Mining Fees, Block Data, Block Headers, and Proof-of-Work

Site: Saylor Academy
Course: CS120: Bitcoin for Developers I
Book: Mining Fees, Block Data, Block Headers, and Proof-of-Work
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Date: Saturday, April 27, 2024, 9:05 AM


Now that we have some background on what the mining process does for Bitcoin, let's cover the specifics. This chapter covers the technical process, including mining fees, block data, block headers, and Proof-of-Work.

The Coinbase Transaction

The first transaction in any block is a special transaction, called a coinbase transaction. This transaction is constructed by Jing's node and contains his reward for the mining effort.

Note: Bitcoin wallets contain keys, not coins. Each user has a wallet containing keys. Wallets are really keychains containing pairs of private/public keys (see [private_public_keys]). Users sign transactions with the keys, thereby proving they own the transaction outputs (their coins). The coins are stored on the blockchain in the form of transaction outputs (often noted as vout or txout). 

Jing's node creates the coinbase transaction as a payment to his own wallet: "Pay Jing's address 25.09094928 bitcoin." The total amount of reward that Jing collects for mining a block is the sum of the coinbase reward (25 new bitcoin) and the transaction fees (0.09094928) from all the transactions included in the block as shown in Coinbase transaction.

Example 4. Coinbase transaction

$ bitcoin-cli getrawtransaction d5ada064c6417ca25c4308bd158c34b77e1c0eca2a73cda16c737e7424afba2f 1


    "hex" : "010000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    "txid" : "d5ada064c6417ca25c4308bd158c34b77e1c0eca2a73cda16c737e7424afba2f",
    "version" : 1,
    "locktime" : 0,
    "vin" : [
            "coinbase" : "03443b0403858402062f503253482f",
            "sequence" : 4294967295
    "vout" : [
            "value" : 25.09094928,
            "n" : 0,
            "scriptPubKey" : {
                "asm" : "02aa970c592640d19de03ff6f329d6fd2eecb023263b9ba5d1b81c29b523da8b21OP_CHECKSIG",
                "hex" : "2102aa970c592640d19de03ff6f329d6fd2eecb023263b9ba5d1b81c29b523da8b21ac",
                "reqSigs" : 1,
                "type" : "pubkey",
                "addresses" : [


Unlike regular transactions, the coinbase transaction does not consume (spend) UTXO as inputs. Instead, it has only one input, called the coinbase, which creates bitcoin from nothing. The coinbase transaction has one output, payable to the miner's own bitcoin address. The output of the coinbase transaction sends the value of 25.09094928 bitcoin to the miner's bitcoin address; in this case it is 1MxTkeEP2PmHSMze5tUZ1hAV3YTKu2Gh1N.

Source: Andreas M. Antonopoulos,
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.


Coinbase Reward and Fees

To construct the coinbase transaction, Jing's node first calculates the total amount of transaction fees by adding all the inputs and outputs of the 418 transactions that were added to the block. The fees are calculated as:

Total Fees = Sum(Inputs) – Sum(Outputs)


In block 277,316, the total transaction fees are 0.09094928 bitcoin.

Next, Jing's node calculates the correct reward for the new block. The reward is calculated based on the block height, starting at 50 bitcoin per block and reduced by half every 210,000 blocks. Because this block is at height 277,316, the correct reward is 25 bitcoin.

The calculation can be seen in function GetBlockSubsidy in the Bitcoin Core client, as shown in Calculating the block reward – Function GetBlockSubsidy, Bitcoin Core Client, main.cpp.

CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
    int halvings = nHeight / consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval;
    // Force block reward to zero when right shift is undefined.
    if (halvings >= 64)
        return 0;

    CAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN;
    // Subsidy is cut in half every 210,000 blocks which will occur approximately every 4 years.
    nSubsidy >>= halvings;
    return nSubsidy;


The initial subsidy is calculated in satoshis by multiplying 50 with the COIN constant (100,000,000 satoshis). This sets the initial reward (nSubsidy) at 5 billion satoshis.

