Functions, Loops, and Logic

The core of Python programming is conditional if/else/elif control statements, loops, and functions. These are powerful tools that you must master to solve problems and implement algorithms. Use these materials to practice their syntax. If/else/elif blocks allow your program to make conditional decisions based upon values available at the time the block is executed. Loops allow you to perform a set of operations a set number of times based on a set of conditions. Python has two types of loops: for loops and while loops. For loops work by counting and terminating when the loop has executed the prescribed number of times. While loops work by testing a logical condition, and the loop terminates when the logical condition evaluates to a value of false. Functions are designed to take in a specific set of input values, operate on those values, and then return a set of output results.



Let's try creating a basic function. Use tab to indent the second line, and press enter on an empty line to finish the function.

>>> def add_numbers(x, y):
...     return x + y
... # Press Enter

Now let's try our new function. Type this into your REPL:
>>> add_numbers(1, 2)
# Let's use the string formatting we learned in the last chapter
>>> print(f"The sum of 1 and 2 is {add_numbers(1, 2)}")

The Importance of Whitespace

Here's an error that you'll become very familiar with during your career as a Pythonista, the IndentationError. Whitespace is important for defining function scope in python, so missing or extra indentations or spaces will cause the runtime to throw this error. Let's redefine our add_numbers function, but we'll forget to indent the second line, return x + y. Notice that the second line is directly under (at the same indentation level) as the def:

>>> def add_numbers(x, y):
... return x + y
  File "<stdin>", line 2
    return x + y
IndentationError: expected an indented block

Notice how the runtime tells us the line that failed (line 2), gives you a copy of the line with an arrow pointing to the offending error (return x + y), and then tells you the error (IndentationError) with additional information (expected an indented block).

Function Scope

As we saw earlier, scoping in Python happens with whitespace. Let's see this in action:

>>> x = 1
>>> y = 2
>>> def add_numbers(x, y):
...     print(f"Inside the function, x = {x} and y = {y}")
...     return x + y
>>> print(f"Outside the function, x = {x} and y = {y}")
>>> print(f"The sum of 5 and 6 is {add_numbers(5, 6)}")

Positional Arguments vs Keyword Arguments

The x and y arguments for our add_numbers() function are called positional arguments. Python also lets us declare keyword arguments. Keyword arguments are great for setting default values, because passing them is optional. Just remember that keyword arguments must come after any positional arguments. Let's make a more generic function for doing math:

>>> def calculate_numbers(x, y, operation="add"):
...     if operation == "add":
...         return x + y
...     elif operation == "subtract":
...         return x - y
# Let's try our new function. Remember, if we don't pass the operation keyword argument, the default is "add"
>>> calculate_numbers(2, 3)
# You can pass a keyword argument as a normal positional argument
>>> calculate_numbers(2, 3, "subtract")
# You can also use the argument's keyword. This helps with readability
>>> calculate_numbers(2, 3, operation="subtract")

Boolean Logic


Let's practice using our comparison operators. Remember:

Operator Means
< less-than
<= less-than-or-equal-to
> greater-than
>= greater-than-or-equal-to
== equals
!= not-equals

Remember, the first six operators test the object's value. is and is not test whether two objects are the same thing. This is useful for singletons, such as None or False. We won't be using them much in this intro course, but feel free to play with them.
>>> 10 > 5
>>> 5 > 10
>>> 10 > 10
>>> 10 >= 10
>>> 5 < 10
>>> 5 < 5
>>> 5 <= 5
>>> 5 == 5
>>> 5 != 10


Different languages have different ideas of what is "truthy" and "falsy". In Python, all objects can be tested for truth, and an object is considered True unless except under certain circumstances that we talked about earlier in the chapter. Remember that checking if an object is "equal" to another object doesn't necessarily mean the same thing. An object is considered "truthy" if it satisfies the check performed by if or while statements.

Let's try a few of these out:
>>> 5 == True
>>> # The number 5 does not equal True, but...
>>> if 5:
...     print("The number 5 is truthy!")
>>> # The number 5 is truthy for an if test!

True and False can also be represented by 1 and 0
>>> 1 == True
>>> 0 == False

Boolean Operators

Python also supports boolean operators, although they're a little different than the comparison operators. Remember that or and and return one of their operands, rather than True or False.

