Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Basic LDAP Data Components


As you begin to become familiar with LDAP, it is easy to recognize that the data defined by attributes only represents part of the available information about an object. The rest is found the entry's placement within the LDAP system and the relationships that this implies.

For instance, if it is possible to have entries for both a user and an inventory item, how would someone be able to tell them apart? One way to distinguish between entries of different types is by establishing relationships and groups. This is largely a function of where the entry is placed when it is created. Entries are all added to an LDAP system as branches on trees called Data Information Trees, or DITs.

A DIT represents an organizational structure similar to a file system where each entry (other than the top-level entry) has exactly one parent entry and may have any number of child entries beneath it. Since entries in an LDAP tree can represent just about anything, some entries will be used mainly for organizational purposes, similar to directories within a filesystem.

In this way, you may have an entry for "people" and an entry for "inventoryItems". Your actual data entries could be created as children of these to better distinguish their type. Your organizational entries can be arbitrarily defined to best represent your data.

In the example entry in the last section, we see one indication of the DIT in the dn line:

dn: sn=Ellingwood,ou=people,dc=digitalocean,dc=com

This line is called the entry's distinguished name (more on this later) and is used to identify the entry. It functions like a full path back to the root of the DIT. In this instance, we have an entry called sn=Ellingwood, which we are creating. The direct parent is an entry called ou=people which is probably being used as a container for entries describing people. The parents of this entry derived from the domain name, which functions as the root of our DIT.