Add and Subtract Fractions with Common Denominators

Add and Subtract Fractions with Common Denominators

Model Fraction Addition

How many quarters are pictured? One quarter plus 2 quarters equals 3 quarters.

Remember, quarters are really fractions of a dollar. Quarters are another way to say fourths. So the picture of the coins shows that

 \begin{array}{ccc} \dfrac{1}{4} & \dfrac{2}{4} & \dfrac{3}{4} \\ \text { one quarter +} & \text { two quarters =} & \text { three quarters } \end{array}

Let's use fraction circles to model the same example, \dfrac{1}{4}+\dfrac{2}{4}.

Start with one \dfrac{1}{4} piece. \dfrac{1}{4}
Add two more \dfrac{1}{4} pieces. \begin{align}+\dfrac{2}{4} \\\text{___}\end{align}
The result is \dfrac{3}{4}. \dfrac{3}{4}

So again, we see that


Add Fractions with a Common Denominator

Example 4.52 shows that to add the same-size pieces - meaning that the fractions have the same denominator - we just add the number of pieces.

Fraction Addition
If a, b, and c are numbers where c≠0, then


To add fractions with a common denominators, add the numerators and place the sum over the common denominator.

Model Fraction Subtraction

Subtracting two fractions with common denominators is much like adding fractions. Think of a pizza that was cut into 12 slices. Suppose five pieces are eaten for dinner. This means that, after dinner, there are seven pieces (or \dfrac{7}{12} of the pizza) left in the box. If Leonardo eats 2 of these remaining pieces (or \dfrac{2}{12} of the pizza), how much is left? There would be 5 pieces left (or \dfrac{5}{12} of the pizza).


Let's use fraction circles to model the same example, \dfrac{7}{12}-\dfrac{2}{12}.

Start with seven \dfrac{1}{12} pieces. Take away two \dfrac{1}{12} pieces. How many twelfths are left?

Again, we have five twelfths, \dfrac{5}{12}.

Subtract Fractions with a Common Denominator

We subtract fractions with a common denominator in much the same way as we add fractions with a common denominator.


If a, b, and c are numbers where c \neq 0, then


To subtract fractions with common denominators, we subtract the numerators and place the difference over the common denominator.

Source: Rice University,
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