Next, the function calculates the number of halvings that have occurred by dividing the current block height by the halving interval (SubsidyHalvingInterval). In the case of block 277,316, with a halving interval every 210,000 blocks, the result is 1 halving.

The maximum number of halvings allowed is 64, so the code imposes a zero reward (returns only the fees) if the 64 halvings is exceeded.

Next, the function uses the binary-right-shift operator to divide the reward (nSubsidy) by two for each round of halving. In the case of block 277,316, this would binary-right-shift the reward of 5 billion satoshis once (one halving) and result in 2.5 billion satoshis, or 25 bitcoin. The binary-right-shift operator is used because it is more efficient than multiple repeated divisions. To avoid a potential bug, the shift operation is skipped after 63 halvings, and the subsidy is set to 0.

Finally, the coinbase reward (nSubsidy) is added to the transaction fees (nFees), and the sum is returned.

Tip: If Jing's mining node writes the coinbase transaction, what stops Jing from "rewarding" himself 100 or 1000 bitcoin? The answer is that an incorrect reward would result in the block being deemed invalid by everyone else, wasting Jing's electricity used for Proof-of-Work. Jing only gets to spend the reward if the block is accepted by everyone.

Structure of the Coinbase Transaction

With these calculations, Jing's node then constructs the coinbase transaction to pay himself 25.09094928 bitcoin.

As you can see in Coinbase transaction, the coinbase transaction has a special format. Instead of a transaction input specifying a previous UTXO to spend, it has a "coinbase" input. We examined transaction inputs in [tx_in_structure]. Let's compare a regular transaction input with a coinbase transaction input. The structure of a "normal" transaction input shows the structure of a regular transaction input, while The structure of a coinbase transaction input shows the structure of the coinbase transaction's input.

Table 1. The structure of a "normal" transaction input

Size Field Description

32 bytes

Transaction Hash

Pointer to the transaction containing the UTXO to be spent

4 bytes

Output Index

The index number of the UTXO to be spent, first one is 0

1–9 bytes (VarInt)

Unlocking-Script Size

Unlocking-Script length in bytes, to follow



A script that fulfills the conditions of the UTXO locking script

4 bytes

Sequence Number

Usually set to 0xFFFFFFFF to opt out of BIP 125 and BIP 68

Table 2. The structure of a coinbase transaction input

Size Field Description

32 bytes

Transaction Hash

All bits are zero: Not a transaction hash reference

4 bytes

Output Index

All bits are ones: 0xFFFFFFFF

1–9 bytes (VarInt)

Coinbase Data Size

Length of the coinbase data, from 2 to 100 bytes


Coinbase Data

Arbitrary data used for extra nonce and mining tags. In v2 blocks; must begin with block height

4 bytes

Sequence Number


In a coinbase transaction, the first two fields are set to values that do not represent a UTXO reference. Instead of a "transaction hash," the first field is filled with 32 bytes all set to zero. The "output index" is filled with 4 bytes all set to 0xFF (255 decimal). The "Unlocking Script" (scriptSig) is replaced by coinbase data, a data field used by the miners, as we will see next.

Coinbase Data

Coinbase transactions do not have an unlocking script (aka, scriptSig) field. Instead, this field is replaced by coinbase data, which must be between 2 and 100 bytes. Except for the first few bytes, the rest of the coinbase data can be used by miners in any way they want; it is arbitrary data.

In the genesis block, for example, Satoshi Nakamoto added the text "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks" in the coinbase data, using it as a proof of the date and to convey a message. Currently, miners use the coinbase data to include extra nonce values and strings identifying the mining pool.

The first few bytes of the coinbase used to be arbitrary, but that is no longer the case. As per BIP-34, version-2 blocks (blocks with the version field set to 2) must contain the block height index as a script "push" operation in the beginning of the coinbase field.

