BUS633 Study Guide

Site: Saylor Academy
Course: BUS633: Sales Management
Book: BUS633 Study Guide
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Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 8:19 PM

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Study Guide Structure

In this study guide, the sections in each unit (1a., 1b., etc.) are the learning outcomes of that unit. 

Beneath each learning outcome are:

  • questions for you to answer independently;
  • a brief summary of the learning outcome topic; and
  • and resources related to the learning outcome. 

At the end of each unit, there is also a list of suggested vocabulary words.


How to Use this Study Guide

  1. Review the entire course by reading the learning outcome summaries and suggested resources.
  2. Test your understanding of the course information by answering questions related to each unit learning outcome and defining and memorizing the vocabulary words at the end of each unit.

By clicking on the gear button on the top right of the screen, you can print the study guide. Then you can make notes, highlight, and underline as you work.

Through reviewing and completing the study guide, you should gain a deeper understanding of each learning outcome in the course and be better prepared for the final exam!

Unit 1: The Importance of the Sales Function

1a. Analyze the evolution of selling and the sales profession

  • When selling a product, how can you solve a customer’s problem?
  • What value can be added when promoting a product?
  • How have sales tactics evolved over the last few decades?

Sales promotion and the evolution of selling have changed over the last few decades. The way that products are promoted, sales tactics, advertising, and selling have all evolved as consumers have become more specific in their needs. Customers now have more choices than they have ever had in the past, and it is important to be able to differentiate between the various products being sold on the market.

Today, it is important that sales promotion includes information about how the product can solve a particular problem the customer is having. This type of marketing adds value to the customer and addresses their needs.

To review, see The Evolution of Sales.

1b. Evaluate the role professional salespeople play in a company's success

  • What defines a successful salesperson?
  • How does a salesperson add to a company's success?
  • Why is it important to define company success because of sales?

Professional salespeople promote products and provide a connection between a company and its customers. The skills that salespeople develop because of years of experience help the company to be more successful. By understanding the needs of the customer, a salesperson can better determine what products might work best for the individual customer.

Defining a successful salesperson can be difficult because each person may demonstrate selling ability in a different way. For one salesperson, it may be the immediate connection they have with the customer. And for another, it may be that they are able to show a customer how their products fulfill needs they didn't know they had. Each salesperson adds to the overall company and their bottom line.

To review, see Selling and the Marketing Mix.

1c. Assess different types of salespeople in B2B and B2C organizations

  • Can you name three different types of salespeople?
  • Do salespeople vary? If so, why?
  • Can a mediocre salesperson become better at their job? If so, how?

It is important that all salespeople understand the basic aspects of every sale. These may include preparing for a sales meeting with a customer, developing a professional relationship, making a presentation, storytelling, and closing the sale. These are just a few of the steps in the sales process. Most salespeople may master one of these steps or phases, but very few can master all the steps; and those that can are very successful.

As a sales manager, it may become very clear which type of salespeople need additional training and in what aspects or phases of the sales process. By understanding each salesperson's strengths and weaknesses, you can better determine how to help them and then increase sales for the company.

The best types of salespeople may include experts, consultants, and closers. Each of these is more successful than most, but these salespeople still require skill development to better relate to their customers.

To review, see Types of Salespeople.

1d. Evaluate the importance of customer relationships in sales

  • How do you define a customer relationship?
  • Why are customer relationships important in the sales process?
  • What is the difference between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty?

Customer relationships are very important in direct sales, and they directly affect sales and define the success of a salesperson. By building relationships with customers, a salesperson helps with customer satisfaction and may build customer loyalty over the long term.

Long-term customers may help to build a company and define a reputation in the field as people who know what they are doing and have remained customer-focused. Loyal customers may help to build a business as they may tell others about their experience with the business. This influence can work both ways. If a customer has a bad experience or bad relationship with a salesperson, they may tell others about that experience, and that can hurt the company's reputation.

To review, see Improve Your Customer Relationships.

Unit 1 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • customer relationships
  • evolution of selling
  • professional salespeople
  • types of salespeople

Unit 2: Prospecting and Qualifying

2a. Demonstrate five methods of prospecting for new customers

  • What are methods for prospecting for new customers?
  • How can a salesperson obtain a new customer?
  • Why is it important to obtain new customers?

Prospecting new customers is part of every salesperson's job, and there are various methods for accomplishing this task. These methods might include referrals, making warm calls or emails, connecting on LinkedIn, or creating partnerships with others to get the sale, etc. Some salespeople may be better at building these relationships, while others may have to work on the process.

By better understanding the prospecting process, a salesperson may easily gain new customers or build relationships that may later become fruitful in gaining new customers. It is important that, as a salesperson, you are consistently trying to better yourself and improve your knowledge about the products you sell. This may be useful in the future as you prospect for new customers.

To review, see Sales Process and Prospecting.

2b. Use demographics, psychographics, and geographics to identify potential customers

  • How can demographics be used to identify new customers?
  • How can psychographics be used to identify new customers?
  • How can geographics be used to identify new customers?

The use of demographics, psychographics, and geographics allows a marketer to segment the market and potentially identify potential customers. Psychographics allow a glimpse into the personality, lifestyle, traits, and/or values of a consumer, and understanding these traits may help in understanding the purchasing process. By combining psychographics and demographics, a marketer can narrow down a specific target market to determine which potential customers they may sell to. Geographic segmentation includes targeting customers by their physical location.

For example, a salesperson may want to know the average age of people who buy a certain product and discover people in their 60s are the target market, and by combining certain lifestyle traits of people in that age range, this is considered demographic information, and it helps to better understand the target market.

By segmenting customer information with demographic, psychographic, or geographic information, a salesperson may be able to better define their target market.

To review, see Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning.

2c. Evaluate how a potential customer becomes a qualified prospect

  • How might a potential customer become a qualified prospective customer?
  • Why is it important to understand qualified prospects in sales?
  • What is the process of qualifying a potential prospect?

By analyzing certain information about a potential customer, you may be able to determine if they are a qualified prospect for the product you are attempting to sell. By reviewing customer information, getting better-qualified leads, and understanding exactly who you are targeting, you can determine if a potential customer is a good prospect.

You may be able to analyze potential customers by determining who needs your product, if they can afford to pay for the product, or if they can authorize the purchase of the product. These phases may help you to better determine qualified prospects for your products and turn potential customers into long-term customers.

To review, see Generating More Qualified Leads.

Unit 2 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • demographic information
  • geographics
  • potential customer
  • prospecting new customers
  • psychographics
  • qualified prospect

Unit 3: The Pre-Approach

3a. Apply different methods salespeople use to research prospective customers

  • How can you learn about your potential customer prospects?
  • What different methods are available to salespeople to research potential prospects?
  • How can you find potential customer prospects?

Understanding how to find different prospective customers is an important part of a salesperson's job. Various methods may be applied to determine who these people are. Gathering information is an important start to this process. By understanding your resources and how to find potential information, you can begin to better understand who your potential customers are.

If your product solves a need or problem for a prospective customer, then it may be your job to communicate how your product does that. This is another potential method to find potential customer prospects.

Preparing a detailed customer presentation is another method salespeople use to reach potential customers. This presentation may include filling potential needs, understanding demographic information, and fulfilling those needs as well. It is important that this presentation is not created quickly, but thought and research is put into the process.

Ensuring the right people are aware of your product and what needs it fulfills is also important. These methods are just a few of the methods that salespeople use to determine who potential prospective customers are and how to relate wants and needs.

To review, see Learning About Your Prospects.

3b. Compare strategies to research the company and the industry

  • What are SMART objectives?
  • How can you research companies and industries to determine potential customers?
  • Why is it important to conduct research about potential customers?

SMART objectives stand for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time-bound. These objectives will help you to strategize possible ways to research companies and industries and find potential customers. SMART can also be used to set goals to help you in your daily work and personal life. By setting specific and measurable goals that include action steps, you may better understand this system and become more efficient.

It is important to research companies and their needs when attempting to find potential customers. This research may be conducted in a variety of ways, including online research, speaking to clients, customers, or employees of those companies, or scheduling a meeting in which you can ask questions. The better prepared you are with research, the easier it will be to find potential customers.

To review, see SMART Objectives.

3c. Use research to identify a prospect's potential needs

  • Why is it important to identify needs?
  • How can research help you to identify potential needs?
  • Why is trust important when determining needs?

Customers will only buy from people or companies that they trust, so developing trust and ensuring a worthy product can be good for a company's reputation. Monitoring that reputation can be a benefit when it comes to building customer loyalty.

Determining needs is important when it comes to finding a product match and potential customers. Conducting research about companies and their needs can help you establish a relationship with a company before determining if they are or can be a potential new customer.

To review, see Solving Customer Challenges.

Unit 3 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • company reputation
  • determining needs
  • prospective customers
  • SMART objectives

Unit 4: The Approach

4a. Apply strategies salespeople use to make a great first impression on a customer

  • Why is it important to make a great first impression with a customer?
  • If you do not make a good first impression, what might occur?
  • What strategies might someone use to make a good first impression with a customer?

Making a good first impression is important when meeting a potential customer for the first time. If you do not make a good first impression, then you may never get a chance to repair that relationship.

The Six Cs of Selling include confidence, credibility, contact, communication, customization, and collaboration. Each of the Six Cs of Selling can assist you in ensuring you can make a positive first impression with a potential customer. For example, by displaying confidence and understanding your product, you can attempt to build trust with a potential customer. By collaborating with a potential customer, you can better determine a win-win situation for both your company and your client. 

To review, see Six Cs of Making a Good First Impression.

4b. Analyze strategies salespeople use to establish a good rapport with a customer

  • Why is it important to build a good rapport with a customer?
  • How can you establish a good rapport with a customer?
  • What are some steps you can take to develop a good customer rapport?

Developing a good customer rapport is important during the sale process, and it is effective when attempting to build a relationship with a customer. Salespeople may use different tactics to build rapport with a potential customer. These might include smiling, using active listening, being empathic, asking open-ended questions, or establishing trust. Any of these may help to build rapport with a potential customer.

For instance, by simply smiling during a meeting or making emphatic gestures, you can develop a positive interaction with a potential customer. These small, non-verbal gestures will help you interact in a positive way with a potential client and build a relationship that may help you as you serve the customers' needs.

To review, see How to Start Off on the Right Foot.

4c. Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate strategies for establishing rapport

  • Why is it important to know what you should not do on a sales call?
  • How do you know what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior during a sales call?
  • How can appropriate behavior help to establish rapport during a sales call?

In the last section, we mentioned some of the appropriate strategies you can use to help build a positive relationship with a potential customer and build a good rapport. In this section, we will discuss a few things you should not do or things that may be inappropriate strategies during a sales call.

Ensuring that you have conducted the appropriate research prior to any meeting with a potential client is important. If you are not prepared, it becomes obvious, and you will not get another chance to show the customer how you will be able to assist them with their needs. Trying to fake it through your presentation is a bad idea. Also, you should avoid any inappropriate jokes or behavior during your sales call. You should also ensure that you listen more than you talk and that you do not stay longer than you should. By understanding and utilizing each of these practices, you can ensure a better outcome for your sales call.

To review, see What Not to Do on a Sales Call.

Unit 4 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • appropriate strategies
  • building rapport
  • inappropriate strategies
  • Six Cs of Selling

Unit 5: The Presentation and Documentation

5a. Apply strategies to get the customer engaged in the sales process

  • What can you do to engage the customer?
  • Why is it important to engage the customer?
  • What is SPIN, and how does it apply to selling?

It is important to engage the customer during the sales process so that you can determine how you can help and what product or products might be best for the customer. There are a few strategies that might work best in a sales call. Parts of the sales call include an opening statement, asking questions to determine needs, discussing possible solutions, and then asking for the sale.

One way to research and ask questions is to use the Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-Payoff (SPIN), which includes four types of questions. It is important to listen more than you speak during a sales call, and the answers to these questions can help to determine needs. Asking about their situation and the problem they are currently encountering can help you determine how you might be able to help or what products you might recommend.

To review, see SPIN Selling.

5b. Compare and contrast features and benefits

  • Why is it important to explore the features of a product with a potential customer?
  • Why is it important to explore the benefits of a product with a potential customer?
  • How can you determine which features and benefits might be best for the customer?

After you have listened intently to the customer explain their problem and any related issues, you will need to offer solutions. You would not be meeting with a potential customer unless there was a possibility that you could offer a solution to their problem. But how you present this information can either make or break the possibility that you gain a new client during the meeting.

By accurately demonstrating the benefits and features of your product and how it will solve their problem, you can gain a new client. It is important that you specifically relate how the product will benefit your customer and not just any customer. By listening intently, you can determine needs and then present a personalized solution to their problem.

To review, see Using Features versus Benefits in Sales.

5c. Analyze the importance of listening

  • What is active listening?
  • How can listening help you with a potential new customer?
  • Should you talk or listen more during a sales call? Why?

Most people believe they are good listeners, but history has shown that most people can't wait until the other person is done talking so they can speak about what is on their mind. This is not a good example of active listening. An active listener will listen and then repeat what the person said to ensure they completely understood. During a sales call, it is important that active listening is used throughout the entire meeting. A successful sales call will result in the salesperson listening more than they talk during the meeting. This is important so you can understand the problem completely and offer a solution.

The other things to watch for during a sales call are non-verbal cues. These might include someone who is looking at their watch several times during the meeting (this typically means they are not interested and wish they were someone else). Another non-verbal cue might be rolling their eyes upwards while you are talking, which means they may not believe what you are saying. These examples of non-verbal cues mean that you should slow down and ask more questions to ensure you understand needs.

To review, see Active Listening.

5d. Analyze how technology can be leveraged during a sales presentation

  • How can technology be used in a sales presentation?
  • Which is better, a virtual or in-person sales call?
  • What kind of multimedia can you use in a sales presentation?

Once you have been in sales for a while, you may know exactly what to do in almost any situation. But when you first start out, it may take some time to understand how to present, what your options are, and what type of meeting might be needed. It will be important to understand the difference between a virtual meeting and an in-person meeting. In-person is almost always better, but there are times when something needs to happen quickly or on the same day, and a virtual meeting is necessary. It is important to consider all the things you might do in person and include those in a virtual meeting.

Using technology during your sales presentation is expected. But you do not want to overwhelm the customer with too many bells and whistles. Too much information is never a good thing. Getting as specific as possible in a short period of time and videos are great for this because they can demonstrate how the product is used. You also need to make sure that any multimedia (videos, PowerPoints, charts, graphs, etc.) you use during your sales presentation works. Practicing and bringing back-up media may be a good idea, just in case anything goes wrong.

To review, see Making Your Presentation Work.

Unit 5 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • benefits and features of a product
  • good listeners
  • multimedia
  • non-verbal cues
  • SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-payoff)

Unit 6: Handling Objections

6a. Evaluate objections and how objections can show interest from the customer

  • What are customer objections?
  • How might a customer objection be handled?
  • How does an objection demonstrate interest from the customer?

An objection may come in the form of a question, or it might be a hesitancy about you, your company, or the product you have presented. A salesperson might believe that a customer objection means they are not interested in the sale. But you need to remember that you are there for a reason, and the customer is interested in solving their problem.

A question or questions may be a way to gain clarification to understand how the product might solve their needs. Objections show interest in the product, and the customer is asking for clarification. This is a chance for you to build a relationship with the customer. The better you understand the problem and the potential solution, the better you can handle any objections.

To review, see Handling Objections.

6b. Analyze different types of common objections

  • What is an example of an objection?
  • How might you handle an objection?
  • Should you anticipate objections? Why or why not?

