Intrusion Detection Systems


Supervised learning in intrusion detection system

This section presents various supervised learning techniques for IDS. Each technique is presented in detail, and references to important research publications are presented.

Supervised learning-based IDS techniques detect intrusions by using labeled training data. A supervised learning approach usually consists of two stages, namely training and testing. In the training stage, relevant features and classes are identified and then the algorithm learns from these data samples. In supervised learning IDS, each record is a pair, containing a network or host data source and an associated output value (i.e., label), namely intrusion or normal. Next, feature selection can be applied for eliminating unnecessary features. Using the training data for selected features, a supervised learning technique is then used to train a classifier to learn the inherent relationship that exists between the input data and the labelled output value. A wide variety of supervised learning techniques have been explored in the literature, each with its advantages and disadvantages. In the testing stage, the trained model is used to classify the unknown data into intrusion or normal class. The resultant classifier then becomes a model that, given a set of feature values, predicts the class to which the input data might belong. Figure 4 shows a general approach for applying classification techniques. The performance of a classifier in its ability to predict the correct class is measured in terms of a number of metrics is discussed in Section 4.

Fig 4 Classification as the task 

There are many classification methods such as decision trees, rule-based systems, neural networks, support vector machines, naïve Bayes and nearest-neighbor. Each technique uses a learning method to build a classification model. However, a suitable classification approach should not only handle the training data, but it should also identify accurately the class of records it has not ever seen before. Creating classification models with reliable generalization ability is an important task of the learning algorithm.

Decision trees: A decision tree comprises of three basic components. The first component is a decision node, which is used to identify a test attribute. The second is a branch, where each branch represents a possible decision based on the value of the test attribute. The third is a leaf that comprises the class to which the instance belongs (Rutkowski et al., 2014). There are many different decision trees algorithms including ID3 (Quinlan, 1986), C4.5 (Quinlan, 2014), and CART (Breiman, 1996).

Naïve Bayes: This approach is based on applying Bayes' principle with robust independence assumptions among the attributes. Naïve Bayes answers questions such as "what is the probability that a particular kind of attack is occurring, given the observed system activities?" by applying conditional probability formulae. Naïve Bayes relies on the features that have different probabilities of occurring in attacks and in normal behavior. Naïve Bayes classification model is one of the most prevalent models in IDS due to its ease of use and calculation efficiency, both of which are taken from its conditional independence assumption property (Yang & Tian, 2012). However, the system does not operate well if this independence assumption is not valid, as was demonstrated on the KDD'99 intrusion detection dataset which has complex attribute dependencies (Koc et al., 2012). The results also reveal that the Naïve Bayes model has reduced accuracy for large datasets. A further study showed that the more sophisticated Hidden Naïve Bayes (HNB) model can be applied to IDS tasks that involve high dimensionality, extremely interrelated attributes, and high-speed networks (Koc et al., 2012).

Genetic algorithms (GA): Genetic algorithms are a heuristic approach to optimization, based on the principles of evolution. Each possible solution is represented as a series of bits (genes) or chromosome, and the quality of the solutions improves over time by the application of selection and reproduction operators, biased to favour fitter solutions. In applying a genetic algorithm to the intrusion classification problem, there are typically two types of chromosome encoding: one is according to clustering to generate binary chromosome coding method; another is specifying the cluster center (clustering prototype matrix) by an integer coding chromosome. Murray et al., has used GA to evolve simple rules for network traffic (Murray et al., 2014). Every rule is represented by a genome and the primary population of genomes is a number of random rules. Each genome is comprised of different genes that correspond to characteristics such as IP source, IP destination, port source, port destination and 1 protocol type (Hoque & Bikas, 2012).

