BUS633 Study Guide

Unit 1: The Importance of the Sales Function

1a. Analyze the evolution of selling and the sales profession

  • When selling a product, how can you solve a customer’s problem?
  • What value can be added when promoting a product?
  • How have sales tactics evolved over the last few decades?

Sales promotion and the evolution of selling have changed over the last few decades. The way that products are promoted, sales tactics, advertising, and selling have all evolved as consumers have become more specific in their needs. Customers now have more choices than they have ever had in the past, and it is important to be able to differentiate between the various products being sold on the market.

Today, it is important that sales promotion includes information about how the product can solve a particular problem the customer is having. This type of marketing adds value to the customer and addresses their needs.

To review, see The Evolution of Sales.

1b. Evaluate the role professional salespeople play in a company's success

  • What defines a successful salesperson?
  • How does a salesperson add to a company's success?
  • Why is it important to define company success because of sales?

Professional salespeople promote products and provide a connection between a company and its customers. The skills that salespeople develop because of years of experience help the company to be more successful. By understanding the needs of the customer, a salesperson can better determine what products might work best for the individual customer.

Defining a successful salesperson can be difficult because each person may demonstrate selling ability in a different way. For one salesperson, it may be the immediate connection they have with the customer. And for another, it may be that they are able to show a customer how their products fulfill needs they didn't know they had. Each salesperson adds to the overall company and their bottom line.

To review, see Selling and the Marketing Mix.

1c. Assess different types of salespeople in B2B and B2C organizations

  • Can you name three different types of salespeople?
  • Do salespeople vary? If so, why?
  • Can a mediocre salesperson become better at their job? If so, how?

It is important that all salespeople understand the basic aspects of every sale. These may include preparing for a sales meeting with a customer, developing a professional relationship, making a presentation, storytelling, and closing the sale. These are just a few of the steps in the sales process. Most salespeople may master one of these steps or phases, but very few can master all the steps; and those that can are very successful.

As a sales manager, it may become very clear which type of salespeople need additional training and in what aspects or phases of the sales process. By understanding each salesperson's strengths and weaknesses, you can better determine how to help them and then increase sales for the company.

The best types of salespeople may include experts, consultants, and closers. Each of these is more successful than most, but these salespeople still require skill development to better relate to their customers.

To review, see Types of Salespeople.

1d. Evaluate the importance of customer relationships in sales

  • How do you define a customer relationship?
  • Why are customer relationships important in the sales process?
  • What is the difference between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty?

Customer relationships are very important in direct sales, and they directly affect sales and define the success of a salesperson. By building relationships with customers, a salesperson helps with customer satisfaction and may build customer loyalty over the long term.

Long-term customers may help to build a company and define a reputation in the field as people who know what they are doing and have remained customer-focused. Loyal customers may help to build a business as they may tell others about their experience with the business. This influence can work both ways. If a customer has a bad experience or bad relationship with a salesperson, they may tell others about that experience, and that can hurt the company's reputation.

To review, see Improve Your Customer Relationships.

Unit 1 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • customer relationships
  • evolution of selling
  • professional salespeople
  • types of salespeople