Fundamentals of UML Diagrams

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Course: CS302: Software Engineering (2021.B.01)
Book: Fundamentals of UML Diagrams
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A diagram is the graphical presentation of a set of elements. UML has a lot of different diagrams. Read this section, and make sure you can differentiate between different diagrams.

1. Basic Use Case Notation


A diagram is the graphical presentation of a set of elements, most often rendered as a connected graph of vertices (things) and arcs (relationships). You draw diagrams to visualize a system from  different perspectives, so a diagram is a projection into a system. UML has a lot of different diagrams (models). The reason for this is that it is possible to look at a system from different  viewpoints. UML being a graphical language includes nine such diagrams models):

1. Class diagram

2. Object diagram

3. Use case diagram

4. Sequence diagram

5. Collaboration diagram

6. Statechart diagram

7. Activity diagram

8. Component diagram

9. Deployment diagram

UML nine diagrams can be divided into two categories

(a) Four diagram types represent static application structure:

  • Class Diagram
  • Object Diagram
  • Component Diagram
  • Deployment Diagram

(b) Five represent different aspects of dynamic behaviour

  • Use Case Diagram
  • Sequence Diagram
  • Activity Diagram
  • Collaboration Diagram
  • Statechart Diagram

Source: Ellen Ambakisye Kalinga
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.

1.1. A Class Diagram

In Object Oriented design and development terms, a class has a name, a set of methods (also known as operations) and related data members (also known as attributes) as shown in Figure 2.1. Class by itself is not very useful. A large software system may have thousands of classes, Modelling the relationships (association, inheritance, composition or aggregation) between them really defines systems behaviour.

Class diagrams show a set of classes, interfaces, and collaborations and their relationships. Class diagrams are the most common diagrams found in modelling object-oriented systems. It is an essential aspect of any Object Oriented Design method. 

Class diagrams address the static design view of a system. They are used at the analysis stage as well as design. Class diagrams that include active classes address the static process view of a system. Class Diagram syntax is being used to draw a plan of the major concepts for anyone to understand. This is called the Conceptual Model. Together with use cases, a conceptual diagram is a powerful technique in requirements analysis. Figure 2.2 shows an example of a class diagram.

Figure 2.2: An Example of a Class Diagram2.2.3

1.2. Object Diagram

Object Diagrams show a set of objects and their relationships. They are static snapshots of element instances found in class diagrams. Figure 2.3 shows an example of an object diagram.

Figure 2.3: Example of a UML Object Diagram

1.3. A Use Case Diagram

Use cases are versatile and valuable techniques for describing user requirements. A use case is a high-level description of a major user requirement. It represents the functionality of the system. It is a description of the system’s behaviour from a user’s viewpoint and constitutes a complete interaction with the system initiated by a user or another system. 

Use case diagrams address the static use case view of a system. The different types of people and/or devices (called actors) that interact with the system are identified along with the functions that they perform or initiate. A Use Case diagram shows a set of use cases and actors (a special kind of class) and their relationships.

These diagrams are especially important in organizing and modelling the behaviors of a system. They are valuable aid during analysis, since developing Use Cases helps to understand requirements. Use Cases and a Conceptual Model are the powerful techniques in requirement analysis. Notations used when representing use case diagrams include:

Basic Use Case Notation 

The Actor represents a user of the system, or any external system that interacts with the system. The Use case represents a piece of functionality that is important to the user. Mostly we see the actor as a human user, but it can also represent a system or other nonhuman artifact. Figure 2.4 shows the basic notation of a use case diagram.

Figure 2.4: Basic Notation of a Use Case Diagram

2. Using the <> Relationship

This feature encourages re-use. If a use-case needs the functionality of another use-case in order to perform its task, it "uses" the 2nd use case. The relationship is drawn as a line with arrowhead pointing to the use case that is being "used" as shown in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5: A < > Relationship in a Use Case Diagram

3. Using the <> relationship

The "extends" notation extends the functionality of a use case to deal with errors or exceptions. "extends" relationship as shown in Figure 2.6 is being used when there is one use case that is similar to another but does a bit more. The relationship is drawn as a line with arrowhead pointing to the major use case.

The following is the essence of the "extends" relationship:

  • Capture the normal simple case first 
  • For every step in that use case, ask "What could go wrong here" and "How might this work out differently?" 
  • Plot all variations as extensions of the given use case.

Figure 2.6: An < > Relationship in a Use Case Diagram

Using the << include >> relationship 

"include" relationship as shown in Figure 2.7 can be used for making up a big use case from simpler ones.