Artificial Neural Network (ANN): ANN is one of the most broadly applied machine-learning methods and has been shown to be successful in detecting different malware. The most frequent learning technique employed for supervised learning is the backpropagation (BP) algorithm. The BP algorithm assesses the gradient of the network's error with respect to its modifiable weights. However, for ANN-based IDS, detection precision, particularly for less frequent attacks, and detection accuracy still need to be improved. The training dataset for less-frequent attacks is small compared to that of more-frequent attacks and this makes it difficult for the ANN to learn the properties of these attacks correctly. As a result, detection accuracy is lower for less frequent attacks. In the information security area, huge damage can occur if low-frequency attacks are not detected. For instance, if the User to Root (U2R) attacks evade detection, a cybercriminal can gain the authorization privileges of the root user and thereby carry out malicious activities on the victim's computer systems. In addition, the less common attacks are often outliers (Wang et al., 2010). ANNs often suffer from local minima and thus learning can become very time-consuming. The strength of ANN is that, with one or more hidden layers, it is able to produce highly nonlinear models that capture complex relationships between input attributes and classification labels. With the development of many variants such as recurrent and convolutional NNs, ANNs are powerful tools in many classification tasks including IDS.

Fuzzy logic: This technique is based on the degrees of uncertainty rather than the typical true or false Boolean logic on which the contemporary PCs are created. Therefore, it presents a straightforward way of arriving at a final conclusion based upon unclear, ambiguous, noisy, inaccurate or missing input data. With a fuzzy domain, fuzzy logic permits an instance to belong, possibly partially, to multiple classes at the same time. Therefore, fuzzy logic is a good classifier for IDS problems as the security itself includes vagueness, and the borderline between the normal and abnormal states is not well identified. In addition, the intrusion detection problem contains various numeric features in the collected data and several derived statistical metrics. Building IDSs based on numeric data with hard thresholds produces high false alarms. An activity that deviates only slightly from a model could not be recognized or a minor change in normal activity could produce false alarms. With fuzzy logic, it is possible to model this minor abnormality to keep the false rates low. Elhag et al. showed that with fuzzy logic, the false alarm rate in determining intrusive actions could be decreased. They outlined a group of fuzzy rules to describe the normal and abnormal activities in a computer system, and a fuzzy inference engine to define intrusions (Elhag et al., 2015).

Support Vector Machines (SVM): SVM is a discriminative classifier defined by a splitting hyperplane. SVMs use a kernel function to map the training data into a higher-dimensioned space so that intrusion is linearly classified. SVMs are well known for their generalization capability and are mainly valuable when the number of attributes is large and the number of data points is small. Different types of separating hyperplanes can be achieved by applying a kernel, such as linear, polynomial, Gaussian Radial Basis Function (RBF), or hyperbolic tangent. In IDS datasets, many features are redundant or less influential in separating data points into correct classes. Therefore, feature selection should be considered during SVM training. SVM can also be used for classification into multiple classes. In the work by Li et al., an SVM classifier with an RBF kernel was applied to classify the KDD 1999 dataset into predefined classes (Li et al., 2012). From a total of 41 attributes, a subset of features was carefully chosen by using the feature selection method.

Hidden Markov Model (HMM): HMM is a statistical Markov model in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with unseen data. Prior research has shown that HMM analysis can be applied to identify particular kinds of malware (Annachhatre et al., 2015). In this technique, a Hidden Markov Model is trained against known malware features (e.g., operation code sequence) and once the training stage is completed, the trained model is applied to score the incoming traffic. The score is then contrasted to a predefined threshold, and a score greater than the threshold indicates malware. Likewise, if the score is less than the threshold, the traffic is identified as normal.

K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classifier: The k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) techniques is a typical non-parametric classifier applied in machine learning (Lin et al., 2015). The idea of these techniques is to name an unlabelled data sample to the class of its k nearest neighbors (where k is an integer defining the number of neighbours to be considered). Figure 5 illustrates a K-Nearest Neighbors classifier where k = 5. The point X represents an instance of unlabelled date which needs to be classified. Amongst the five nearest neighbours of X there are three similar patterns from the class Intrusion and two from the class Normal. Taking a majority vote enables the assignment of X to the Intrusion class.

 Fig. 5 An example of classification by K-nearest Neighbor for k=5

k-NN can be appropriately applied as a benchmark for all the other classifiers because it provides a good classification performance in most IDSs (Lin et al., 2015).