In block 277,316 we see that the coinbase, which is in the unlocking script or scriptSig field of the transaction input, contains the hexadecimal value 03443b0403858402062f503253482f. Let's decode this value.

The first byte, 03, instructs the script execution engine to push the next three bytes onto the script stack. The next three bytes, 0x443b04, are the block height encoded in little-endian format (backward, least-significant byte first). Reverse the order of the bytes and the result is 0x043b44, which is 277,316 in decimal.

The next few hexadecimal digits (0385840206) are used to encode an extra nonce, or random value, used to find a suitable Proof-of-Work solution.

The final part of the coinbase data (2f503253482f) is the ASCII-encoded string /P2SH/, which indicates that the mining node that mined this block provides support for the P2SH improvement defined in BIP-16. The introduction of the P2SH capability required signaling by miners to endorse either BIP-16 or BIP-17. Those endorsing the BIP-16 implementation were to include the string /P2SH/ in their coinbase data. Those endorsing the BIP-17 implementation of P2SH were to include the string p2sh/CHV in their coinbase data. Finally, the BIP-16 was elected as the winner, and many miners continued including the string /P2SH/ in their coinbase to indicate that they provide support for this feature.

Extract the coinbase data from the genesis block uses the libbitcoin library introduced in [alt_libraries] to extract the coinbase data from the genesis block, displaying Satoshi's message. Note that the libbitcoin library contains a static copy of the genesis block, so the example code can retrieve the genesis block directly from the library.

Example 6. Extract the coinbase data from the genesis block



We compile the code with the GNU C++ compiler and run the resulting executable, as shown in Compiling and running the satoshi-words example code.

Example 7. Compiling and running the satoshi-words example code

# Compile the code
$  g++ -o satoshi-words satoshi-words.cpp $(pkg-config --cflags --libs libbitcoin)
# Run the executable
$ ./satoshi-words
^D��<GS>^A^DEThe Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks

Constructing the Block Header

To construct the block header, the mining node needs to fill in six fields, as listed in The structure of the block header.

Table 3. The structure of the block header

Size Field Description

4 bytes


A version number to track software/protocol upgrades

32 bytes

Previous Block Hash

A reference to the hash of the previous (parent) block in the chain

32 bytes

Merkle Root

A hash of the root of the merkle tree of this block's transactions

4 bytes


The approximate creation time of this block (seconds from Unix Epoch)

4 bytes


The Proof-of-Work algorithm target for this block

4 bytes


A counter used for the Proof-of-Work algorithm


At the time that block 277,316 was mined, the version number describing the block structure is version 2, which is encoded in little-endian format in 4 bytes as 0x02000000.

Next, the mining node needs to add the "Previous Block Hash" (also known as prevhash). That is the hash of the block header of block 277,315, the previous block received from the network, which Jing's node has accepted and selected as the parent of the candidate block 277,316. The block header hash for block 277,315 is:



Tip: By selecting the specific parent block, indicated by the Previous Block Hash field in the candidate block header, Jing is committing his mining power to extending the chain that ends in that specific block. In essence, this is how Jing "votes" with his mining power for the longest-difficulty valid chain.

The next step is to summarize all the transactions with a merkle tree, in order to add the merkle root to the block header. The coinbase transaction is listed as the first transaction in the block. Then, 418 more transactions are added after it, for a total of 419 transactions in the block. As we saw in the [merkle_trees], there must be an even number of "leaf" nodes in the tree, so the last transaction is duplicated, creating 420 nodes, each containing the hash of one transaction. The transaction hashes are then combined, in pairs, creating each level of the tree, until all the transactions are summarized into one node at the "root" of the tree. The root of the merkle tree summarizes all the transactions into a single 32-byte value, which you can see listed as "merkle root" in Using the command line to retrieve block 277,316, and here:



Jing's mining node will then add a 4-byte timestamp, encoded as a Unix "epoch" timestamp, which is based on the number of seconds elapsed since midnight UTC, Thursday, January 1, 1970. The time 1388185914 is equal to Friday, December 27, 2013, 23:11:54 UTC.

Jing's node then fills in the target, which defines the required Proof-of-Work to make this a valid block. The target is stored in the block as a "target bits" metric, which is a mantissa-exponent encoding of the target. The encoding has a 1-byte exponent, followed by a 3-byte mantissa (coefficient). In block 277,316, for example, the target bits value is 0x1903a30c. The first part 0x19 is a hexadecimal exponent, while the next part, 0x03a30c, is the coefficient. The concept of a target is explained in Retargeting to Adjust Difficulty and the "target bits" representation is explained in Target Representation.

The final field is the nonce, which is initialized to zero.

With all the other fields filled, the block header is now complete and the process of mining can begin. The goal is now to find a value for the nonce that results in a block header hash that is equal to or less than the target. The mining node will need to test billions or trillions of nonce values before a nonce is found that satisfies the requirement.

Mining the Block

Now that a candidate block has been constructed by Jing's node, it is time for Jing's hardware mining rig to "mine" the block, to find a solution to the Proof-of-Work algorithm that makes the block valid. Throughout this book we have studied cryptographic hash functions as used in various aspects of the bitcoin system. The hash function SHA256 is the function used in bitcoin's mining process.

In the simplest terms, mining is the process of hashing the block header repeatedly, changing one parameter, until the resulting hash matches a specific target. The hash function's result cannot be determined in advance, nor can a pattern be created that will produce a specific hash value. This feature of hash functions means that the only way to produce a hash result matching a specific target is to try again and again, randomly modifying the input until the desired hash result appears by chance.

Proof-of-Work Algorithm

A hash algorithm takes an arbitrary-length data input and produces a fixed-length deterministic result, a digital fingerprint of the input. For any specific input, the resulting hash will always be the same and can be easily calculated and verified by anyone implementing the same hash algorithm. The key characteristic of a cryptographic hash algorithm is that it is computationally infeasible to find two different inputs that produce the same fingerprint (known as a collision). As a corollary, it is also virtually impossible to select an input in such a way as to produce a desired fingerprint, other than trying random inputs.

With SHA256, the output is always 256 bits long, regardless of the size of the input. In SHA256 example, we will use the Python interpreter to calculate the SHA256 hash of the phrase, "I am Satoshi Nakamoto".

Example 8. SHA256 example

$ python

Python 3.7.3
>>> import hashlib
>>> hashlib.sha256(b"I am Satoshi Nakamoto").hexdigest()


SHA256 example shows the result of calculating the hash of "I am Satoshi Nakamoto": 5d7c7ba21cbbcd75d14800b100252d5b428e5b1213d27c385bc141ca6b47989e. This 256-bit number is the hash or digest of the phrase and depends on every part of the phrase. Adding a single letter, punctuation mark, or any other character will produce a different hash.

Now, if we change the phrase, we should expect to see completely different hashes. Let's try that by adding a number to the end of our phrase, using the simple Python scripting in SHA256 script for generating many hashes by iterating on a nonce.

Example 9. SHA256 script for generating many hashes by iterating on a nonce



Running this will produce the hashes of several phrases, made different by adding a number at the end of the text. By incrementing the number, we can get different hashes, as shown in SHA256 output of a script for generating many hashes by iterating on a nonce.