After hearing an objection during your sales presentation, it is important to determine what type of objection it is. Is it a question needing clarification or additional information about the product? Or is it more of hesitancy about you, your company, or the product you have presented? You will need to understand the difference so you can accurately address the issue. If the objection comes in the form of questions about the product, then it will be important for you to come back to your presentation and give the details they are asking for.

Not all objections can be anticipated. But there are some anticipated objections you can expect and be prepared for. For example, perhaps they have an objection about the cost of the product. You can be prepared with information about how much the problem is costing them now, and if your product is a fraction of that cost, then your product may seem like a bargain. You may also bring information about financing or how they might pay for the product. By anticipating these needs, you can be prepared for objections and complete research before your sales presentation to handle objections.

To review, see Type of Objections and How to Handle Them.

6c. Apply strategies to handle an objection

  • What strategies can you use to handle an objection?
  • Why is it important to handle an objection?
  • Why is it important to acknowledge an objection?

Acknowledging an objection is the first step in communicating with the customer, and you need to express that you understand their concerns and then ask questions to ensure you can properly answer the objection. Responding to and answering their needs is important during this phase of the sales process, and you will need to ask if you have addressed all concerns. If you did not, you will need to start the process again to ensure you have addressed all objections before you can move forward. This demonstrates how important it is to utilize active listening during the sales process.

A few strategies to handle objections might include viewing the objection as a question, responding with questions, restating the objection to ensure you understand, or using stories or past examples. All these strategies will help you to better service the customer and understand their needs. In addition, they may help you to build a better relationship with the customer as they see how well you understand their needs and your products.

To review, see Simple Steps to Overcoming Every Objection.

Unit 6 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • anticipated objections
  • objections
  • strategies to handle objections

Unit 7: Closing the Sale

7a. Analyze a trial close

  • What is a trial close in a sales presentation?
  • How will it help to analyze a trial close?
  • How can you analyze a trial close?

A trial close occurs at the end of the sales presentation, and it is a way to check in with the customer and see if there are further objections or anything that has not been addressed or answered during the meeting. It is also a chance to analyze the response and see if there is something you can do when the close occurs.

The trial close will give you insight into what the customer is looking at and what they might need additional information about. You might also attempt to determine what the customer might focus on by the way the sales presentation is going. Addressing any further issues prior to the closing would be beneficial during this time.

To review, see Trial Close and Challenges.

7b. Analyze different types of closes

  • What are the different types of closes that might occur in a sales presentation?
  • Why do you need to be aware of the different types of closings?
  • How can you decide which type of closing to use in a sales presentation?

A few of the different types of closes include a brief summary close, direct request close, and alternative choice close. It is important to understand the various types of closing so that you can match the appropriate close with the sales presentation, customer needs, and how the presentation seems to be going.

Here are brief descriptions of the various closings that might be used in the sales presentation process. The direct request close occurs when you simply ask the customer for their purchase at the end of your presentation. The brief summary close occurs when you summarize the benefits of your product for the customer. The alternative choice close allows options between two products and requires the customer to choose.

To review, see Types of Closes.

7c. Adapt alternative options for closing a sale

  • Why should you remain flexible during the sales presentation?
  • Why is it important to understand possible alternative options in closing?
  • Can't you just finish the sales presentation and assume the customer will say yes or no? Why, or why not?

It is important to remain flexible during the sales process because each customer will have different needs, and your sales techniques will need to match that customer. By understanding each of the types of closing and adjusting your presentation and closing to the customer's needs, you may be better prepared to have the customer agree to the purchase. Since the goal of the presentation is to end with a sales purchase, you will need to ask for the order by ending with a specific sales closing.

For example, if you see that the customer has quite a few questions about specific features of the product, then you must remain flexible and adjust your presentation by answering those questions. These types of questions may require a different type of closing than what you have planned. For example, you may want to end your sales presentation with a brief summary close and include the benefits of the product since they had so many questions about the product itself.

To review, see Closing Techniques.

