Activity: Consistent Point of View

Site: Saylor Academy
Course: ENGL000: Pre-College English
Book: Activity: Consistent Point of View
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Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 9:03 PM


Read about a third consistency issue and get some practice by doing the activity. Compare your responses to the answer key.

Using a Consistent Point of View

Lastly, when it comes to consistency, we must be consistent with our point of view (expressed through the pronouns that we use). Pronouns are non-specific nouns that refer to specific nouns – we use them to avoid repetition in our writing – see chapter seventeen for more about pronouns.  In particular, we need to stick with the same point of view – with pronouns this is called "person" – 1st person, 2nd person, and 3rd person.

Pronoun Chart

Subject Pronouns:



1st person:


2nd person:



3rd person:



Object Pronouns:



1st person:



2nd person:



3rd person:



Possessive Pronouns:



1st person:



2nd person:



3rd person:



Inconsistent: We never go to The Gilded Truffle restaurant anymore because you have to wait for over an hour to be seated.

Consistent: We never go to The Gilded Truffle restaurant anymore because we have to wait for over an hour to be seated.

Source: Erin Severs
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License.

Using a Consistent Point of View Activity

Read the following groups of sentences to find the pronoun/s that are not consistent with the point of view. After you find the pronoun/s, rewrite the sentence correcting the inconsistency.

  1. I always read over my notes before class because one can never tell when there might be a quiz.
  2. When I get ready in the morning, I have to hit the snooze button at least twice before you can fully wake up and roll out of bed.
  3. I enjoy movies like The House of Wax that frighten you.
  4. This summer, I worked for my city's Waste Management department, a job where you learned a lot about how to handle the garbage produced by a large population.
  5. Our time in Chicago was limited, so we decided to skip the Natural History Museum because you would need to spend an entire day for a worthwhile visit.

Answer Key

  1. I always read over my notes before class because I can never tell when there might be a quiz.
  2.  When I get ready in the morning, I have to hit the snooze button at least twice before I can fully wake up and roll out of bed.
  3. I enjoy movies like The House of Wax that frighten me.
  4. This summer, I worked for my city's Waste Management department, a job where I learned a lot about how to handle the garbage produced by a large population.
  5.  Our time in Chicago was limited, so we decided to skip the Natural History Museum because we would need to spend an entire day for a worthwhile visit.