Example 10. SHA256 output of a script for generating many hashes by iterating on a nonce

$ python

I am Satoshi Nakamoto0 => a80a81401765c8eddee25df36728d732...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto1 => f7bc9a6304a4647bb41241a677b5345f...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto2 => ea758a8134b115298a1583ffb80ae629...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto3 => bfa9779618ff072c903d773de30c99bd...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto4 => bce8564de9a83c18c31944a66bde992f...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto5 => eb362c3cf3479be0a97a20163589038e...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto6 => 4a2fd48e3be420d0d28e202360cfbaba...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto7 => 790b5a1349a5f2b909bf74d0d166b17a...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto8 => 702c45e5b15aa54b625d68dd947f1597...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto9 => 7007cf7dd40f5e933cd89fff5b791ff0...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto10 => c2f38c81992f4614206a21537bd634a...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto11 => 7045da6ed8a914690f087690e1e8d66...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto12 => 60f01db30c1a0d4cbce2b4b22e88b9b...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto13 => 0ebc56d59a34f5082aaef3d66b37a66...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto14 => 27ead1ca85da66981fd9da01a8c6816...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto15 => 394809fb809c5f83ce97ab554a2812c...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto16 => 8fa4992219df33f50834465d3047429...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto17 => dca9b8b4f8d8e1521fa4eaa46f4f0cd...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto18 => 9989a401b2a3a318b01e9ca9a22b0f3...
I am Satoshi Nakamoto19 => cda56022ecb5b67b2bc93a2d764e75f...


Each phrase produces a completely different hash result. They seem completely random, but you can reproduce the exact results in this example on any computer with Python and see the same exact hashes.


The number used as a variable in such a scenario is called a nonce. The nonce is used to vary the output of a cryptographic function, in this case to vary the SHA256 fingerprint of the phrase.

To make a challenge out of this algorithm, let's set a target: find a phrase that produces a hexadecimal hash that starts with a zero. Fortunately, this isn't difficult! SHA256 output of a script for generating many hashes by iterating on a nonce shows that the phrase "I am Satoshi Nakamoto13" produces the hash 0ebc56d59a34f5082aaef3d66b37a661696c2b618e62432727216ba9531041a5, which fits our criteria. It took 13 attempts to find it. In terms of probabilities, if the output of the hash function is evenly distributed we would expect to find a result with a 0 as the hexadecimal prefix once every 16 hashes (one out of 16 hexadecimal digits 0 through F). In numerical terms, that means finding a hash value that is less than 0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. We call this threshold the target and the goal is to find a hash that is numerically equal to or less than the target. If we decrease the target, the task of finding a hash that is less than the target becomes more and more difficult.

To give a simple analogy, imagine a game where players throw a pair of dice repeatedly, trying to throw equal to or less than a specified target. In the first round, the target is 11. Unless you throw double-six, you win. In the next round the target is 10. Players must throw 10 or less to win, again an easy task. Let's say a few rounds later the target is down to 5. Now, more than half the dice throws will exceed the target and therefore be invalid. It takes exponentially more dice throws to win, the lower the target gets. Eventually, when the target is 2 (the minimum possible), only one throw out of every 36, or 2% of them, will produce a winning result.

From the perspective of an observer who knows that the target of the dice game is 2, if someone has succeeded in casting a winning throw it can be assumed that they attempted, on average, 36 throws. In other words, one can estimate the amount of work it takes to succeed from the difficulty imposed by the target. When the algorithm is based on a deterministic function such as SHA256, the input itself constitutes proof that a certain amount of work was done to produce a result equal to or below the target. Hence, Proof-of-Work.

Tip: Even though each attempt produces a random outcome, the probability of any possible outcome can be calculated in advance. Therefore, an outcome of specified difficulty constitutes proof of a specific amount of work.

In SHA256 output of a script for generating many hashes by iterating on a nonce, the winning "nonce" is 13 and this result can be confirmed by anyone independently. Anyone can add the number 13 as a suffix to the phrase "I am Satoshi Nakamoto" and compute the hash, verifying that it is less than the target. The successful result is also Proof-of-Work, because it proves we did the work to find that nonce. While it only takes one hash computation to verify, it took us 13 hash computations to find a nonce that worked. If we had a lower target (higher difficulty) it would take many more hash computations to find a suitable nonce, but only one hash computation for anyone to verify. Furthermore, by knowing the target, anyone can estimate the difficulty using statistics and therefore know how much work was needed to find such a nonce.

