Data Warehouses and Data Mining
Data Warehouse
Data warehouse was first coined by Bill Inmon in 1990. According to the Inmon, a data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and non-volatile collection of data. This data helps analysts to make informed decisions in an organization.
- A data warehouse is a database that is kept separate from the organization's operational database.
- Possesses consolidated historical data, which helps the organization to analyze its business.
- Help in the integration of diversity of application systems. Why a data warehouse is separated from operational databases?
- An operational database is constructed for well-known tasks and workloads such as searching particular records. Indexing etc.
- An operational database query allows reading and modifying operations.
- An operational database maintains current data.
- Data warehouse is subject oriented because it provides information around a subject.
- Data is integrated from heterogeneous sources.
- Data collected in a data warehouse is identified with a particular time period.
- Data is non volatile.
- A data warehouse does not require transaction processing, recovery, and concurrency controls.