Figure 2.7: An < > Relationship in a Use Case Diagram

Use Case diagrams serve a number of purposes. Use case diagrams provide: 

  • A graphical overview of system functionality. 
  • A bridge between developers and client/user. The notation is sufficiently simple to enable a non-user to understand and comment. 
  • A starting point for developing detailed requirements. 
  • A basis for developing design. 
  • Integration test cases.

Use Case Scenario 

A scenario is a description of a use case as a story. It is a story of one user's interaction with the system. It can be described in terms of:

  • The actors involved, and 
  • The steps to be taken in order to achieve the functionality described in the use case title. (Use cases are about functionality, so make sure the title reflects some functionality).

The steps involved usually take the form of the normal flow of events, followed by alternate flows and/or exception flows.


In an ATM banking system, a use case would be "Validate User". The steps involved in authenticating a user are described in scenarios. There will be a number of different scenarios for "Validate User", describing different situations that can arise.

Main (primary) flow of events for "validate user" use case could be: 

1. System prompts user for PIN number 

2. User enters PIN number via keypad. 

3. User commits PIN by pressing the Enter key. 

4. System then checks PIN to see if it is valid. 

5. If the PIN is valid, system acknowledges the entry. 

6. End of Use Case

Exception Flow of events 

1. System prompts user for PIN number 

2. User enters PIN number via keypad. 

3. User presses Cancel button to cancel transaction 

4. End of Use case. No changes made to user account.

By using scenarios, you are able to discover the objects that must collaborate to produce the results needed.

3.1. Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams

When developing Object-Oriented software, anything our software needs to do is going to be achieved by objects collaborating. We can draw a collaboration diagram to describe how we want the objects we built to collaborate. 

Both sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams are kinds of interaction diagrams.

  • They both describe the flow of messages between objects.
  • They are very useful for describing the procedural flow through many objects.
  • Interaction diagrams consisting of a set of objects and their relationships, including the messages that may be dispatched among them
  • Both are interaction diagrams which address the dynamic view of a system
  • They are models that describes how a group of objects collaborate in some behaviour, typically a single use case

3.2. Sequence Diagrams

A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time-ordering of messages. Sequence diagrams focus on the order in which the messages are sent. They provide a sequential map of messages passing between objects over time. The Sequence Diagrams are driven by the Use Cases which are the system requirements. In this form objects are shown as vertical lines with the messages as horizontal lines between them. The sequence of messages is indicated by reading down the page (read left to right and descending). Sequence Diagrams are about deciding and modelling "how" the system will achieve "what" we described in the Use Case model.

Although there is no fixed recipe for developing Sequence Diagrams, we can follow an approach that will result in a logical sequence diagram. This is as follows:

  • Take the Use Case description and turn it into simple pseudo code running down the right hand side of the State Diagram.
  • Guess which classes you think might be involved - based on the content of the Use Case description. Simple noun analysis is as good a way to start as any.
  • For each of the steps in you pseudo code, decide which of the classes should have the responsibility for doing that task.
  • For each of those tasks, you may want to go back and decide to break them down into a number of simpler tasks.
  • Add in probes that correspond to the "uses (includes)" and "extends" relationships in the Use Case diagram.
  • Consider any important errors you might have to handle that perhaps weren't covered in the Use Case model.
  • Consider whether anything you have discovered needs to be fed-backed into the Use Case model.

An analysis of the Sequence Diagrams shows the following (Shown in Figure 2.8):

i. A Class (Figure 2.8(a)) 

  • Participates in a sequence by sending and/or receiving messages 
  • Is placed at the top of the diagram and is shown using a rectangle with a descriptive name.

ii. A Lifeline (Figure 2.8(b)) 

  • Denotes the life of an object during a sequence 
  • Is a dotted vertical line below each class.

iii. A focus of control (Figure 2.8(c)) 

  • Is a long, narrow rectangle placed atop a lifeline 
  • Denotes when an object is sending or receiving messages

iv. A message (Figure 2.8(d)) 

  • Conveys information from one object to another object 
  • Is depicted using a horizontal arrow labeled with the message description and applicable parameters.

Example of a "Make a Cup of Tea" sequence diagram generated from its corresponding use case description is as shown in Figure 2.9.

