An Overview of Ethics

Blurring Ethical Lines

Social norms aren't identical in different countries, and ethical standards can vary as well. A business may operate in a country that permits actions that would be considered unethical under that business's ethical code. How will employees working in that country handle that situation, especially if something that could be considered unethical in one place is actually thought to be important to business success in the other? For instance, in some cultures, it is customary for business partners and customers to be invited to weddings, with the expectation that guests will give a cash gift to the bride and groom. A company might consider the gift an unethical bribe in exchange for a customer's business, yet it may be essential to enter a new market. Adhering to ethical standards in such instances can be difficult.

This way to ethics: Ethical decisions are not always clear-cut



American companies are often criticized for the treatment of workers who produce their products in China. However, rules concerning the rights of workers are much more relaxed in China than in the United States. Does an American company have the right to order factory owners in China to change their way of doing business? That is one example of an ethical gray area in today's globalized economy.