Using PL to Describe Properties of Systems

Example 1. Simple axiom system

Let {\mathcal {L}}_{1}={\mathcal {L}}(\mathrm {A} ,\Omega ,\mathrm {Z} ,\mathrm {I} ), where \mathrm {A} , \Omega , \mathrm {Z} , \mathrm {I} are defined as follows:

  • The set \mathrm {A} , the countably infinite set of symbols that serve to represent logical propositions:

\mathrm {A} =\{p,q,r,s,t,u,p_{2},\ldots \}.

  • The functionally complete set \Omega of logical operators (logical connectives and negation) is as follows. Of the three connectives for conjunction, disjunction, and implication (\wedge ,\lor , and →), one can be taken as primitive and the other two can be defined in terms of it and negation (¬). Alternatively, all of the logical operators may be defined in terms of a sole sufficient operator, such as the Sheffer stroke (nand). The biconditional (a\leftrightarrow b) can of course be defined in terms of conjunction and implication as (a\to b)\land (b\to a).

Adopting negation and implication as the two primitive operations of a propositional calculus is tantamount to having the omega set \Omega =\Omega _{1}\cup \Omega _{2} partition as follows:

\Omega _{1}=\{\lnot \},

\Omega _{2}=\{\to \}.

Then a\lor b is defined as \neg a\to b, and a\land b is defined as \neg (a\to \neg b).

  • The set \mathrm {I} (the set of initial points of logical deduction, i.e., logical axioms) is the axiom system proposed by Jan Łukasiewicz, and used as the propositional-calculus part of a Hilbert system. The axioms are all substitution instances of:
    • p\to (q\to p)
    • (p\to (q\to r))\to ((p\to q)\to (p\to r))
    • (\neg p\to \neg q)\to (q\to p)
  • The set \mathrm {Z} of transformation rules (rules of inference) is the sole rule modus ponens (i.e., from any formulas of the form \varphi and (\varphi \to \psi ), infer \psi ).

This system is used in Metamath formal proof database.