Inverse Property of Addition

Site: Saylor Academy
Course: RWM101: Foundations of Real World Math
Book: Inverse Property of Addition
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Date: Friday, July 26, 2024, 7:46 PM


Read this section on the properties of identity, inverses, and zero. Complete the practice questions and check your answers.

Inverse Property of Addition

Use the Inverse Properties of Addition and Multiplication

What number added to 5 gives the additive identity, 0?
 5+ \text{_______} =0
We know 5+(-5)=0
What number added to −6 gives the additive identity, 0?
 −6+ \text{_______} =0
We know -6+6=0

Notice that in each case, the missing number was the opposite of the number.

We call -a the additive inverse of a . The opposite of a number is its additive inverse. A number and its opposite add to 0 , which is the additive identity.

Source: Rice University,
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Examples and Exercises


Find the additive inverse of each expression: (a)  13       (b)  -\frac {5}{8}       (c)  0.6

TRY IT 7.67

Find the additive inverse:

(a)  18

(b)  \frac {7}{9}

(c)  1.2

TRY IT 7.68

Find the additive inverse:

(a)  47

(b)  \frac {7}{13}

(c)  8.4


Example 7.34

To find the additive inverse, we find the opposite.

(a) The additive inverse of 13 is its opposite, -13.

(b) The additive inverse of -\frac{5}{8} is its opposite, \frac{5}{8}.

(c) The additive inverse of 0.6 is its opposite, -0.6.

Try It 7.67

(a) -18

(b) -\frac{7}{9}

(c) -1.2

Try It 7.68

(a) -47

(b) -\frac{7}{13}

(c) -8.4