Operation Result
x or y True if either x or y is True
x and y True if both x and y are True
not x Negates the value of x (i.e. True if x is False)

# Of course, you can use `and` and `or` aren't limited to two operands
>>> a = False
>>> b = False
>>> c = False
>>> a or b or c
>>> b = True
>>> a or b or c

>>> a and b and c
>>> a = True
>>> c = True
>>> a and b and c

>>> a = False
>>> b = False
>>> not a
>>> a and not b

Control statements and looping

if, else, and elif

Let's practice our branching statements. Remember that elif (short for else if) is an optional branch that will let you add another if test, and else is an optional branch that will catch anything not previously caught by if or elif.
>>> def test_number(number):
...     if number < 100:
...         print("This is a pretty small number")
...     elif number == 100:
...         print("This number is alright")
...     else:
...         print("This number is huge!")
>>> test_number(5)
>>> test_number(99)
>>> test_number(100)
>>> test_number(8675309)

You can also have multiple conditions in an if statement. This function prints "Fizzbuzz!" if the number is divisible by both 3 and 5 (the % or modulo operator returns the remainder from the division of two numbers):

>>> def fizzbuzz(number):
...     if number % 3 == 0 and number % 5 == 0:
...         print("Fizzbuzz!")
>>> fizzbuzz(3)
>>> fizzbuzz(5)
>>> fizzbuzz(15)

Let's also practice using if to test for an empty list. Remember that an empty list is "Falsey", or resolves to False. Write a function to print a list of elements, or an error message if the list is empty. Print a special message if a list item is None:

>>> def my_func(my_list):
...     if my_list:
...         for item in my_list:
...             if item is None:
...                 print("Got None!")
...             else:
...                 print(item)
...     else:
...         print("Got an empty list!")
>>> my_func([1, 2, 3])
>>> my_func([2, None, "hello", 42])
>>> my_func([])

The for loop, range() and enumerate()

Let's try making a list and looping over it:

>>> my_list = [0, 1, 2]
>>> for num in my_list:
...     print(f"Next value: {num}")

If we're just interested in looping over a list of numbers, we can use the range() function instead. Remember that the first argument is inclusive and the second is exclusive:

>>> for num in range(0, 3):
...     print(f"Next value: {num}")

Another useful function is enumerate(), which iterates over an iterable (like a list) and also gives you an automatic counter. enumerate() returns a tuple in the form of (counter, item).

>>> my_list = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
>>> for index, item in enumerate(my_list):
...     print(f"Item {index}: {item}")

We can also loop over a dictionary's keys and/or values. If you try to iterate over the dictionary object itself, what do you get?

>>> my_dict = {"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}
>>> for key in my_dict:
...     print(f"Key: {key}")
# This is equivalent to...
>>> for key in my_dict.keys():
...     print(f"Key: {key}")

The keys() method returns the dictionary's keys as a list, which you can then iterate over as you would any other list. This also works for values()

>>> for value in my_dict.values():
...     print(f"Value: {value}")

The most useful function, however, is items(), which returns the dictionary's items as tuples in the form of (key, value):

>>> for key, value in my_dict.items():
...     print(f"Item {key} = {value}")


You can use the return keyword to break out of a loop within a function, while optionally returning a value.

>>> def is_number_in_list(number_to_check, list_to_search):
...     for num in list_to_search:
...         print(f"Checking {num}...")
...         if num == number_to_check:
...             return True
...     return False
>>> my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> is_number_in_list(27, my_list)
>>> is_number_in_list(2, my_list)

Notice that our function is_number_in_list checks all the numbers in my_list on the first run, but on the next run, stops immediately when it hits 3 and returns True.

while loop

Instead of looping over a sequence, while loops continue looping while a certain condition is met (or not met). The condition is checked at the beginning of every iteration.

>>> counter = 0
>>> while counter < 3:
...     print(f"Counter = {counter}")
...     counter += 1

Notice that the loop ends once counter == 3, and the remainder of the loop is bypassed. You can also loop forever by using while True or while False, but you should make sure you have solid break conditions, or your program will just loop forever (unless that's what you want).

>>> counter = 0
>>> while True:
...     print(f"Counter = {counter}")
...     if counter == 3:
...         break
...     counter += 1

Nested Loops

Nesting loops is often necessary and sometimes tricky. The break keyword will only get you out of whichever loop you're breaking. The only way to exit all loops is with multiple break statements (at each level), or the return keyword (inside a function). For example:

names = ["Rose", "Max", "Nina"]
target_letter = 'x'
found = False

for name in names:
    for char in name:
            if char == target_letter:
                    found = True

    if found:
        print(f"Found {name} with letter: {target_letter}")


>>> for x in range(0, 5):
...     for y in range(0, 5):
...         print(f"x = {x}, y = {y}")
...         if y == 2:
...             break

Notice how the inner y loop never gets above 2, whereas the outer x loop continues until the end of its range.