Unit 7 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • alternative choice close
  • brief summary close
  • direct request close
  • trial close

Unit 8: Follow Up

8a. Evaluate techniques salespeople use to add value and gain additional sales

  • Do you need to follow up with a customer after a sales presentation? Why or why not?
  • What is an example of following up with a customer?
  • Should you mention in the sales presentation that you will follow up afterward?

Adding value for a customer may be as easy as checking in and following through or seeing if there is anything you can do to assist the customer with the implementation of using the product.

Following up with a customer after a sales presentation is an important part of the sales process. At the end of your sales presentation, you need to mention that you will follow up with the customer to see if they have any further questions after they have had some time to think about the product and their needs. You should follow up to answer any additional questions or to ask for their order.

Even if you get the sale, you still should follow up to see how the implementation process is going. This will also help you to develop a better relationship with the customer or see if they have additional needs you might be able to fill. There are various ways you can follow through with a potential customer. You may be able to follow up with a phone call, an email, a handwritten thank you note, or stop by in person. By following up with a potential customer, you have the chance to add value to the sale and to the relationship you are trying to build with your customer.

To review, see Following Up.

8b. Assess the importance of customer loyalty for future profits of the company

  • How do you build customer loyalty?
  • Why is customer loyalty important to build?
  • How are customer loyalty and future company profits linked?

Creating and working to build customer loyalty is an important part of the sales process, and it occurs after the sale has been completed. It is important to build because you may be able to gain additional purchases in the future, or the customer may refer other companies to you. By consistently checking in and following through each phase after the sale, you can build customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction occurs when a customer is happy with their purchase or service and may tell others about that experience. Customers may become loyal after several successful purchases and when the level of customer satisfaction improves.

Most companies may survive on a few great customers who frequently make purchases, and these customers may be directly linked to future profits at your organization. These are the customers you want to make sure you take care of and check in with frequently. From time to time, you may also give away items to these customers to increase their loyalty.

To review, see Customer Satisfaction.

8c. Evaluate the benefits of a good follow-up strategy

  • How can you develop a good follow-up strategy?
  • Why is it important to have a follow-up strategy?
  • What are the benefits of following up with a customer?

As mentioned in a previous section, following through with a customer is important in building customer loyalty, and it may be as easy as checking in with your customer to better develop the relationship you have with the customer. Developing a good follow-through strategy that you use for every customer will be essential. It may be what other salespeople are doing, or you may come up with something entirely different to try.

You may follow through with a potential customer by a phone call, an email, or a handwritten thank you note, or you can stop by to see the customer. By following up with a potential customer, you have the chance to add value to the sale and to the relationship you are trying to build with your customer.

To review, see Following Up.

Unit 8 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • adding value
  • customer loyalty
  • customer satisfaction
  • following up
  • future profits

Unit 9: Selling Strategies

9a. Analyze the concept of consultative selling

  • What is consultative selling?
  • How can consultative selling help with sales?
  • In sales, why is it important to have strong industry knowledge?

By demonstrating your knowledge of the industry you work in, you may be able to use consultative selling as part of your sales process. Your industry expertise will assist when it comes to knowing your customers' options.

With consultative selling, you would use this expertise to help advise your customers on what their options are and how they might move forward. In the consultative selling role, you would assist customers by advising them of possible options that may not result in the purchase of a specific product but may help a customer uncover all of their possible options. This works especially well for those companies that have products and services they can offer potential customers.

To review, see Consultative Selling.

9b. Apply the SPIN Model of selling

  • What is SPIN selling?
  • How can SPIN be used in the sales process?
  • Why is it important to ask questions during the sales presentation?

As a reminder, SPIN selling is the process of asking questions to better determine needs. A sales call might include a few basic sections, including an opening statement, asking questions to determine needs, discussing possible solutions, and then asking for the sale.

Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-payoff (SPIN) includes asking these four types of questions during the sales process. By listening more than you speak during a sales call, you can ask questions to have a better understanding of customer needs. Asking about their situation and the problem they are currently encountering can help you determine how you might be able to help or what products you might recommend.

To review, see Using Questions in the SPIN Model.

