BUS633 Study Guide

Unit 5: The Presentation and Documentation

5a. Apply strategies to get the customer engaged in the sales process

  • What can you do to engage the customer?
  • Why is it important to engage the customer?
  • What is SPIN, and how does it apply to selling?

It is important to engage the customer during the sales process so that you can determine how you can help and what product or products might be best for the customer. There are a few strategies that might work best in a sales call. Parts of the sales call include an opening statement, asking questions to determine needs, discussing possible solutions, and then asking for the sale.

One way to research and ask questions is to use the Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-Payoff (SPIN), which includes four types of questions. It is important to listen more than you speak during a sales call, and the answers to these questions can help to determine needs. Asking about their situation and the problem they are currently encountering can help you determine how you might be able to help or what products you might recommend.

To review, see SPIN Selling.

5b. Compare and contrast features and benefits

  • Why is it important to explore the features of a product with a potential customer?
  • Why is it important to explore the benefits of a product with a potential customer?
  • How can you determine which features and benefits might be best for the customer?

After you have listened intently to the customer explain their problem and any related issues, you will need to offer solutions. You would not be meeting with a potential customer unless there was a possibility that you could offer a solution to their problem. But how you present this information can either make or break the possibility that you gain a new client during the meeting.

By accurately demonstrating the benefits and features of your product and how it will solve their problem, you can gain a new client. It is important that you specifically relate how the product will benefit your customer and not just any customer. By listening intently, you can determine needs and then present a personalized solution to their problem.

To review, see Using Features versus Benefits in Sales.

5c. Analyze the importance of listening

  • What is active listening?
  • How can listening help you with a potential new customer?
  • Should you talk or listen more during a sales call? Why?

Most people believe they are good listeners, but history has shown that most people can't wait until the other person is done talking so they can speak about what is on their mind. This is not a good example of active listening. An active listener will listen and then repeat what the person said to ensure they completely understood. During a sales call, it is important that active listening is used throughout the entire meeting. A successful sales call will result in the salesperson listening more than they talk during the meeting. This is important so you can understand the problem completely and offer a solution.

The other things to watch for during a sales call are non-verbal cues. These might include someone who is looking at their watch several times during the meeting (this typically means they are not interested and wish they were someone else). Another non-verbal cue might be rolling their eyes upwards while you are talking, which means they may not believe what you are saying. These examples of non-verbal cues mean that you should slow down and ask more questions to ensure you understand needs.

To review, see Active Listening.

5d. Analyze how technology can be leveraged during a sales presentation

  • How can technology be used in a sales presentation?
  • Which is better, a virtual or in-person sales call?
  • What kind of multimedia can you use in a sales presentation?

Once you have been in sales for a while, you may know exactly what to do in almost any situation. But when you first start out, it may take some time to understand how to present, what your options are, and what type of meeting might be needed. It will be important to understand the difference between a virtual meeting and an in-person meeting. In-person is almost always better, but there are times when something needs to happen quickly or on the same day, and a virtual meeting is necessary. It is important to consider all the things you might do in person and include those in a virtual meeting.

Using technology during your sales presentation is expected. But you do not want to overwhelm the customer with too many bells and whistles. Too much information is never a good thing. Getting as specific as possible in a short period of time and videos are great for this because they can demonstrate how the product is used. You also need to make sure that any multimedia (videos, PowerPoints, charts, graphs, etc.) you use during your sales presentation works. Practicing and bringing back-up media may be a good idea, just in case anything goes wrong.

To review, see Making Your Presentation Work.

Unit 5 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • benefits and features of a product
  • good listeners
  • multimedia
  • non-verbal cues
  • SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-payoff)