Using PL to Describe Properties of Systems

Interpretation of a truth-functional propositional calculus

An interpretation of a truth-functional propositional calculus {\mathcal {P}} is an assignment to each propositional symbol of {\mathcal {P}} of one or the other (but not both) of the truth values truth (T) and falsity (F), and an assignment to the connective symbols of {\mathcal {P}} of their usual truth-functional meanings. An interpretation of a truth-functional propositional calculus may also be expressed in terms of truth tables.

For n distinct propositional symbols there are 2^{n} distinct possible interpretations. For any particular symbol a, for example, there are 2^{1}=2 possible interpretations:

  1.  a is assigned T, or
  2.  a is assigned F.

For the pair a, b there are 2^{2}=4 possible interpretations:

  1. both are assigned T,
  2. both are assigned F,
  3. a is assigned T and b is assigned F, or
  4. a is assigned F and b is assigned T.

Since {\mathcal {P}} has \aleph _{0}, that is, denumerably many propositional symbols, there are 2^{\aleph _{0}}={\mathfrak {c}}, and therefore uncountably many distinct possible interpretations of {\mathcal {P}}.

Interpretation of a sentence of truth-functional propositional logic

If φ and ψ are formulas of {\mathcal {P}} and {\mathcal {I}} is an interpretation of {\mathcal {P}} then the following definitions apply:

  • A sentence of propositional logic is true under an interpretation {\mathcal {I}} if {\mathcal {I}} assigns the truth value T to that sentence. If a sentence is true under an interpretation, then that interpretation is called a model of that sentence.
  • φ is false under an interpretation {\mathcal {I}} if φ is not true under {\mathcal {I}}.
  • A sentence of propositional logic is logically valid if it is true under every interpretation.
    \models φ means that φ is logically valid.
  • A sentence ψ of propositional logic is a semantic consequence of a sentence φ if there is no interpretation under which φ is true and ψ is false.
  • A sentence of propositional logic is consistent if it is true under at least one interpretation. It is inconsistent if it is not consistent.

Some consequences of these definitions:

  • For any given interpretation a given formula is either true or false.
  • No formula is both true and false under the same interpretation.
  • φ is false for a given interpretation iff \neg \phi is true for that interpretation; and φ is true under an interpretation iff \neg \phi is false under that interpretation.
  • If φ and (\phi \to \psi ) are both true under a given interpretation, then ψ is true under that interpretation.
  • If \models _{\mathrm {P} }\phi and \models _{\mathrm {P} }(\phi \to \psi ), then \models _{\mathrm {P} }\psi .
  •  \neg \phi  is true under {\mathcal {I}} iff φ is not true under {\mathcal {I}}.
  • (\phi \to \psi ) is true under {\mathcal {I}} iff either φ is not true under {\mathcal {I}} or ψ is true under {\mathcal {I}}.
  • A sentence ψ of propositional logic is a semantic consequence of a sentence (\phi \to \psi ) is logically valid, that is, \phi \models _{\mathrm {P} }\psi iff \models _{\mathrm {P} }(\phi \to \psi ).