9c. Compare and contrast the four social styles of customers

  • Do customers have social styles? If so, why?
  • What are the four customer social styles?
  • How can understanding customer social styles help you in the sales process?

Customers typically fall into one of four social styles. These social styles include amiable, expressive, analytical, and driver. The amiable social style is friendly and supportive. The expressive social style is typically emotional and expressive. The analytical social style is typically thoughtful and reserved. The driver social style is typically direct, authoritative, and moves quickly.

By understanding these styles, you may be able to recognize the different styles in your customers and tailor the specific sales process to their style and needs. For example, if you believe you have a customer who is the driver social style, you may need to be more direct and get right to the point to accommodate that style and move the sales process along. In addition, understanding the styles may help you to better develop relationships with your customers.

To review, see Adaptive Selling.

9d. Adapt sales strategies to the four different customer types

  • What is adaptive selling?
  • How can adaptive selling be used in the sales process?
  • Why would you want to remain flexible in the sales process?

Once you understand the four different customer styles, then you can adapt your sales process to move the sales presentation forward. Being flexible and adjusting according to what occurs during the sales process will give you more freedom to adapt and resolve issues quickly.

Adaptive selling means that you listen to understand the customers' needs and then adjust yourself to the changes presented during the meeting. The opposite side of this would be someone who uses the same sales presentation information each time they present to a customer, and they do not understand how to adapt to the changing situation.

To review, see Adaptive Selling.

Unit 9 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • adaptive selling
  • amiable social style
  • analytical social style
  • consultative selling
  • driver social style
  • expressive social style
  • social styles

Unit 10: Selling Yourself

10a. Apply the steps a salesperson uses to create their personal brand

  • Why is it important to create your personal brand?
  • What three things must be considered when developing your personal brand?
  • How can you use your personal brand daily?

Developing and understanding your personal brand is important in your job as a salesperson. You can create your own personal brand by choosing three things that are important to you as you work through the day. These three things may define you as a person and assist you in your job as a salesperson. If the company you work for has a mission statement that is aligned with your own personal brand, then your goals are aligned.

For example, one person might choose freedom, dependability, and creativity as their three words. This person appreciates having the freedom to complete their work but likes to be creative in their decision-making process, and most likely, their employer knows they are dependable. This person would like to work for a company that is also aligned with their personal brand.

To review, see The Power of Your Personal Brand.

10b. Evaluate how the selling process can be used in getting a job

  • How can the selling process be used to get a job?
  • Can you use the selling process to negotiate in a job interview?
  • How can understanding the selling process help you personally?

A good understanding of the selling process can help you to better understand sales and yourself. You can apply the selling process to the job interview process. This can be done by understanding and negotiating throughout the entire job interview process.

The basic aspects of the sales process include preparing for the meeting, developing a professional relationship, presentation, storytelling, presentation, and closing the sale. Each of these steps is also present in the interview process, and as a salesperson, you should be able to sell yourself well during the interview. In addition, by better understanding your own personal brand, you can better present yourself in the interview.

To review, see Defining Your Personal Brand.

10c. Apply techniques a salesperson may use to differentiate themself from the competition

  • What value can you bring to any employer?
  • How can you set yourself apart from the competition in the job interview?
  • What techniques can you use to set yourself apart from others?

By understanding the sales process and your own personal brand, you may be better equipped to succeed in the job interview process. As a salesperson, it is important to understand that you can use your knowledge of the sales process in other aspects of your life. By understanding your personal brand, you can set yourself apart from the competition during the interview process.

For example, if your personal brand is about freedom, dependability, and using your creativity, then these strengths may be used in the interview process by giving creative answers and demonstrating your own dependability through your interview responses.

Companies set their brand in a mission statement, and people have their own personal mission statements and brands as well. Even if you have not created your own brand statement in the past, you can do it now and then utilize it during your interview. By showing that you understand yourself and others during your interview, you can set yourself apart from the competition.

To review, see Defining Your Personal Brand.

Unit 10 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • apply the selling process
  • personal brand
  • set yourself apart