
Interpreting Non-Significant Results


Question 1 out of 2.

You have just analyzed the results from your experiment, and you calculated p=.13. What conclusions can you make? Select all that apply.

  • You reject the null hypothesis.
  • You accept the null hypothesis.
  • You fail to reject the null hypothesis.
  • You accept the alternative hypothesis.

Question 2 out of 2.

You have just given a group of 2nd graders and 1st graders a reading test. You found that the 2nd graders performed better than the 1st graders, but you calculated a p value of.08, which was not significant at the.05 level. After getting these results, what should your thoughts be about the difference between 1st and 2nd graders on this reading test?

  • You are more confident that there is a difference.
  • You are less confident that there is a difference.
  • You now know that the difference is actually zero.