Numerical Measures of Central Tendency and Variability

Measures of Variability

Interquartile Range

The interquartile range (IQR) is the range of the middle \mathrm{50\%} of the scores in a distribution. It is computed as follows:

\mathrm{IQR}  = \mathrm{75th} \, \; \text{percentile} - \mathrm{25th} \;  \text{percentile}

For Quiz 1, the \mathrm{75th} percentile is \mathrm{8} and the \mathrm{25th} percentile is \mathrm{6}. The interquartile range is therefore \mathrm{2}. For Quiz 2, which has greater spread, the \mathrm{75th} percentile is \mathrm{9}, the \mathrm{25th} percentile is \mathrm{5}, and the interquartile range is \mathrm{4}. Recall that in the discussion of box plots, the \mathrm{75th} percentile was called the upper hinge and the \mathrm{25th} percentile was called the lower hinge. Using this terminology, the interquartile range is referred to as the H-spread.

A related measure of variability is called the semi-interquartile range. The semi-interquartile range is defined simply as the interquartile range divided by \mathrm{2}. If a distribution is symmetric, the median plus or minus the semi-interquartile range contains half the scores in the distribution.