Tip: The Proof-of-Work must produce a hash that is equal to or less than the target. A higher target means it is less difficult to find a hash that is equal to or below the target. A lower target means it is more difficult to find a hash equal to or below the target. The target and difficulty are inversely related.

Bitcoin's Proof-of-Work is very similar to the challenge shown in SHA256 output of a script for generating many hashes by iterating on a nonce. The miner constructs a candidate block filled with transactions. Next, the miner calculates the hash of this block's header and sees if it is equal to or smaller than the current target. If the hash is greater than the target, the miner will modify the nonce (usually just incrementing it by one) and try again. At the current difficulty in the bitcoin network, miners have to try quadrillions of times before finding a nonce that results in a low enough block header hash.

A very simplified Proof-of-Work algorithm is implemented in Python in Simplified Proof-of-Work implementation.

Example 11. Simplified Proof-of-Work implementation



Running this code, you can set the desired difficulty (in bits, how many of the leading bits must be zero) and see how long it takes for your computer to find a solution. In Running the Proof-of-Work example for various difficulties, you can see how it works on an average laptop.

Example 12. Running the Proof-of-Work example for various difficulties

$ python*

Difficulty: 1 (0 bits)


Difficulty: 8 (3 bits)
Starting search...
Success with nonce 9
Hash is 1c1c105e65b47142f028a8f93ddf3dabb9260491bc64474738133ce5256cb3c1
Elapsed Time: 0.0004 seconds
Hashing Power: 25065 hashes per second
Difficulty: 16 (4 bits)
Starting search...
Success with nonce 25
Hash is 0f7becfd3bcd1a82e06663c97176add89e7cae0268de46f94e7e11bc3863e148
Elapsed Time: 0.0005 seconds
Hashing Power: 52507 hashes per second
Difficulty: 32 (5 bits)
Starting search...
Success with nonce 36
Hash is 029ae6e5004302a120630adcbb808452346ab1cf0b94c5189ba8bac1d47e7903
Elapsed Time: 0.0006 seconds
Hashing Power: 58164 hashes per second


Difficulty: 4194304 (22 bits)
Starting search...
Success with nonce 1759164
Hash is 0000008bb8f0e731f0496b8e530da984e85fb3cd2bd81882fe8ba3610b6cefc3
Elapsed Time: 13.3201 seconds
Hashing Power: 132068 hashes per second
Difficulty: 8388608 (23 bits)
Starting search...
Success with nonce 14214729
Hash is 000001408cf12dbd20fcba6372a223e098d58786c6ff93488a9f74f5df4df0a3
Elapsed Time: 110.1507 seconds
Hashing Power: 129048 hashes per second
Difficulty: 16777216 (24 bits)
Starting search...
Success with nonce 24586379
Hash is 0000002c3d6b370fccd699708d1b7cb4a94388595171366b944d68b2acce8b95
Elapsed Time: 195.2991 seconds
Hashing Power: 125890 hashes per second


Difficulty: 67108864 (26 bits)
Starting search...
Success with nonce 84561291
Hash is 0000001f0ea21e676b6dde5ad429b9d131a9f2b000802ab2f169cbca22b1e21a
Elapsed Time: 665.0949 seconds
Hashing Power: 127141 hashes per second


As you can see, increasing the difficulty by 1 bit causes a doubling in the time it takes to find a solution. If you think of the entire 256-bit number space, each time you constrain one more bit to zero, you decrease the search space by half. In Running the Proof-of-Work example for various difficulties, it takes 84 million hash attempts to find a nonce that produces a hash with 26 leading bits as zero. Even at a speed of more than 120,000 hashes per second, it still requires 10 minutes on a laptop to find this solution.

