Functions for Personal Finance

The PMT (Payment) Function for Loans

If you own a home, your mortgage payments are a major component of your household budget. Understanding your monthly payments is critical for maintaining strong financial health if you plan to buy a house. In Excel, mortgage payments are conveniently calculated through the PMT (payment) function.

With statistical functions, you must add only a range of cells or selected cells within the function's parentheses. With the PMT function, you must accurately define a series of arguments for the function to produce a reliable output. Table 2 lists the arguments for the PMT function. It is helpful to review the key loan and lease terms in Table 1 before reviewing the PMT function arguments.

Table 2 Arguments for the PMT Function
Argument Definition
Rate This is the interest rate the lender charges the borrower. The interest rate is usually quoted annually, so you must divide it by 12 to calculate monthly payments.
Nper The argument letters stand for the number of periods. This is the loan term when you must repay the bank. This is usually quoted in years, so you must multiply the years by 12 if calculating monthly payments.
Pv The argument letters stand for present value, which is the principal of the loan or the amount of money borrowed. A minus sign must precede the cell location or value when defining this argument. For leases, this argument is used for the price of the item being leased.
[Fv] The argument letters stand for future value. The brackets around the argument indicate that it is not always necessary to define it. It is used if a lump-sum payment will be made at the end of the loan terms. This is also used for the residual value of a lease. If it is not defined, Excel will assume that it is zero.
[Type] This argument can be defined with either a 1 or a 0. The number 1 is used if payments are made at the beginning of each period. A 0 is used if payments are made at the end of each period. The argument is in brackets because it does not have to be defined if payments are made at the end of each period. Excel assumes that this argument is 0 if it is not defined.

We will use the PMT function in the Personal Budget workbook to calculate the monthly mortgage payments for a house. These calculations will be made in the Mortgage Payments worksheet and then displayed in the Budget Summary worksheet through a cell reference link. So far, we have demonstrated several methods for adding functions to a worksheet. The following steps explain a new method using the Insert Function command for adding the PMT function:

  1. Click the Mortgage Payments worksheet tab.

  2. Click cell B5.

  3. Click the Formulas tab on the Ribbon.

  4. Click the Insert Function button (see Figure 2 Mortgage Payments Worksheet). This opens the Insert Function dialog box, which allows you to search for all Excel functions.

    Mortgage Payments Worksheet - in the formulas tab, insert function button, PMT function calculates monthly mortgage payments

    Figure 2 Mortgage Payments Worksheet

  5. In the "Search for a function:" input box at the top of the Insert Function dialog box, type mortgage payments (see Figure 3). The current description in the "Search for a function:" input box will already be highlighted. You can begin typing, and your entry will replace the description.

  6. Click the Go button in the upper right side of the Insert Function dialog box. This adds all the Excel functions that match your description in the "Select a function:" box in the lower half of the Insert Function dialog box (see Figure 3).

  7. Click the PMT option in the "Select a function:" box in the lower half of the Insert Function dialog box.

  8. Click the OK button at the lower right side of the Insert Function dialog box. This will open the Function Arguments dialog box.

    Insert Function Dialog Box - catagory you need to calculate, recommended functions, description of selected function 

    Figure 3 Insert Function Dialog Box

    Mouseless Commands

    Insert Function: Hold the SHIFT key while pressing the F3 key.

  9. Click the Collapse Dialog button next to the Rate argument in the Function Arguments dialog box. This will be the first argument defined for the function.

  10. Click cell B3 on the worksheet. This is the rate being charged on the loan.

  11. Type a forward slash (/) for division.

  12. Type the number 12. Since our goal is to calculate the monthly payments for the loan, we need to divide the rate, which is stated in annual terms, by 12. This converts the annual rate to a monthly rate.

  13. Press the ENTER key on your keyboard. This returns the Function Arguments dialog box to its expanded form. You will also see that the Rate argument is now defined.

  14. Click the Collapse Dialog button next to the Nper argument in the Function Arguments dialog box. This is the second argument we define in the function.

  15. Click cell B4 on the worksheet. This is the term or the amount of time we have to repay the loan.
  16. Type an asterisk (*) for multiplication.

  17. Type the number 12. Since our goal is to calculate the monthly payments for the loan, we need to multiply the loan terms by 12. This converts the terms of the loan from years to months.

  18. Press the ENTER key on your keyboard. This returns the Function Arguments dialog box to its expanded form. You will also see that the Nper argument is now defined.

  19. Click the Collapse Dialog button next to the Pv argument in the Function Arguments dialog box. This is the third argument we will define in the function.

  20. Type a minus sign (). When defining the Pv argument of the PMT function, any cell location or value must be preceded with a minus sign.

  21. Click cell B2 on the worksheet. This is the principal of the loan.

  22. Press the ENTER key on your keyboard. You will now see the Rate, Nper, and Pv arguments defined for the function.

  23. Click the OK button at the bottom of the Function Arguments dialog box. The function will now be placed into the worksheet. Since we are not paying any lump sums at the end of the loan, there is no need to define the Fv argument. Also, we assume that monthly mortgage payments will be made at the end of each month. Therefore, there is no need to define the Type argument.

Mouseless Commands

Function Arguments Dialog Box: After the equal sign (=) and function name are typed into cell a location, hold down the CTRL key and press the letter A on your keyboard.

Figure 4 shows the completed Function Arguments dialog box for the PMT function. Notice that the dialog box shows the values for the Rate and Nper arguments. The Rate is divided by 12 to convert the annual interest rate to a monthly interest rate. The Nper argument is multiplied by 12 to convert the loan terms from years to months. Finally, the dialog box provides you with a definition for each argument. The definition appears when you click in the input box for the argument.

Function Arguments Dialog Box for the PMT Function - collapse dialog box button, computed values for each, function output

Figure 4 Function Arguments Dialog Box for the PMT Function

Integrity Check

Comparable Arguments for PMT and FV Functions

When using functions such as PMT or FV, make sure the arguments are defined in comparable terms. For example, if you are calculating the monthly payments of a loan, make sure both the Rate and Nper argument are expressed in terms of months. The function will produce an erroneous result if one argument is expressed in years while the other is expressed in months.

Figure 5 shows the final appearance of the Mortgage Payments worksheet after the PMT function is added. The function's result in cell B5 will be displayed in the Budget Summary worksheet.

Mortgage Payments Worksheet with the PMT Function - payment function as it appears in cell B5, PMT function output

Figure 5 Mortgage Payments Worksheet with the PMT Function