BUS633 Study Guide

Unit 7: Closing the Sale

7a. Analyze a trial close

  • What is a trial close in a sales presentation?
  • How will it help to analyze a trial close?
  • How can you analyze a trial close?

A trial close occurs at the end of the sales presentation, and it is a way to check in with the customer and see if there are further objections or anything that has not been addressed or answered during the meeting. It is also a chance to analyze the response and see if there is something you can do when the close occurs.

The trial close will give you insight into what the customer is looking at and what they might need additional information about. You might also attempt to determine what the customer might focus on by the way the sales presentation is going. Addressing any further issues prior to the closing would be beneficial during this time.

To review, see Trial Close and Challenges.

7b. Analyze different types of closes

  • What are the different types of closes that might occur in a sales presentation?
  • Why do you need to be aware of the different types of closings?
  • How can you decide which type of closing to use in a sales presentation?

A few of the different types of closes include a brief summary close, direct request close, and alternative choice close. It is important to understand the various types of closing so that you can match the appropriate close with the sales presentation, customer needs, and how the presentation seems to be going.

Here are brief descriptions of the various closings that might be used in the sales presentation process. The direct request close occurs when you simply ask the customer for their purchase at the end of your presentation. The brief summary close occurs when you summarize the benefits of your product for the customer. The alternative choice close allows options between two products and requires the customer to choose.

To review, see Types of Closes.

7c. Adapt alternative options for closing a sale

  • Why should you remain flexible during the sales presentation?
  • Why is it important to understand possible alternative options in closing?
  • Can't you just finish the sales presentation and assume the customer will say yes or no? Why, or why not?

It is important to remain flexible during the sales process because each customer will have different needs, and your sales techniques will need to match that customer. By understanding each of the types of closing and adjusting your presentation and closing to the customer's needs, you may be better prepared to have the customer agree to the purchase. Since the goal of the presentation is to end with a sales purchase, you will need to ask for the order by ending with a specific sales closing.

For example, if you see that the customer has quite a few questions about specific features of the product, then you must remain flexible and adjust your presentation by answering those questions. These types of questions may require a different type of closing than what you have planned. For example, you may want to end your sales presentation with a brief summary close and include the benefits of the product since they had so many questions about the product itself.

To review, see Closing Techniques.

Unit 7 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • alternative choice close
  • brief summary close
  • direct request close
  • trial close