Mining Fees, Block Data, Block Headers, and Proof-of-Work

Structure of the Coinbase Transaction

With these calculations, Jing's node then constructs the coinbase transaction to pay himself 25.09094928 bitcoin.

As you can see in Coinbase transaction, the coinbase transaction has a special format. Instead of a transaction input specifying a previous UTXO to spend, it has a "coinbase" input. We examined transaction inputs in [tx_in_structure]. Let's compare a regular transaction input with a coinbase transaction input. The structure of a "normal" transaction input shows the structure of a regular transaction input, while The structure of a coinbase transaction input shows the structure of the coinbase transaction's input.

Table 1. The structure of a "normal" transaction input

Size Field Description

32 bytes

Transaction Hash

Pointer to the transaction containing the UTXO to be spent

4 bytes

Output Index

The index number of the UTXO to be spent, first one is 0

1–9 bytes (VarInt)

Unlocking-Script Size

Unlocking-Script length in bytes, to follow



A script that fulfills the conditions of the UTXO locking script

4 bytes

Sequence Number

Usually set to 0xFFFFFFFF to opt out of BIP 125 and BIP 68

Table 2. The structure of a coinbase transaction input

Size Field Description

32 bytes

Transaction Hash

All bits are zero: Not a transaction hash reference

4 bytes

Output Index

All bits are ones: 0xFFFFFFFF

1–9 bytes (VarInt)

Coinbase Data Size

Length of the coinbase data, from 2 to 100 bytes


Coinbase Data

Arbitrary data used for extra nonce and mining tags. In v2 blocks; must begin with block height

4 bytes

Sequence Number


In a coinbase transaction, the first two fields are set to values that do not represent a UTXO reference. Instead of a "transaction hash," the first field is filled with 32 bytes all set to zero. The "output index" is filled with 4 bytes all set to 0xFF (255 decimal). The "Unlocking Script" (scriptSig) is replaced by coinbase data, a data field used by the miners, as we will see next.