Advanced Transactions and Scripting

Relative Timelocks with CSV

Just like CLTV and nLocktime, there is a script opcode for relative timelocks that leverages the nSequence value in scripts. That opcode is CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY, commonly referred to as CSV for short.

The CSV opcode when evaluated in an UTXO's redeem script allows spending only in a transaction whose input nSequence value is greater than or equal to the CSV parameter. Essentially, this restricts spending the UTXO until a certain number of blocks or seconds have elapsed relative to the time the UTXO was mined.

As with CLTV, the value in CSV must match the format in the corresponding nSequence value. If CSV is specified in terms of blocks, then so must nSequence. If CSV is specified in terms of seconds, then so must nSequence.

Relative timelocks with CSV are especially useful when several (chained) transactions are created and signed, but not propagated, when they're kept "off-chain". A child transaction cannot be used until the parent transaction has been propagated, mined, and aged by the time specified in the relative timelock.

CSV is defined in detail in BIP-112, CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY.