Multifactor Authentication

4.3. Proposed MFA Solution for V2X Applications

4.4.3. Evaluation

In this work, we consider a more general case of the probabilistic decision-making methodology, while a combination of the measurement results for the individual sensors is made similarly to the previous works by using the Bayes estimator. Since the outcomes of measurements have a probabilistic nature, the decision function is suitable for the maximum a posteriori probability solution.

In more detail, the decision function may be described as follows. At the input, it requires a conditional probability of the measured value from each sensor P\left(z_{i} \mid H_{0}\right) and P\left(z_{i} \mid H_{1}\right) together with a priori probabilities of the hypotheses P\left(H_{0}\right) and P\left(H_{1}\right). The latter values could be a part of the company's risk policy as they determine the degree of confidence for specific users. Then, the decision function evaluates the a posteriori probability of the hypothesis P\left(H_{1} \mid Z\right) and validates that the corresponding probability is higher than a given threshold P_{T H}

The measurement-related conditional probabilities can be considered as independent random variables; hence, the general conditional probability is as follows:

P\left(Z \mid H_{J}\right)=\prod_{z_{i} \in Z} P\left(z_{i} \mid H_{J}\right), J \in\{0 ; 1\}

Further, the total probability P(Z) is calculated as

P(Z)=\prod_{z_{1} \in Z} P\left(z_{i} \mid H_{0}\right) P\left(H_{0}\right)+\prod_{z_{1} \in Z} P\left(z_{i} \mid H_{1}\right) P\left(H_{1}\right)

where P\left(z_{i} \mid H_{J}\right), J \in\{0 ; 1\} are known from the sensor characteristics, while P\left(H_{0}\right) and P\left(H_{1}\right) are a priori probabilities of the hypotheses (a part of the company's risk policy).

Based on the obtained results, the posterior probability for each hypothesis H_{J}, J \in\{0 ; 1\} can be produced as

P\left(H_{1} \mid Z\right)=\frac{\prod_{z_{1} \in Z} P\left(z_{i} \mid H_{1}\right) P\left(H_{1}\right)}{P(Z)}

For a comprehensive decision over the entire set of sensors, the following rule applies

P\left(H_{1} \mid Z\right)>P_{T H} \Rightarrow\{\text {Accept}\}, \text { else }\{\text {Reject}\}

As a result, the decision may be correct or may lead to an error. The FAR and FRR values could then be utilized for selecting the appropriate threshold P_{T H} based on all of the involved sensors.