Determinants of Brand Loyalty of Sports Footwear


The study implemented a descriptive research design and quantitative research method to achieve its objectives.

A self-administrated questionnaire was used to collect the required data to achieve the objectives of the study. The questionnaire had two sections, namely section A and section B. Section A included the demographic information of the participants, while section B included questions measuring antecedents of brand loyalty towards sports footwear brands. The measurement scale in the questionnaire had nine constructs (brand image, perceived quality, brand association, style, comfort, colour, brand name, price and endorsement). Participants rated each construct using a seven-point Likert scale ranging from one to seven (1 = strong disagree to 7 = strongly agree).

The study adopted a non-probability and convenience sampling technique. A total of 387 people participated in the study, which is sufficient for the type of analysis conducted in this study to achieve its objectives. The participants of the study were Generation Y students enrolled at one university of technology and as well as a traditional university in the Free State and Gauteng Province of South Africa. The participants' ages ranged from 18 and 25 years. Of the 387 participants, four did not indicate their gender. The distribution was almost equal between both genders; there were slightly more males (N=193; 50.04%) than females (N=190; 49.06%) (see Table 1).