At the time of writing, the network is attempting to find a block whose header hash is equal to or less than:



As you can see, there are a lot of zeros at the beginning of that target, meaning that the acceptable range of hashes is much smaller, hence it's more difficult to find a valid hash. It will take on average more than 1.8 zeta-hashes (thousand billion billion hashes) for the network to discover the next block. That seems like an impossible task, but fortunately the network is bringing 3 exa-hashes per second (EH/sec) of processing power to bear, which will be able to find a block in about 10 minutes on average.

Target Representation

In Using the command line to retrieve block 277,316, we saw that the block contains the target, in a notation called "target bits" or just "bits," which in block 277,316 has the value of 0x1903a30c. This notation expresses the Proof-of-Work target as a coefficient/exponent format, with the first two hexadecimal digits for the exponent and the next six hex digits as the coefficient. In this block, therefore, the exponent is 0x19 and the coefficient is 0x03a30c.

The formula to calculate the difficulty target from this representation is:

  • target = coefficient * 2(8*(exponent–3))

Using that formula, and the difficulty bits value 0x1903a30c, we get:

  • target = 0x03a30c * 20x08*(0x19-0x03)
  • => target = 0x03a30c * 2(0x08*0x16)
  • => target = 0x03a30c * 20xB0

which in decimal is:

  • => target = 238,348 * 2176
  • => target =

switching back to hexadecimal:

  • => target =

This means that a valid block for height 277,316 is one that has a block header hash that is less than this target. In binary that number must have more than 60 leading bits set to zero. With this level of difficulty, a single miner processing 1 trillion hashes per second (1 terahash per second or 1 TH/sec) would only find a solution once every 8,496 blocks or once every 59 days, on average.

Retargeting to Adjust Difficulty

As we saw, the target determines the difficulty and therefore affects how long it takes to find a solution to the Proof-of-Work algorithm. This leads to the obvious questions: Why is the difficulty adjustable, who adjusts it, and how?

Bitcoin's blocks are generated every 10 minutes, on average. This is bitcoin's heartbeat and underpins the frequency of currency issuance and the speed of transaction settlement. It has to remain constant not just over the short term, but over a period of many decades. Over this time, it is expected that computer power will continue to increase at a rapid pace. Furthermore, the number of participants in mining and the computers they use will also constantly change. To keep the block generation time at 10 minutes, the difficulty of mining must be adjusted to account for these changes. In fact, the Proof-of-Work target is a dynamic parameter that is periodically adjusted to meet a 10-minute block interval goal. In simple terms, the target is set so that the current mining power will result in a 10-minute block interval.

How, then, is such an adjustment made in a completely decentralized network? Retargeting occurs automatically and on every node independently. Every 2,016 blocks, all nodes retarget the Proof-of-Work. The equation for retargeting measures the time it took to find the last 2,016 blocks and compares that to the expected time of 20,160 minutes (2,016 blocks times the desired 10-minute block interval). The ratio between the actual timespan and desired timespan is calculated and a proportionate adjustment (up or down) is made to the target. In simple terms: If the network is finding blocks faster than every 10 minutes, the difficulty increases (target decreases). If block discovery is slower than expected, the difficulty decreases (target increases).

The equation can be summarized as:

New Target = Old Target * (Actual Time of Last 2016 Blocks / 20160 minutes)


Retargeting the Proof-of-Work – CalculateNextWorkRequired() in pow.cpp shows the code used in the Bitcoin Core client.