Figure 2.9: A Sequence Diagram for "Make a Cup of Tea" Use Case

3.3. Collaboration Diagram

A collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the structural organization of the objects that send and receive messages. Collaboration diagrams express both the context of a group of objects and the interaction between these objects. It focuses upon the relationships between the objects. They are very useful for visualizing the way several objects collaborate to get a job done and for comparing a dynamic model with a static model. When creating collaboration diagrams, patterns are used to justify relationships. Patterns are best principles for assigning responsibilities to objects. Figure 2.10 shows an example of a collaboration diagram.

Figure 2.10: Example of a Collaboration Diagram

Note for Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams

  • Interaction diagrams require use cases, system operation contracts, and domain (class or conceptual) model to already exist
  • Sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams are isomorphic, meaning that you can take one and transform it into the other. 
  • Collaboration and sequence diagrams describe the same information, and can be transformed into one another without difficulty. 
  • The choice between the two depends upon what the designer wants to make visually apparent.

3.4. Statechart Diagrams

Statechart is a diagram that shows all possible object states. Some objects can at any particular time be in a certain state. A Statechart or simply a state diagram shows a state machine, consisting of states, transitions, events, and activities. Statechart diagrams address the dynamic view of a system. UML State charts are not normally needed. They are needed when an object has a different reaction dependent on its state; an example of a Statechart diagram is shown in Figure 2.11.

Figure 2.11: Example of a Statechart Diagram Activity Diagrams

An activity diagram is a special kind of a statechart diagram that shows the flow from activity to activity within a system. They are used to show how different workflows or processes in a system are constructed, how they start, the many decision paths that can be taken from start to finish and where parallel processing may occur during execution. Activity diagrams address the dynamic view of a system. They are especially important in modelling the function of a system and emphasize the flow of control among objects. An Activity diagram as shown in Figure 2.12 generally does not model the exact internal behaviour of a software system (like a Sequence diagram does) but rather it shows the general processes and pathways at a high level.

Figure 2.12: Example of Activity Diagram

3.5. Package Diagrams

Any non-trial system needs to be divided up in smaller, easier to understand "chunks". A package is basically a logical container into which related elements can be placed, "like a folder or directory in an operating system". We can display groups of packages and relationships between them on the UML package diagram. 

Packages does not show actually what is inside the package, it provides a very "high-level" view of the system. Some case tools allow the user to double-click on the package icon in order to open-up the package and explore the contents. The common use of a package is to group related classes together, sometimes group related use cases.

Packages can be used to: 

  • Group large systems into easier to manage subsystems 
  • Allow parallel iterative development 

Package diagram in Figure 2.13 shows three UML packages representing a "three-tier model"

Figure 2.13: Example of a Package Diagram

Figure 2.13: Example of a Package Diagram

3.6. Component Diagrams

A component diagram is similar to the package diagram. It works in the same way as the package diagram, showing the organizations and dependencies among a set of components. Component diagrams address the static implementation view of a system. Component diagrams emphasize the physical software entity e.g. files headers, executables, link-libraries etc, rather than the logical partitioning of the package diagram. It is based heavily on the package diagram, but has added ".dll" to handle I/O, and has added a test harness executable. Not heavily used, but can be helpful in mapping the physical, real life software code and dependencies between them. Figure 2.14 shows a symbol used for a software component.

Figure 2.14: A Symbol for a Software Component

3.7. Deployment Diagrams

Deployment diagram shows the configuration of run-time processing nodes and the components that live on them. Deployment diagrams address the static deployment view of an architecture. They are related to component diagrams in that a node typically encloses one or more components. Figure 2.15 shows a node symbol used in a deployment diagram.

Figure 2.15: A Node Symbol for a Deployment Diagram

3.8. Design Class Diagrams

We built a class (conceptual or Domain) diagram made using concepts having properties of these concepts. No behaviour was allocated to any of these concepts. After creating collaboration diagrams, we can progress the conceptual model, and build it into a true "Design Class Diagram (DCD)". DCDs are based on the collaboration diagram. Attribute visibility is shown for permanent connections. DCD is a diagram which we can base our final program code upon. We can say that a DCD is a modification of a class diagram.

4. Summary on UML Diagrams

In this activity, you have learnt about UML diagrams and their use context. Each diagram in UML provides a certain view of the software under development. When creating a diagram, the following can be a guide question for each:

  • Use Cases – How will our system interact with the outside world? 
  • Class Diagram – What objects do we need? How will they be related? 
  • Collaboration Diagram – How will the objects interact? 
  • Sequence Diagram – How will the objects interact? 
  • Statechart (or state) Diagram – What states should our objects be in? 
  • Component Diagram – How will our software components be related? 
  • Deployment Diagram – How will the software be deployed