Macroeconomics Study Guides

Principles of Macroeconomics Lecture Notes

Read both sets of lecture notes. Use these notes as a review of the material covered in Unit 1 and Unit 2 in preparation for Unit 3.

"Introduction to Macro Data" covers:

  1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
    • What is Gross Domestic Product and how we measure it? Why is this measure important?
    • What are the definitions of the major expenditure components?
    • What are the trends in these components over time?
  2. Inflation
    • What is the difference between 'Real' and 'Nominal' variables?
    • How is inflation measured?
  3. Interest Rate
    • How is inflation measured?
    • Why do we care about Inflation?
  4. Unemployment 
    • How is Unemployment measured?
    • Why do we care about Unemployment?

"Supply Side of the Macro Economy" covers:

  1. Production Function
  2. Labor Market
    • Labor Demand
    • Labor Supply
    • Equilibrium Wages and Employment

Source: Veronica Guirrieri,
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