Communicating with a Live Audience


Learning Objectives

Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to

  • explain the preparation process used to deliver a presentation,
  • describe ways to cope with mistakes and surprises during a live presentation,
  • describe important audience factors to consider in delivering an effective presentation, and
  • critique and provide constructive feedback on a professional presentation.

This chapter focuses on what to do when presentation day finally arrives. You have had the opportunity to learn about your  presentation style, mapping out an effective strategy, and making the most of presentation aids, so you should be well poised to communicate interpersonally with a live audience.

You will first learn about how to prepare to present by taking a deeper look at what you should be doing during rehearsals, considering how you'll dress comfortably and professionally and how your setup will include contingency plans.

You will learn effective approaches to managing anxiety, such as how to cope with your body's reaction as well as how to cope with mistakes or surprises that may pop up in the speech, with the technology or through some other external distraction.

Having an understanding of how to read your audience for positive or negative cues is important during and post presentation, and you will learn about interpreting them in scanning their body language and during Q&A.

Finally, you will have a chance to critically reflect on the delivery of a presentation by learning about how to do a self-analysis, as well as give and receive constructive verbal and non-verbal feedback.

Preparing to Present

Source: Olds College,
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