branches adopt a top-down and bottom-up learning strategy respectively. Encapsulating two different strategies in the attention model supports top-down attention feedback and fast feed-forward processing in only one particular feed-forward process. More specifically, the top-down architecture generates dense features to make inferences about every aspect. Moreover, the bottom-up feedforward architecture generates low-resolution feature maps in addition to robust semantic information. Restricted Boltzmann machines employed a top-down bottom-up strategy as in previously proposed studies. During the training reconstruction phase, Goh et al. used the mechanism of top-down attention in deep Boltzmann machines (DBMs) as a regularizing factor. Note that the network can be globally optimized using a top-down learning strategy in a similar manner, where the maps progressively output to the input throughout the learning process.

Incorporating the attention concept with convolutional blocks in an easy way was used by the transformation network. Unfortunately, these are inflexible, which represents the main problem, along with their inability to be used for varying surroundings. By contrast, stacking multi-attention modules has made RAN very effective at recognizing noisy, complex, and cluttered images. RAN's hierarchical organization gives it the capability to adaptively allocate a weight for every feature map depending on its importance within the layers. Furthermore, incorporating three distinct levels of attention (spatial, channel, and mixed) enables the model to use this ability to capture the object-aware features at these distinct levels.

Convolutional block attention module

The importance of the feature map utilization and the attention mechanism is certified via SE-Network and RAN. The convolutional block attention (CBAM) module, which is a novel attention-based CNN, was first developed by Woo et al.. This module is similar to SE-Network and simple in design. SE-Network disregards the object's spatial locality in the image and considers only the channels' contribution during the image classification. Regarding object detection, object spatial location plays a significant role. The convolutional block attention module sequentially infers the attention maps. More specifically, it applies channel attention preceding the spatial attention to obtain the refined feature maps. Spatial attention is performed using 1 × 1 convolution and pooling functions, as in the literature. Generating an effective feature descriptor can be achieved by using a spatial axis along with the pooling of features. In addition, generating a robust spatial attention map is possible, as CBAM concatenates the max pooling and average pooling operations. In a similar manner, a collection of GAP and max pooling operations is used to model the feature map statistics. Woo et al. demonstrated that utilizing GAP will return a sub-optimized inference of channel attention, whereas max pooling provides an indication of the distinguishing object features. Thus, the utilization of max pooling and average pooling enhances the network's representational power. The feature maps improve the representational power, as well as facilitating a focus on the significant portion of the chosen features. The expression of 3D attention maps through a serial learning procedure assists in decreasing the computational cost and the number of parameters, as Woo et al. experimentally proved. Note that any CNN architecture can be simply integrated with CBAM.

Concurrent spatial and channel excitation mechanism

To make the work valid for segmentation tasks, Roy et al. expanded Hu et al. effort by adding the influence of spatial information to the channel information. Roy et al.  presented three types of modules: (1) channel squeeze and excitation with concurrent channels (scSE); (2) exciting spatially and squeezing channel-wise (sSE); (3) exciting channel-wise and squeezing spatially (cSE). For segmentation purposes, they employed auto-encoder-based CNNs. In addition, they suggested inserting modules following the encoder and decoder layers. To specifically highlight the object-specific feature maps, they further allocated attention to every channel by expressing a scaling factor from the channel and spatial information in the first module (scSE). In the second module (sSE), the feature map information has lower importance than the spatial locality, as the spatial information plays a significant role during the segmentation process. Therefore, several channel collections are spatially divided and developed so that they can be employed in segmentation. In the final module (cSE), a similar SE-block concept is used. Furthermore, the scaling factor is derived founded on the contribution of the feature maps within the object detection.


CNN is an efficient technique for detecting object features and achieving well-behaved recognition performance in comparison with innovative handcrafted feature detectors. A number of restrictions related to CNN are present, meaning that the CNN does not consider certain relations, orientation, size, and perspectives of features. For instance, when considering a face image, the CNN does not count the various face components (such as mouth, eyes, nose, etc.) positions, and will incorrectly activate the CNN neurons and recognize the face without taking specific relations (such as size, orientation etc.) into account. At this point, consider a neuron that has probability in addition to feature properties such as size, orientation, perspective, etc. A specific neuron/capsule of this type has the ability to effectively detect the face along with different types of information. Thus, many layers of capsule nodes are used to construct the capsule network. An encoding unit, which contains three layers of capsule nodes, forms the CapsuleNet or CapsNet (the initial version of the capsule networks).

For example, the MNIST architecture comprises 28 x 28 images, applying 256 filters of size 9 x 9 and with stride 1. The 28 - 9 + 1 = 20 is the output plus 256 feature maps. Next, these outputs are input to the first capsule layer, while producing an 8D vector rather than a scalar; in fact, this is a modified convolution layer. Note that a stride 2 with 9 x 9 filters is employed in the first convolution layer. Thus, the dimension of the output is (20 - 9) / 2 +1 =6. The initial capsules employ 8 x 32 filters, which generate 32 × 8 × 6 × 6 (32 for groups, 8 for neurons, while 6 × 6 is the neuron size).

Figure 25 represents the complete CapsNet encoding and decoding processes. In the CNN context, a max-pooling layer is frequently employed to handle the translation change. It can detect the feature moves in the event that the feature is still within the max-pooling window. This approach has the ability to detect the overlapped features; this is highly significant in detection and segmentation operations, since the capsule involves the weighted features sum from the preceding layer.

Fig. 25 The complete CapsNet encoding and decoding processes

Fig. 25 The complete CapsNet encoding and decoding processes

In conventional CNNs, a particular cost function is employed to evaluate the global error that grows toward the back throughout the training process. Conversely, in such cases, the activation of a neuron will not grow further once the weight between two neurons turns out to be zero. Instead of a single size being provided with the complete cost function in repetitive dynamic routing alongside the agreement, the signal is directed based on the feature parameters. Sabour et al. provides more details about this architecture. When using MNIST to recognize handwritten digits, this innovative CNN architecture gives superior accuracy. From the application perspective, this architecture has extra suitability for segmentation and detection approaches when compared with classification approaches.

High-resolution network (HRNet)

High-resolution representations are necessary for position-sensitive vision tasks, such as semantic segmentation, object detection, and human pose estimation. In the present up-to-date frameworks, the input image is encoded as a low-resolution representation using a subnetwork that is constructed as a connected series of high-to-low resolution convolutions such as VGGNet and ResNet. The low-resolution representation is then recovered to become a high-resolution one. Alternatively, high-resolution representations are maintained during the entire process using a novel network, referred to as a High-Resolution Network (HRNet). This network has two principal features. First, the convolution series of high-to-low resolutions are connected in parallel. Second, the information across the resolutions are repeatedly exchanged. The advantage achieved includes getting a representation that is more accurate in the spatial domain and extra-rich in the semantic domain. Moreover, HRNet has several applications in the fields of object detection, semantic segmentation, and human pose prediction. For computer vision problems, the HRNet represents a more robust backbone. Figure 26 illustrates the general architecture of HRNet.

Fig. 26 The general architecture of HRNet

Fig. 26 The general architecture of HRNet