Sustainability Innovation in Business

Sustainability innovators create new products and services designed to solve problems created by the collision of economic growth, population growth, and natural systems. Read this chapter on the changing conditions for business and how sustainable innovation concepts can be applied to deliver goods and services to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous global community.

What is the definition of sustainability innovation? How do sustainability design criteria differ from conventional business approaches?

Defining Sustainability Innovation

General Definition

Sustainability innovation reflects the next generation of economic development thinking. It couples environmentalism's protection of natural systems with the notion of business innovation while delivering essential goods and services that serve social goals of human health, equity, and environmental justice. It is the wave of innovation pushing society toward clean technology, the green economy, and clean commerce. It is the combined positive, pragmatic, and optimistic efforts of people around the world to refashion economic development into a process that addresses the fundamental challenges of poverty, environmental justice, and resource scarcity. At the organizational level, the term sustainability innovation applies to product/service and process design as well as company strategy.

Figure 2.8 The Movement toward Sustainability Innovation

Sustainability and sustainability innovation have been defined by different individuals representing diverse disciplines and institutions. Certain fundamentals lie at the concepts' core, however, and we illuminate these fundamentals in the discussion that follows. Keep in mind that any given definition's precision is less important than the vision and framework that guide actions in the direction of enduring healthy economic development. Later we will examine concepts and tools that are used to operationalize sustainability strategy and design. It is by combining existing definitions with an understanding of sustainability's drivers and then studying how entrepreneurial innovators implement the concept that you gain the full appreciation for the change sustainability represents. Note that you will find the terms sustainability, sustainable business, and even sustainability innovation used loosely in the media and sometimes applied to activities that are only continued ("sustained") as opposed to the meaning of sustainability we work with in this text. Our definition addresses the systemic endurance and smooth functioning of ecological systems and the preservation of carrying capacities, together with protection of human health, social justice, and vibrant communities. We are interested in entrepreneurial and innovative disruption that can accelerate progress along this path.