Example 13. Retargeting the Proof-of-Work – CalculateNextWorkRequired() in pow.cpp

// Limit adjustment step
    int64_t nActualTimespan = pindexLast->GetBlockTime() - nFirstBlockTime;
    LogPrintf("  nActualTimespan = %d  before bounds\n", nActualTimespan);
    if (nActualTimespan < params.nPowTargetTimespan/4)
        nActualTimespan = params.nPowTargetTimespan/4;
    if (nActualTimespan > params.nPowTargetTimespan*4)
        nActualTimespan = params.nPowTargetTimespan*4;

    // Retarget
    const arith_uint256 bnPowLimit = UintToArith256(params.powLimit);
    arith_uint256 bnNew;
    arith_uint256 bnOld;
    bnOld = bnNew;
    bnNew *= nActualTimespan;
    bnNew /= params.nPowTargetTimespan;

    if (bnNew > bnPowLimit)
        bnNew = bnPowLimit;


Note: While the target calibration happens every 2,016 blocks, because of an off-by-one error in the original Bitcoin Core client it is based on the total time of the previous 2,015 blocks (not 2,016 as it should be), resulting in a retargeting bias toward higher difficulty by 0.05%.

The parameters Interval (2,016 blocks) and TargetTimespan (two weeks as 1,209,600 seconds) are defined in chainparams.cpp.

To avoid extreme volatility in the difficulty, the retargeting adjustment must be less than a factor of four (4) per cycle. If the required target adjustment is greater than a factor of four, it will be adjusted by a factor of 4 and not more. Any further adjustment will be accomplished in the next retargeting period because the imbalance will persist through the next 2,016 blocks. Therefore, large discrepancies between hashing power and difficulty might take several 2,016 block cycles to balance out.

Tip: The difficulty of mining a bitcoin block is approximately '10 minutes of processing' for the entire network, based on the time it took to mine the previous 2,016 blocks, adjusted every 2,016 blocks. This is achieved by lowering or raising the target.

Note that the target is independent of the number of transactions or the value of transactions. This means that the amount of hashing power and therefore electricity expended to secure bitcoin is also entirely independent of the number of transactions. Bitcoin can scale up, achieve broader adoption, and remain secure without any increase in hashing power from today's level. The increase in hashing power represents market forces as new miners enter the market to compete for the reward. As long as enough hashing power is under the control of miners acting honestly in pursuit of the reward, it is enough to prevent "takeover" attacks and, therefore, it is enough to secure bitcoin.

The difficulty of mining is closely related to the cost of electricity and the exchange rate of bitcoin vis-a-vis the currency used to pay for electricity. High-performance mining systems are about as efficient as possible with the current generation of silicon fabrication, converting electricity into hashing computation at the highest rate possible. The primary influence on the mining market is the price of one kilowatt-hour of electricity in bitcoin, because that determines the profitability of mining and therefore the incentives to enter or exit the mining market.

Successfully Mining the Block

As we saw earlier, Jing's node has constructed a candidate block and prepared it for mining. Jing has several hardware mining rigs with application-specific integrated circuits, where hundreds of thousands of integrated circuits run the SHA256 algorithm in parallel at incredible speeds. Many of these specialized machines are connected to his mining node over USB or a local area network. Next, the mining node running on Jing's desktop transmits the block header to his mining hardware, which starts testing trillions of nonces per second. Because the nonce is only 32 bits, after exhausting all the nonce possibilities (about 4 billion), the mining hardware changes the block header (adjusting the coinbase extra nonce space or timestamp) and resets the nonce counter, testing new combinations.

Almost 11 minutes after starting to mine block 277,316, one of the hardware mining machines finds a solution and sends it back to the mining node.

When inserted into the block header, the nonce 924,591,752 produces a block hash of:


which is less than the target:


Immediately, Jing's mining node transmits the block to all its peers. They receive, validate, and then propagate the new block. As the block ripples out across the network, each node adds it to its own copy of the blockchain, extending it to a new height of 277,316 blocks. As mining nodes receive and validate the block, they abandon their efforts to find a block at the same height and immediately start computing the next block in the chain, using Jing's block as the "parent". By building on top of Jing's newly discovered block, the other miners are essentially "voting" with their mining power and endorsing Jing's block and the chain it extends.

In the next section, we'll look at the process each node uses to validate a block and select the longest chain, creating the consensus that forms the decentralized blockchain.