Solving Word Problems with Linear Systems

Review (Answers)

  1. Claire is 28 and John is 32.
  2. The cost is the same after 5 \frac{1}{3} months.
  3. Ties are $23, and suspenders are $47.
  4. The plane flies at 540mph in still air, and the jet stream is 60mph.
  5. 350 children and 850 adults
  6. Not possible, the maximum take is $9,600.
  7. 300 16-oz sodas, and 240 32-oz sodas
  8. Peter discovered that Nadia would have had to pay a different price for each apple or banana (or both) each time for the second purchase to have been $6.
  9. Apples cost less than $1.25 each, and bananas cost less than $2.50 each.
  10. Four apples cost $3.00. Apples cost $0.75 each and bananas $1.00 each.