Case Study: Role of Marketing Mix


This study aims to investigate the effect of the marketing mix and service quality on tourist satisfaction and loyalty. The data collection techniques used in this study included interviews and questionnaires to the relevant parties. The technique of data analysis in this study was descriptive and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that the marketing mix had a positive and significant effect on tourist's satisfaction. The service quality had a positive and significant effect on tourist's satisfaction in the region of Samosir. Marketing mix had a positive and significant effect on tourist's loyalty. The service quality had a positive and significant effect on tourist's loyalty. Tourist satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on tourist's loyalty in the region of Samosir. And the marketing mix and the service quality had a significant effect on tourists in the Samosir Region through tourist satisfaction. 

It also revealed that employees of lower age and longer experience are preferable because of shorter operating times and that the age was statistically significant, revealing that the most appropriate age to have a shorter time is approximately 27 years.

Keywords: Marketing Mix, Service Quality, Satisfaction, Loyalty, Tourists

Source: Muhammad Elfi Azhar, Jufrizen Jufrizen, Muhammad Andi Prayogi, Maya Sari,
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