Types of Charts

Site: Saylor Academy
Course: PRDV200: Communicating with Data
Book: Types of Charts
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Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 9:07 PM


These lecture note slides walk through various charting options at your disposal. The slide collection also includes some working examples to show how one dataset can be visualized with many different charts. Take note of which charts are associated with each data type. Some are quite creative.

Three principles for visualization

  1. be true to your research – design your display to illustrate a particular point
  2. maximize information, minimize ink –use the simplest possible representation for the bits you want to convey
  3. organize hierarchically – what should a viewer see first? what if they look deeper?

Worked example

  • Participants heard examples from an artificial language 
  • Three different presentation methods for examples – index cards, list of sentences, mp3 files on ipod
  •  Task was to spread $100 of "bets" across different continuations for a new example
  • Dependent measure was bet on the correct answer

Worked example

bar graph

bar graph

bar graph with standard errors

bar graph with standard errors

bar graph with 95% CIs

bar graph with 95% CIs

box plot

box plot

viola plot

viola plot

strip chart

strip chart

strip chart with means

strip chart with means

strip chart with means

strip chart with means

Morals of the example

  • Summary statistics 
    • almost always necessary
    • but at what level of analysis? 
  • Distribution is important
    • what is the form of the data?
    • is your summary misleading?
  • Fancier is not always better
    • pretty pictures are awesome
    • but not if they obscure the data

Source: Mike Frank and Ed Vul, https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/res-9-0002-statistics-and-visualization-for-data-analysis-and-inference-january-iap-2009/96df7f49cd50ed9bb0feb4793b9c8d89_lec1_visulzatn.pdf
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.

Conventional visualizations

Conventional visualizations

Histogram, Pie Chart, Stacked bar graph & Venn diagram


  • Important first way of looking at your data
  • One dimensional
  • Shows shape by binning a continuous distribution


Grouped histogram

Grouped histogram

Grouped histogram

Pie chart

  • A whole split into parts
  • Emphasizes that all parts sum to a constant
  • Single dimension with discrete categories

Pie chart

Stacked bar graph

  • Wholes split into parts
  • Easy to compare
    • often better than pie chart
  • Can have multiple discrete dimensions

Stacked bar graph

Venn diagram

  • Shows overlap between discrete groups
  • Sometimes the only way to display overlapping sets
  • Unintuitive
    • no "popout"

Venn diagram

Scatter plot, Line graph & Bar graph

Conventional visualizations

Scatter plot

  • Relationship between observations on two continuous dimensions
  • Can show multiple groups 
  • Can show trend lines etc.
  • Uninformative with too much data

Scatter plot

Scatter plot

Line graph

  • Also ubiquitous!
  • Good for showing one variable (e.g., time) as continuous even though you have discrete measures
  • Can compare several discrete groups

Line graph

Bar graph

  • aka "dynamite plot"
  • Ubiquitous!
  • Can be used for lots of discrete grouping factors
  • Natural semantics of grouping 
  • Conceals data

Line graph

More bar graphs

More bar graphs

Heat map & Bubble plot

Conventional visualizations

Heat map

  • Works very well when there are natural semantics
  • Color mapping can be problematic 
    • grayscale usually fine 
  • Can be unintuitive

Heat map

Bubble plot 

  • Can be very intuitive
  • Size is not perfectly quantitative

Bubble plot

Trellis plots

Trellis plots

Tips and Tricks

Three tricks for doing more with less

  • Multiple plots
    • simple, easily interpretable subplots
    • can be beautiful but overwhelming
  • Hybrid plots
    • a scatter plot of histograms
    • or a venn-diagram of histograms, etc. 
  • Multiple axes
    • plot two (or more) different things on one graph
Hybrid plots

Hybrid plots

Hybrid plots

Hybrid plots

Multiple plots

Multiple plots

Multiple plots

Multiple plots

Multiple plots

Multiple axes

Multiple axes

Multiple axes

Two tradeoffs

Two tradeoffs

  • Informativeness vs. readability
    • Too little information can conceal data
    • But too much information can be overwhelming
    • Possible solution: hierarchical organization? 
  • Data-centric vs. viewer-centric 
    • Viewers are accustomed to certain types of visualization 
    • But novel visualizations can be truer to data

Information vs. readability

  • Pirahã people of Brazil
    • Isolated indigenous group
    • No words for numbers 
  • Previous research suggested that they were unable to do simple matching games
  • Five matching games, 14 participants, quantities 4-10 (split among participants)

Information vs. readability

Information vs. readability

Information vs. readability

Data-centric vs. viewer-centric

  • Web study of word learning 
    • n=700 
    • lots of noise
  • varied number of objects with different properties
    • asked for bets
  • had a model that predicted performance

Data-centric vs. viewer-centric

Data-centric vs. viewer-centric

Data-centric vs. viewer-centric

Data-centric vs. viewer-centric

Data-centric vs. viewer-centric

Data-centric vs. viewer-centric

Data-centric vs. viewer-centric


  • High Dimensionality Doesn't Guarantee Excellence
    High Dimensionality Doesn't Guarantee Excellence
High Dimensionality Doesn't Guarantee Excellence

  • Messy bar graphs
    •  Sometimes you can discretize way too many variables
       Messy bar graphs

       Messy bar graphs
       Messy bar graphs

  • Too much data for one plot
     Too much data for one plot

  • Difficulty of comparison
     Difficulty of comparison

  • Bad semantics